android Programming Glossary: word
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? other error code would make sense here unfortunately the word fatal is still somewhat inappropriate for a temporary condition..
Launching activity from widget activity for the widget. I think I've followed word for word the tutorial on the Android Developers website and.. activity for the widget. I think I've followed word for word the tutorial on the Android Developers website and even a few..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G it doesn't work but my servlet is reached. In other word it seems that my phone never get the response Technical problem..
Android Split string CurrentString using the as the that way the word Fruit will be split into its own string and they taste good..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android ClientLogin d Email theEmailYouWhitelisted d Passwd pass word d accountType HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE d source Google cURL Example..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database dur date currTime 1 return true public void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new.. public void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll.. word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll this.db.delete TABLE_NAME..
Which design patterns are used on Android? a model containing a paragraph of text a headline and a word count. But in a given view you only need to display the headline..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) Dalvik GC engine which can get fragmented yes there's that word again . params here is the HttpParams . You seem to be creating..
Android - how to replace part of a string by another string? string I have strings with some numbers and english words and I need to translate them to my mother tongue by finding.. them and replacing them by locallized version of this word. Do you know how to easily achieve replacing words in a string.. of this word. Do you know how to easily achieve replacing words in a string Thanks Edit I have tried part of a string to should..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage I see the comment don't be confused by the word 'external' here. This directory can better be thought as media..
Android post JSON using HTTP be an expert at all this so if anyone has a better way to word some of the terminology feel free. public static HttpResponse..
ListView with alphabets on the right, like the iPhone. Is it possible? element elements.get i We store the first letter of the word and its index. azIndexer.put element.substring 0 1 i Set String..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App?
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? Mathias Anyway in various place on the web i found no best word about hpone sensor and their potential due to the fact that..
How to support Arabic text in Android? font. Android 2.2 has Arabic font but does not show your word correctly. Android 3.x supports Arabic completely. For Android..
hardcoded string “row three”, should use @string resource layout. This allows you to update every occurrence of the word Yellow in all layouts at the same time by just editing your..
Validating and reading a Word file in Android and reading a Word file in Android I want to be able to access a word file in.. How can I make the program understand that the file is a Word file Note that I don't want to view the Word file. The user.. the file is a Word file Note that I don't want to view the Word file. The user will select the Word file and my app should be..
Exception in loading layout: java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest()Ljava/util/Map$Entry; Ice Cream Sandwich Edittext Disabling Spell Check and Word Wrap I added android inputType textNoSuggestions This solved..
Way to parse XML (org.w3c.Document) on Android gets unless you write a custom parser from the scratch . Word of advice Try to minimize string comparison and try to use hashmaps..
Upload and display a MS word Document in Android There are only a few apps ever written that can display Word documents and only 2 3 of these have been ported to Android... I would recommend you do a server side conversion of the Word document to HTML then display it in a WebView widget if you..
Android Word-Wrap EditText text Word Wrap EditText text I have been trying to get my EditText box..
Android Launching an application chooser with appropriate list of applications from the marketplace I get two options QuickOffice and Word to Go both of which I have installed on my phone. Could someone..
How to code sharing between Android and iOS codebases in this case in two different languages . Word of advice don't write your Java code like it's C or your C code..
How to disable displaying “suggestions” on the Soft Keyboard the Soft Keyboard I want to turn off displaying Suggested Words on the soft virtual keyboard when someone is using my application.. Android keyboard this can be found under 'Settings' under Word Suggestion Settings . Is there a way to disable it only within..
sqlite LIKE problem in android In SQLiteManager it works perfectly like this SELECT Word FROM Sign WHERE Word LIKE 'he ' But when i try to do it from.. it works perfectly like this SELECT Word FROM Sign WHERE Word LIKE 'he ' But when i try to do it from java it won't work... no luck Cursor cursor m_db.query MY_TABLE new String rowid Word Word LIKE ' ' new String name null null null Any ideas i'm i..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? described as a Fatal error during the API action because no other error code would make sense here unfortunately the word fatal is still somewhat inappropriate for a temporary condition such as a timeout. getSkuDetails appears to behave just..
Launching activity from widget activity when a home screen widget is pressed such as a configuration activity for the widget. I think I've followed word for word the tutorial on the Android Developers website and even a few unofficial tutorials as well but I must be missing.. when a home screen widget is pressed such as a configuration activity for the widget. I think I've followed word for word the tutorial on the Android Developers website and even a few unofficial tutorials as well but I must be missing something..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G it works. If I launch it when connected to 3G GSM data network it doesn't work but my servlet is reached. In other word it seems that my phone never get the response Technical problem while receiving response. org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException..
Android Split string this Fruit they taste good . i would like to split up the CurrentString using the as the that way the word Fruit will be split into its own string and they taste good will be another string.and then i would simply like to use SetText..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android register from the server curl https accounts ClientLogin d Email theEmailYouWhitelisted d Passwd pass word d accountType HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE d source Google cURL Example d service ac2dm You will get a message with an auth id. You..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database date current_time cont values cId cName numType cNum dur date currTime 1 return true public void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll this.db.delete TABLE_NAME.. values cId cName numType cNum dur date currTime 1 return true public void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll this.db.delete TABLE_NAME null null public String selectDate.. dur date currTime 1 return true public void update String word this.db.execSQL UPDATE words SET cont cont 1 WHERE word new String word public void deleteAll this.db.delete TABLE_NAME null null public String selectDate String date Cursor cursor..
Which design patterns are used on Android? the model and then update the view. For example if you have a model containing a paragraph of text a headline and a word count. But in a given view you only need to display the headline in the view. Then the presenter will read the data needed..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) the OOM. That's an awfully big buffer particularly for the Dalvik GC engine which can get fragmented yes there's that word again . params here is the HttpParams . You seem to be creating those yourself via getHttpParams . For example AndroidHttpClient..
Android - how to replace part of a string by another string? how to replace part of a string by another string I have strings with some numbers and english words and I need to translate them to my mother tongue by finding them and replacing them by locallized version of this word... and I need to translate them to my mother tongue by finding them and replacing them by locallized version of this word. Do you know how to easily achieve replacing words in a string Thanks Edit I have tried part of a string to should be replaced.. by finding them and replacing them by locallized version of this word. Do you know how to easily achieve replacing words in a string Thanks Edit I have tried part of a string to should be replaced by xyz string.replace to xyz But it is not..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage attached to the documentation for getExternalStorageDirectory I see the comment don't be confused by the word 'external' here. This directory can better be thought as media shared storage... In devices with multiple 'external' storage..
Android post JSON using HTTP author used to make a HttpClient Request . I do not claim to be an expert at all this so if anyone has a better way to word some of the terminology feel free. public static HttpResponse makeRequest String path Map params throws Exception instantiates..
ListView with alphabets on the right, like the iPhone. Is it possible? letter int size elements.size for int i size 1 i 0 i String element elements.get i We store the first letter of the word and its index. azIndexer.put element.substring 0 1 i Set String keys azIndexer.keySet set of letters Iterator String it..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App?
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? and integrate the output by hand. I hope this helps Mathias Anyway in various place on the web i found no best word about hpone sensor and their potential due to the fact that aren't accurate... Some more precision can be reached using..
How to support Arabic text in Android? share improve this question Android 2.1 does not have Arabic font. Android 2.2 has Arabic font but does not show your word correctly. Android 3.x supports Arabic completely. For Android 2.1 you must set the typeface Farsi.GetFarsiFont this and..
hardcoded string “row three”, should use @string resource to a string resource file and then reference them from your layout. This allows you to update every occurrence of the word Yellow in all layouts at the same time by just editing your strings.xml file. It is also extremely useful for supporting..
Validating and reading a Word file in Android and reading a Word file in Android I want to be able to access a word file in the sdcard of the user's phone and the file will be chosen by.. it when the user clicks œsave. p Is it possible in Android How can I make the program understand that the file is a Word file Note that I don't want to view the Word file. The user will select the Word file and my app should be able to make.. in Android How can I make the program understand that the file is a Word file Note that I don't want to view the Word file. The user will select the Word file and my app should be able to make some changes to it and save it. android ms word..
Exception in loading layout: java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest()Ljava/util/Map$Entry;
Way to parse XML (org.w3c.Document) on Android is always slow and using these SAX parsers is as good as it gets unless you write a custom parser from the scratch . Word of advice Try to minimize string comparison and try to use hashmaps instead of long chains of if token.isEqual CONSTANT_TOKEN..
Upload and display a MS word Document in Android implementing what you seek to take over 100 engineer months. There are only a few apps ever written that can display Word documents and only 2 3 of these have been ported to Android. I would recommend you do a server side conversion of the Word.. documents and only 2 3 of these have been ported to Android. I would recommend you do a server side conversion of the Word document to HTML then display it in a WebView widget if you want something that takes less engineering time to implement...
Android Word-Wrap EditText text Word Wrap EditText text I have been trying to get my EditText box to word wrap but can't seem to do it. I have deal with much..
Android Launching an application chooser with appropriate list of applications When I do the same in a file browser application downloaded from the marketplace I get two options QuickOffice and Word to Go both of which I have installed on my phone. Could someone guide me as to what else is needed here Things I have tried..
How to code sharing between Android and iOS Java for Android . You'll be better off writing two different codebases in this case in two different languages . Word of advice don't write your Java code like it's C or your C code like it's Java. I worked at a company a number of years..
How to disable displaying “suggestions” on the Soft Keyboard to disable displaying &ldquo suggestions&rdquo on the Soft Keyboard I want to turn off displaying Suggested Words on the soft virtual keyboard when someone is using my application only on certain Activities . For the default Android.. my application only on certain Activities . For the default Android keyboard this can be found under 'Settings' under Word Suggestion Settings . Is there a way to disable it only within your application without requiring the user to manually go..
sqlite LIKE problem in android bind or column index out of range handle 0x89d9f8 In SQLiteManager it works perfectly like this SELECT Word FROM Sign WHERE Word LIKE 'he ' But when i try to do it from java it won't work. Here's is my query i've tried in a lot.. or column index out of range handle 0x89d9f8 In SQLiteManager it works perfectly like this SELECT Word FROM Sign WHERE Word LIKE 'he ' But when i try to do it from java it won't work. Here's is my query i've tried in a lot of ways with no luck.. work. Here's is my query i've tried in a lot of ways with no luck Cursor cursor m_db.query MY_TABLE new String rowid Word Word LIKE ' ' new String name null null null Any ideas i'm i doing it wrong or is there a bug Thanks for your time. android..