android Programming Glossary: wrapped
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? This stream write the encrypted text. This stream will be wrapped by another stream. FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream..
Face Recognition on Android . First have a look at how cv FaceRecognizer has been wrapped line 845 at time of writing this @Namespace.. is a Smart Pointer to a cv FaceRecognizer . This has to be wrapped as well. See a pattern here The interface of FaceRecognizerPtr..
“Native typeface cannot be made” only for some people of the font asset must be submitted as a parameter. I also wrapped the call to createFromAsset in a try catch block so that the..
How to get text on an ActionBar Icon? is simply to have N versions of the icon badge perhaps wrapped in a LevelListDrawable that you choose from at runtime. share..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? item is too long to fit into a single line the text is not wrapped but cut off. This is only the case for API level 11 . Here are..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI over MTP The code which you found is just ContentObserver wrapped in UriObserver. It does several things He gets a cursor for..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] into Android development but I think I have my head wrapped around most of it. While monitoring the emulator's logcat the..
Android: ScrollView Problem add the elements into the LinearLayout the border red lile wrapped the inserted elements not the whole parent ScrollView. So when..
Android TextView Text not getting wrapped TextView Text not getting wrapped Can any one tell me whats going wrong with the text text exceeds..
How to launch activity from android home screen widget home screen widget I am desperately trying to get my head wrapped around how to implement home screen widgets. Right now I finally..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse Android Dev I've got a segfault but I have..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds there a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory the native heap free store think malloc which is in turn wrapped in to a ByteBuffer instance. When the ByteBuffer instance gets..
TextView expand animation like in Android Market TextView in Android Market animation There are TextView wrapped into FrameLayout which expands after clicking on 'More' label...
How to wrap lengthy text in a spinner wrap share improve this question Step 1. TextView with wrapped text The first thing to do is to to force simple TextView to.. singleLine false android text very long text that will be wrapped to next line Note the singleLine attribute here. Step 2. Custom..
android - show soft keyboard on demand show soft keyboard on demand Hi I wrapped edittext control onto a control that is being displayed on the..
Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency) anybody had experience with it or it's the same shit but wrapped in different package I prefer to have native access but I don't..
“ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView” xml problems file containing only a TextView the TextView can't be wrapped by another layout like a LinearLayout RelativeLayout etc something..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView Article _article ArticleViewModel _parent public WrappedArticle Article article ArticleViewModel parent assignment public.. don't want to incur the overhead of creating a large List WrappedArticle then one way around this might be to use a WrappingList.. get set public class WrappingList T IList WrappingList T .Wrapped public class Wrapped public IMvxCommand Command1 get set public..
MvvmCross Android - Alternative to RelativeSource binding for button command approach you'd expose a list of objects like public class Wrapped public ICommand GoThruCommand get set public ICommand OpenCommand..
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream data cleartext This stream write the encrypted text. This stream will be wrapped by another stream. FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream data encrypted Length is 16 byte SecretKeySpec sks new SecretKeySpec..
Face Recognition on Android makes it easy to browse the code http p javacv . First have a look at how cv FaceRecognizer has been wrapped line 845 at time of writing this @Namespace cv public static class FaceRecognizer extends Algorithm.. OpenCV C classes return a cv Ptr cv FaceRecognizer which is a Smart Pointer to a cv FaceRecognizer . This has to be wrapped as well. See a pattern here The interface of FaceRecognizerPtr now looks like this @Name cv Ptr cv FaceRecognizer public..
“Native typeface cannot be made” only for some people does not assume the font path or format. The full path of the font asset must be submitted as a parameter. I also wrapped the call to createFromAsset in a try catch block so that the get method will return null if the asset is not found. public..
How to get text on an ActionBar Icon?
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? &mdash is this an Android bug If the text of a Spinner item is too long to fit into a single line the text is not wrapped but cut off. This is only the case for API level 11 . Here are screenshots of Android 4.2.2 left which shows the wrong behavior..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Android How to detect a change in MediaStore when connected over MTP The code which you found is just ContentObserver wrapped in UriObserver. It does several things He gets a cursor for one of content provides in his case I believe it's images from..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] appreciate some guidance with what's going wrong. I'm just getting into Android development but I think I have my head wrapped around most of it. While monitoring the emulator's logcat the log events never come up and debugging breakpoints are never..
Android: ScrollView Problem and LayoutHeight to fill_parent. Then when I started to add the elements into the LinearLayout the border red lile wrapped the inserted elements not the whole parent ScrollView. So when the content of the LinearLayout child of ScrollView exceeded..
Android TextView Text not getting wrapped TextView Text not getting wrapped Can any one tell me whats going wrong with the text text exceeds then one line not getting wrap to next line going beyond..
How to launch activity from android home screen widget to launch activity from android home screen widget I am desperately trying to get my head wrapped around how to implement home screen widgets. Right now I finally was able to get a button on my widget respond to a button..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse Android Dev I've got a segfault but I have absolutely no idea how to locate it. Tips java android..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds used to predict whether text will be small enough tl dr is there a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory is no leak. ByteBuffer.allocateDirect allocates memory from the native heap free store think malloc which is in turn wrapped in to a ByteBuffer instance. When the ByteBuffer instance gets garbage collected the native memory is reclaimed otherwise..
TextView expand animation like in Android Market point to solution how to make expand animation of Description TextView in Android Market animation There are TextView wrapped into FrameLayout which expands after clicking on 'More' label. android animation textview expand share improve this question..
How to wrap lengthy text in a spinner wrap the lengthy text on the spinners android text spinner wrap share improve this question Step 1. TextView with wrapped text The first thing to do is to to force simple TextView to wrap text. Its easy TextView android layout_width fill_parent.. fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android singleLine false android text very long text that will be wrapped to next line Note the singleLine attribute here. Step 2. Custom layout Now we should somehow set singleLine attribute to..
android - show soft keyboard on demand show soft keyboard on demand Hi I wrapped edittext control onto a control that is being displayed on the screen at users request. It overlays the whole screen until..
Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency) 300ms . I'm reading about OpenSL ES and I'd like to know if anybody had experience with it or it's the same shit but wrapped in different package I prefer to have native access but I don't mind Java layer indirection as long as I can get deterministic..
“ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView” xml problems this.file R.Layout.a_layout_file must be the id of a xml layout file containing only a TextView the TextView can't be wrapped by another layout like a LinearLayout RelativeLayout etc something like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView object itself e.g. using a List ActiveArticle public ActiveArticle Article _article ArticleViewModel _parent public WrappedArticle Article article ArticleViewModel parent assignment public IMvxCommand TheCommand get return MvxRelayCommand _parent.DoStuff.. your articles are models without PropertyChanged and you don't want to incur the overhead of creating a large List WrappedArticle then one way around this might be to use a WrappingList T class. This is very similar to the approach taken in Microsoft.. Article public string Label get set public string Remark get set public class WrappingList T IList WrappingList T .Wrapped public class Wrapped public IMvxCommand Command1 get set public IMvxCommand Command2 get set public IMvxCommand Command3..
MvvmCross Android - Alternative to RelativeSource binding for button command this covers one way to do this. Using that approach you'd expose a list of objects like public class Wrapped public ICommand GoThruCommand get set public ICommand OpenCommand get set public string Name get set and you'd use an axml..