c# Programming Glossary: administrator
Detect if running as Administrator with or without elevated privileges? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1220213/detect-if-running-as-administrator-with-or-without-elevated-privileges This works to detect if a user is an administrator or not but doesn't work if running as an administrator without.. an administrator or not but doesn't work if running as an administrator without elevation. For example in vshost.exe . How can I determine..
Request Windows Vista UAC elevation if path is protected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17533/request-windows-vista-uac-elevation-if-path-is-protected
When is it OK to catch an OutOfMemoryException and how to handle it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2117142/when-is-it-ok-to-catch-an-outofmemoryexception-and-how-to-handle-it
How to start a Process as administrator mode in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2532769/how-to-start-a-process-as-administrator-mode-in-c-sharp to start a Process as administrator mode in C# I have a Visual Studio Windows app project. I've.. The installer after it has finished downloading would need administrator privileges to run. I have added a manifest file. When user clicks..
How to force my .NET App to run as administrator on Windows 7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2818179/how-to-force-my-net-app-to-run-as-administrator-on-windows-7 to force my .NET App to run as administrator on Windows 7 Once my program is installed on a client machine.. on a client machine how to force my program to run as administrator on Windows 7 c# .net windows 7 share improve this question..
C# Drag drop does not work on windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2833709/c-sharp-drag-drop-does-not-work-on-windows-7 privileges but your target application is running with administrator elevated level permission you will not be able to drag drop..
C# Service cannot execute batch file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361097/c-sharp-service-cannot-execute-batch-file I have run the service with a user that is in the group of administrator and it does not help the situation. I put back null for password..
Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/362419/using-process-start-to-start-a-process-as-a-different-user-from-within-a-windo the following manner The Windows Service is started using administrator credentials. When the time comes an intermediate .NET process..
How to get the word under the cursor in Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4665045/how-to-get-the-word-under-the-cursor-in-windows will require sufficient rights to do so such as being an administrator . And I don't think DExperience has any way to overcome these..
How can I tell if my process is running as Administrator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/509292/how-can-i-tell-if-my-process-is-running-as-administrator Technically if you want to see if the member is the local administrator account then you can get the security identifier SID of the.. SID has the following pattern indicating it is the local administrator account which is a well known SID S 1 5 other SID parts 500.. you can use the SecurityIdentifier class Get the built in administrator account. var sid new SecurityIdentifier WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid..
How to elevate privileges only when required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573086/how-to-elevate-privileges-only-when-required running process. It is built into Windows Vista that administrator privileges are given to a process upon startup as I understand...
How to get temporary folder for current user http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944483/how-to-get-temporary-folder-for-current-user folder path of current user like C Documents and Settings administrator Local Settings Temp . On some machines it gives me system temp.. user's temporary folder path like C Documents and Settings administrator Local Settings Temp c# .net temporary directory share improve..
C# MailTo with Attachment? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1195111/c-sharp-mailto-with-attachment subject body body Attach @ C Documents and Settings Administrator Desktop stuff.txt However this does not seem to work. Does anyone..
Detect if running as Administrator with or without elevated privileges? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1220213/detect-if-running-as-administrator-with-or-without-elevated-privileges if running as Administrator with or without elevated privileges I have an application that.. not. I currently have code set up like this static bool IsAdministrator WindowsIdentity identity WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent WindowsPrincipal.. identity return principal.IsInRole WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator This works to detect if a user is an administrator or not but..
Elevating process privilege programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133379/elevating-process-privilege-programatically the process has been started from Explorer with the Run as Administrator menu command. This does mean the UAC prompt will come up and..
UAC need for console application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227187/uac-need-for-console-application requestedPrivileges requestedExecutionLevel level requireAdministrator requestedPrivileges security trustInfo assembly But it still.. Update I am able to make it work if I run the solution in Administrator or when I run the bin .exe in Administrator. I am still wondering.. solution in Administrator or when I run the bin .exe in Administrator. I am still wondering if it's possible to have something that..
Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/362419/using-process-start-to-start-a-process-as-a-different-user-from-within-a-windo Here's how I have a windows service running as the Administrator user. I add the following policies to the Administrator user.. Administrator user. I add the following policies to the Administrator user Log on as a service Act as part of the operating system.. until next login. You can use another user instead of the Administrator which might make things a bit safer Now my windows service has..
ServiceController permissions in Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3892088/servicecontroller-permissions-in-windows-7 When you say that you started the application as Administrator do you mean under an account in the Administrators group or.. as Administrator do you mean under an account in the Administrators group or via a UAC prompt that requests administrator credentials.. the UAC credentials prompt or actually running as the Administrator account not an account within the Administrators group your..
How can I tell if my process is running as Administrator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/509292/how-can-i-tell-if-my-process-is-running-as-administrator can I tell if my process is running as Administrator I would like to display some extra UI elements when the process.. some extra UI elements when the process is being run as Administrator as opposed to when it isn't similar to how Visual Studio 2008.. when it isn't similar to how Visual Studio 2008 displays 'Administrator' in its title bar when running as admin. How can I tell c#..
Escape command line arguments in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510343/escape-command-line-arguments-in-c-sharp info.UseShellExecute true info.Verb runas Provides Run as Administrator info.Arguments EscapeCommandLineArguments args Process.Start..
File System TreeView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/673931/file-system-treeview Program Files FileZilla GPL.html C Documents and Settings Administrator ntuser.dat.LOG etc.... The list is not structured at all and..
To run cmd as administrator along with command? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7610727/to-run-cmd-as-administrator-along-with-command procStartInfo.Verb runas procStartInfo.Arguments env user Administrator cmd command command contains the command to be executed in cmd.. above command in a further set of quotes runas env user Administrator cmd K dir c Run the above command from a command prompt to make.. true Create our arguments string finalArgs @ env user Administrator subCommandFinal @ procStartInfo.Arguments finalArgs command..
How to get temporary folder for current user http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944483/how-to-get-temporary-folder-for-current-user one of the TMP TEMP or USERPROFILE variables for your Administrator user points to the windows path or else they're not set and..