android Programming Glossary: workaround
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically time. I don't recommend the setTag and findViewWithTag workaround provided in the post you linked. As you've discovered using..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 this question I just ran into this problem too. As a workaround I'm filtering the LogCat output with the following expression..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 of the 'beep' that will happen every few seconds that this workaround will cause but getting continuous voice recognition is more.. more important for me. If anyone has any other alternative workarounds then I'd like to hear those too. android speech recognition..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? .kdb. For a more detailed discussion of this issue and a workaround see pathPattern to match file extension does not work if a period..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience. My older workaround below. Workaround to the bug For Blank Activity Edit sdk tools..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations the route between two places in Blackberry csie tw gives a workaround query gmaps for kml file and parse it Android Driving Direction..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity?
Memory leak in WebView webView new WebView getApplicationContext Note that this workaround only works for certain use cases i.e. if you just need to display..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? to any context You can't do anything meaningful here. One workaround would be to not pass context instances to an AsyncTask but a.. on the UI thread . To top it all off even with that workaround you still have the problem that when the context gets destroyed.. of a given component exists anymore. Still it is a complex workaround and requires to sub class some of the Droid Fu library classes..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android to SharedPreferences on Android If not is there any workaround I have an array list of objects that have a name and an icon..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] a Google chart with a HTTP get which seems like a fine workaround. However our eventual expected application usage is in a poor..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android are frustratingly silent on the issue. There is a simple workaround. If your test device is running Android 2.2 or later then add..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode to do this on the Droid 1 or the emulator. I'm sure the workaround isn't too difficult so I'm not asking for help for once I just.. sleep standby share improve this question I'm sure the workaround isn't too difficult Using AlarmManager is a bit tricky. My question..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator 117 See here for more info and a possible workaround see the following URL http p android issues..
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package? release of the compatibility package Or is there another workaround that is safe to use Cheers James android compatibility android..
Hang up outgoing call in Android to be disallowed through the API. Can you suggest some workaround For example enabling airplane mode during the call Just an example..
how to get referrer using google track in android? public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Workaround for Android security issue http p android issues..
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite i.e. not specified all the APIs that end with ById etc. Workaround single Primary Key limitation A potential workaround to support..
Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing) kerning android 4.2 share improve this question Workaround that I'm currently using scalePaint.setTextSize 1.5f then in..
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string in different phones different versions of Android Complete Workaround Got an update from Google that they have patched it and will..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin for the inconvenience. My older workaround below. Workaround to the bug For Blank Activity Edit sdk tools templates activities..
Why does AndroidTestCase.getContext().getApplicationContext() return null? context is properly hooked up to an Application instance Workaround One of my tests seemed to avoid nulls most of the time if I..
Changing font size into an AlertDialog Here are all the workaround I tried and their issues. Workaround 1 Using a TextView and myView.setTextSize 12 final TextView.. .setView myView .create Issues Layout is not scrolling Workaround 2 making TextView scrollable. message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance.. don't know how to call that.. But I guess you understand. Workaround 3 Using a Scrollview. That's what I am going to try but I cannot..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException in the attached library or in the project's source folder. Workaround for version 1.8 and probably other also but I didn't test it..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB regenerate catalog file probably with Windows SDK and sign Workaround A workaround for internal tesing is to diable windows signature.. http topic 37692 adb drivers problem Workaround in the command line echo 0x2207 USERPROFILE .android adb_usb.ini..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video am I missing something to make this work perfectly Current Workaround I have saved the current playing position of the video in onPause..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically never destroys a fragment after it's been displayed the first time. I don't recommend the setTag and findViewWithTag workaround provided in the post you linked. As you've discovered using setTag and findViewWithTag doesn't work with fragments so it's..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 it means. Your suggestions would help. android share improve this question I just ran into this problem too. As a workaround I'm filtering the LogCat output with the following expression on the by Log Message field of the filter ^ . nativeGetEnabledTags..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 the Handler required for this solution. I am aware of the 'beep' that will happen every few seconds that this workaround will cause but getting continuous voice recognition is more important for me. If anyone has any other alternative workarounds.. will cause but getting continuous voice recognition is more important for me. If anyone has any other alternative workarounds then I'd like to hear those too. android speech recognition android 4.2 share improve this question This is a work..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? pattern will fail to match paths that contain a . before the .kdb. For a more detailed discussion of this issue and a workaround see pathPattern to match file extension does not work if a period exists elsewhere in the file name Finally according to..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin activities folder with the contents of this zip should resolve this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience. My older workaround below. Workaround to the bug For Blank Activity Edit sdk tools templates activities BlankActivity template.xml Comment out..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations there is also lack of APIs for such stuff how to find the route between two places in Blackberry csie tw gives a workaround query gmaps for kml file and parse it Android Driving Direction Route Path Also Andrea made a DrivingDirections helper classes..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity?
Memory leak in WebView a bug report for that see the link in the comment above. webView new WebView getApplicationContext Note that this workaround only works for certain use cases i.e. if you just need to display html in a webview without any href links nor links to..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? this method to run on the UI thread if you don't have access to any context You can't do anything meaningful here. One workaround would be to not pass context instances to an AsyncTask but a Handler instance. That works since a Handler loosely binds.. thread and send through it in onPostExecute which is also executed on the UI thread . To top it all off even with that workaround you still have the problem that when the context gets destroyed you have no record of the tasks it fired. That means that.. the references are weak and are cleared when no instance of a given component exists anymore. Still it is a complex workaround and requires to sub class some of the Droid Fu library classes making this a pretty intrusive approach. Now I simply want..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android If not is there any workaround I have an array list of objects that have a name and an icon pointer. I do not want to use a database. android android..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] solutions bandied about on the web have been just pull down a Google chart with a HTTP get which seems like a fine workaround. However our eventual expected application usage is in a poor connectivity situation where network usage is expensive unlocked..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android people asking why the problem occurs but the folks at Google are frustratingly silent on the issue. There is a simple workaround. If your test device is running Android 2.2 or later then add the android installLocation attribute to your application's..
Android Sleep/Standby Mode seems to pause when the phone is in sleep. It doesn't seem to do this on the Droid 1 or the emulator. I'm sure the workaround isn't too difficult so I'm not asking for help for once I just want an explanation to better understand this. My question.. exactly is happening Any insight is appreciated. android sleep standby share improve this question I'm sure the workaround isn't too difficult Using AlarmManager is a bit tricky. My question is what exactly does sleep mode do on android systems..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator not Available at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocation 117 See here for more info and a possible workaround see the following URL http p android issues detail id 8816 If you're having issues using the GeoCoder on..
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package? hoops If it wasn't intentionally excluded can we expect a new release of the compatibility package Or is there another workaround that is safe to use Cheers James android compatibility android 3.0 share improve this question Discovering that PreferenceActivity..
Hang up outgoing call in Android startActivity callIntent But stopping the call seems to be disallowed through the API. Can you suggest some workaround For example enabling airplane mode during the call Just an example this hack didn't work for me android telephony telephonymanager..
how to get referrer using google track in android? public class ReferralReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Workaround for Android security issue http p android issues detail id 16006 try final Bundle extras intent.getExtras..
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite rely on it e.g. Update or Delete where the filter is implied i.e. not specified all the APIs that end with ById etc. Workaround single Primary Key limitation A potential workaround to support tables with multiple primary keys is to create an auto generated..
Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing) that the problem is a textSize 1.0f... android user interface kerning android 4.2 share improve this question Workaround that I'm currently using scalePaint.setTextSize 1.5f then in onDraw method canvas.scale 0.01f 0.01f canvas.drawText..
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string be a compile time issue. Why would it act differently in different phones different versions of Android Complete Workaround Got an update from Google that they have patched it and will correct it in the future release . Meanwhile i have written..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin with the contents of this zip should resolve this issue. I apologize for the inconvenience. My older workaround below. Workaround to the bug For Blank Activity Edit sdk tools templates activities BlankActivity template.xml Comment out the dependency..
Why does AndroidTestCase.getContext().getApplicationContext() return null? is why does Android let an AndroidTestCase run before its context is properly hooked up to an Application instance Workaround One of my tests seemed to avoid nulls most of the time if I called getContext .getSharedPreferences anyname Context.MODE_PRIVATE..
Changing font size into an AlertDialog font size that is really too big so I want to make it smaller. Here are all the workaround I tried and their issues. Workaround 1 Using a TextView and myView.setTextSize 12 final TextView myView new TextView getApplicationContext myView.setText myLongText.. .setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok null .setTitle myTitle .setView myView .create Issues Layout is not scrolling Workaround 2 making TextView scrollable. message.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Issues Layout is scrolling bute there.. Issues Layout is scrolling bute there is no inertia don't know how to call that.. But I guess you understand. Workaround 3 Using a Scrollview. That's what I am going to try but I cannot believe there are no easier solutions... android textview..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException source . One of those folders is META INF no matter if its in the attached library or in the project's source folder. Workaround for version 1.8 and probably other also but I didn't test it of Jersey is to provide custom default one looks up META INF..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB 7 or earlier do not show this error message. You have to regenerate catalog file probably with Windows SDK and sign Workaround A workaround for internal tesing is to diable windows signature verification either temporarily or permanently temporarily.. usb vendor id to it and recompile. modified ad are available http topic 37692 adb drivers problem Workaround in the command line echo 0x2207 USERPROFILE .android adb_usb.ini this adds the vendor id to a file named adb_usb.ini in..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video Can anyone guide me regarding this problem . Or am I missing something to make this work perfectly Current Workaround I have saved the current playing position of the video in onPause method and in onResume method I have used that position..