c# Programming Glossary: advices
MVVMCross Bindings in Android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10495137/mvvmcross-bindings-in-android Do I have to write my own MvXBindables first for it Some advices Thanks c# monodroid mvvmcross share improve this question..
On postback, how can I check which control cause postback in Page_Init event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3175513/on-postback-how-can-i-check-which-control-cause-postback-in-page-init-event share improve this question I see here are already great advices and methods how to get the post back control. But no post is..
IEnumerable<T> as return type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/381208/ienumerablet-as-return-type as a return type FxCop complains about returning List T it advices returning COllection T instead . Well I've always been guided..
Window hooks in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4974266/window-hooks-in-c-sharp WM_PAINT 15 private const int WH_GETMESSAGE 3 Any help advices c# setwindowshookex share improve this question The WH_GETMESSAGE..
How to get Google Analytics data using OAuth? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005665/how-to-get-google-analytics-data-using-oauth password but can not find anything. How can it be done any advices or links will be appreciated. thanks c# .net oauth google analytics..
Icecast 2: protocol description, streaming to it using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5215019/icecast-2-protocol-description-streaming-to-it-using-c-sharp streaming over TCP IP in common and ICY in particular advices and notes on the overall architecture of the application will..
How to get started building a web browser? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/598841/how-to-get-started-building-a-web-browser not only coding also design patterns and best practices advices are highly appreciated. PS I'm using C# .NET c# web browser..
c# working with Entity Framework in a multi threaded server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9415955/c-sharp-working-with-entity-framework-in-a-multi-threaded-server objectcontext share improve this question Some quick advices for Entity Framework in a multi threaded environment Don't use..