c# Programming Glossary: adsi
Can you find an Active Directory User's Primary Group in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1179858/can-you-find-an-active-directory-users-primary-group-in-c business but this code snippet is from my BeaverTail ADSI Browser which I wrote completely in C# in the .NET 1.1 days..
How to check if Windows user account name exists in domain? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1329833/how-to-check-if-windows-user-account-name-exists-in-domain helped me with this How Can I Get User Information Using ADSI The examples use ADSI but can be applied to .NET DirectoryServices.. How Can I Get User Information Using ADSI The examples use ADSI but can be applied to .NET DirectoryServices as well. They also..
How to validate domain credentials? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326818/how-to-validate-domain-credentials the AD schema cache has to be loaded at the client ADSI cache in the ADSI provider used by DirectoryServices . This.. cache has to be loaded at the client ADSI cache in the ADSI provider used by DirectoryServices . This is both network and..
Determine AD password policy programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4992474/determine-ad-password-policy-programmatically I have been using the System.DirectoryService ADSI classes and methods to create and change users in an Active..
Find Recursive Group Membership (Active Directory) using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6252819/find-recursive-group-membership-active-directory-using-c-sharp but it was in an LDIFDE.EXE filter. So I apply it to ADSI in C# and it's still working. There were too much parenthesis..
Querying an LDAP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6452531/querying-an-ldap improve this question First Element of response using ADSI old fashion How to do Almost everything with ADSI on Active.. using ADSI old fashion How to do Almost everything with ADSI on Active Directory with C# Second Element of response begining..