android Programming Glossary: workflow
Android - redirect to store if app not installed (launch from website) however this doesn't work on android. This is the basic workflow 1 user clicks link on our site 2 user is redirected to customProtocol..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? complex Android application consisting of many screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to.. screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine for.. based on the user's choices. Since we have so many workflows we need to create automated tests that span multiple activities..
android: open a pdf from my app using the built in pdf viewer do i open the file in that app from my app android pdf workflow activity share improve this question AFAIK Adobe has not..
Android SSO (Single sign-on) for app as a login facade . Alternatively does there exist any workflow like THIS... You launch my app and use it until the web service..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? close them from such a singleton class outside of my app's workflow. How to notify the user that a backup is in progress and the..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf.. it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow.. ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8.. .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo.. s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString workflow .utf8 ERROR errorCode.utf8 Just the..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account whodunit .build System.out.println LinkedIn's OAuth Workflow System.out.println Obtain the Request Token System.out.println.. 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 LinkedIn's OAuth Workflow 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 Fetching the Request..
Android ??Listen For Incoming SMS Messages incoming SMS also it should read the content from the SMS. Workflow SMS sent to Android device self executable Application Read..
Android - redirect to store if app not installed (launch from website) based URL Scheme for iPhone apps like YouTube and Maps ... however this doesn't work on android. This is the basic workflow 1 user clicks link on our site 2 user is redirected to customProtocol some params 3 if the app is installed the..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? application across multiple Activities We are building a complex Android application consisting of many screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine for example there.. are building a complex Android application consisting of many screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine for example there is an Activity to login in that transitions.. to a main menu Activity which can transition to other activities based on the user's choices. Since we have so many workflows we need to create automated tests that span multiple activities so we can test a workflow from end to end. For example..
android: open a pdf from my app using the built in pdf viewer verify that the user has installed adobe's viewer and then how do i open the file in that app from my app android pdf workflow activity share improve this question AFAIK Adobe has not documented any public Intents it wants developers to use. You..
Android SSO (Single sign-on) for app effort to prevent developers from trying to use their own apps as a login facade . Alternatively does there exist any workflow like THIS... You launch my app and use it until the web service requires you to log in. The app server generates a token..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? Open databases and transactions. I have no idea how to close them from such a singleton class outside of my app's workflow. How to notify the user that a backup is in progress and the database is locked. It might take a long time so I might need..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ with C C I tried the following ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8.. tried the following ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo.. Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString workflow .utf8 ERROR errorCode.utf8 Just the sprintf..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ I concatenate Strings with C C I tried the following ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString.. it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString workflow .utf8 ERROR errorCode.utf8.. ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString workflow .utf8 ERROR errorCode.utf8 Just the sprintf compiles but when running my application crash. PS..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account .apiKey XXXXX .apiSecret YYYYY .callback callback whodunit .build System.out.println LinkedIn's OAuth Workflow System.out.println Obtain the Request Token System.out.println Fetching the Request Token... requestToken service.getRequestToken.. callback data intent filter activity Finally my logcat is here 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 LinkedIn's OAuth Workflow 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 Fetching the Request Token... 07 05 23 39 59.284 INFO System.out 300 Body oauth_token..
Android ??Listen For Incoming SMS Messages monitoring incoming SMS messages and launch a program via incoming SMS also it should read the content from the SMS. Workflow SMS sent to Android device self executable Application Read the SMS information If any one can help me android sms android..