android Programming Glossary: worrying
Android Understanding Heap Sizes some of your code. OutOfMemoryError s are definitely worth worrying about however so I'd definitely look into your application's..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService Get it working running for my login and then start worrying about my logic. This is like driving in the reverse gear but..
is canvas in android proportional on different devices to make an app using canvas and a surfaceview and I am worrying that in the future I would have many problems with it because..
Handler vs AsyncTask to achieve background processing in Android apps without worrying too much about the low level details threads message loops etc..
Making the user change the time in Android the time to the value retrieved from the server without worrying about the time spent in the options menu will almost always..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error This file can not be opened as a file descriptor..
Best way to perform an action periodically - Handler? it is more important that I get this to function before worrying about good programming practices. new Thread public void run..
Logic code reuse between apps for Android and other platforms: To ContentProvider or not to ContentProvider? data models sure. Actual literal code not worth worrying about IMHO. Doesn't the functionality of the DataStore above..
How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android? and falling back on IE6 techniques. So rather than worrying about V8 vs. JSC just worry about the features you want. I don't..
Extending MediaController for android to set the Anchor to whichever view you desire without worrying about your VideoView changing it. After that its just a matter..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes of information you provided above. We'd really need to see some of your code. OutOfMemoryError s are definitely worth worrying about however so I'd definitely look into your application's memory usage. One thing you might consider is to sample your..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService ease it out I basically use a simple helloworld for inapp billing. Get it working running for my login and then start worrying about my logic. This is like driving in the reverse gear but to save time effort I use this technique for complex sdk. I..
is canvas in android proportional on different devices in android proportional on different devices I am trying to make an app using canvas and a surfaceview and I am worrying that in the future I would have many problems with it because I am not sure if the canvas is proportional with every device...
Handler vs AsyncTask AsyncTask was written to provide a convenient easy to use way to achieve background processing in Android apps without worrying too much about the low level details threads message loops etc . It provides callback methods that help to schedule tasks..
Making the user change the time in Android have been obvious to me that simply checking that the user set the time to the value retrieved from the server without worrying about the time spent in the options menu will almost always work. As this assumption could actually be false if I were using..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error This file can not be opened as a file descriptor it is probably compressed This function works well with..
Best way to perform an action periodically - Handler? try I'm really not good at using threads I want to learn but it is more important that I get this to function before worrying about good programming practices. new Thread public void run makes sure the player still has 3 lives left while game false..
Logic code reuse between apps for Android and other platforms: To ContentProvider or not to ContentProvider? trying to have a common code base. Common design sure. Interchangeable data models sure. Actual literal code not worth worrying about IMHO. Doesn't the functionality of the DataStore above partially overlap with that of the ContentProvider in Android..
How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android? not using those features because it's doing browser detection and falling back on IE6 techniques. So rather than worrying about V8 vs. JSC just worry about the features you want. I don't know anything about JSC but for instance let's assume it..
Extending MediaController for android Do nothing Once you do that you can use this MediaController to set the Anchor to whichever view you desire without worrying about your VideoView changing it. After that its just a matter of getting a view in the right place to anchor it too. ..