c# Programming Glossary: administrative
In .NET/C# test if user is an administrative user http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089046/in-net-c-test-if-user-is-an-administrative-user .NET C# test if user is an administrative user Is there a canonical way to test to see if a user has.. Is there a canonical way to test to see if a user has administrative privileges on a machine I'm going to be starting a long running..
What's the best way to watchdog a desktop application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146381/whats-the-best-way-to-watchdog-a-desktop-application need to run on either the LocalSystem account nor with any administrative privileges at all. Actually I'd prefer it to run using the currently..
Any way to turn the “internet off” in windows using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1242566/any-way-to-turn-the-internet-off-in-windows-using-c keep in mind that you'll need Windows Vista or later and administrative privileges for this to work. Link to the firewall API documentation...
How to give my C# app administrative rights? manifest file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1850768/how-to-give-my-c-sharp-app-administrative-rights-manifest-file to give my C# app administrative rights manifest file I'm having some trouble with my C# app..
How do I pass credentials to a machine so I can use Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey() on it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2541504/how-do-i-pass-credentials-to-a-machine-so-i-can-use-microsoft-win32-registrykey if it's an out of domain machine with a different local administrative user of whom I do have the password . I tried to use WNetUseConnection..
setting UAC settings of a file in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737196/setting-uac-settings-of-a-file-in-c-sharp client computer .exe permissions to always execute with administrative permissions. please note that the file i wants to give permissions.. that file through another program written in c# and it has administrative permissions to do everything. kindly let me know how to do it.. the UAC not appeared and also the inam.exe cant perform administrative operations. actually i have already deployed an application..
IIS Express enable external request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3313616/iis-express-enable-external-request On Vista and Win7 run the following command from an administrative prompt netsh http add urlacl url http vaidesg 8080 user everyone.. 2 Support Tools. Then run the following command from an administrative prompt httpcfg set urlacl u http vaidesg1 8080 a D A GX WD ..
C#.NET: Acquire administrator rights? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583501/c-net-acquire-administrator-rights rights Is it possible in a C#.NET application to request administrative rights on a Windows 7 PC I want to be able to deploy the application.. via Click Once and have users use it to perform administrative tasks in this case it is writing registry entries for the main..
Conditional Logic in ASP.net page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/368169/conditional-logic-in-asp-net-page
How to execute a command in a remote computer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428276/how-to-execute-a-command-in-a-remote-computer Framework namespace System.Management you can automate administrative tasks using Windows Management Instrumentation WMI . Code Sample..
Determining if file exists using c# and resolving UNC path http://stackoverflow.com/questions/458363/determining-if-file-exists-using-c-sharp-and-resolving-unc-path running has access to the share. I think that by default administrative rights are required to access the share c . share improve this..
How to elevate privileges only when required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573086/how-to-elevate-privileges-only-when-required Vista I have an application which normally works without administrative privileges. There is one activity which does need administrative.. privileges. There is one activity which does need administrative privilege but I don't want to start the application itself with.. that they actually launch a separate process each time an administrative action needs to be performed Task Manager is one Paint.NET is..
Way to write on registry location http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5927152/way-to-write-on-registry-location abc efd rk.Close For HKLM you need to do it with administrative privileges. That requires adding a manifest to your program..
Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659013/accessing-a-shared-file-unc-from-a-remote-non-trusted-domain-with-credentials on the same domain. The best way is probably through the administrative built in shares. Example computername c program files Folder..
FileSystemWatcher Fails to access network drive http://stackoverflow.com/questions/960318/filesystemwatcher-fails-to-access-network-drive
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for Word Interop fails with error 80070005. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1491123/system-unauthorizedaccessexception-retrieving-the-com-class-factory-for-word-in ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6 Control Panel Administrative Tools Component Services Computers My Computer DCOM Config Find..
How to open window in the same View in MVC 4? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20071301/how-to-open-window-in-the-same-view-in-mvc-4 d.Add k k.ReceivedDate .SendDataKeys true .Action Download Administrative Action Authorize Roles Administrator Employee public ActionResult..
Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/362419/using-process-start-to-start-a-process-as-a-different-user-from-within-a-windo token These policies can be added by opening Control Panel Administrative Tools Local Security Policy User Rights Assignment. Once they..
How to load different RESX files based on some parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3635390/how-to-load-different-resx-files-based-on-some-parameter system where your aplication will be compiled or executed. Administrative rights are needed to be able to register the cultures. Once..
C# start Windows Service programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6667799/c-sharp-start-windows-service-programmatically Service Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service was not found on computer '.'. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception..
How do I use TransactionScope in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/794364/how-do-i-use-transactionscope-in-c configuration for MSDTC using the Component Services Administrative tool. using TransactionScope tsTransScope new TransactionScope..
Programmatically determine user who last modified file on Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8406720/programmatically-determine-user-who-last-modified-file-on-windows Panel click Performance and Maintenance and then click Administrative Tools. Double click Local Security Policy. In the left pane..