android Programming Glossary: words
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? the foreground activity will be paused as well. In other words if you respond to all the lifecycle events for your Activity.. Intent was introduced in API Level 4 in other words it'll only be sent on phones running Android 1.6 or later ...
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically android layout_below @id label1 RelativeLayout In other words how do I make the second TextView appear below the first one..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity want to start the Activity from the Service. In other words if you start the Activity and the Service is running you will..
Difference between Service, Async Task & Thread? repeat them instead I will try to give answer with my own words hope they will help you. Service is like an Activity but has..
Making data persistent in android to me next time when my application starts up. In other words i want the data to be available across the sessions of an application..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? is how I declare what these methods are . In other words I understand the idea of a callback a piece of code that gets..
Android - Using Custom Font ending of the font file itself is all lower case. In other words it should not be myFont.TTF but myFont.ttf share improve this..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? height is determined dynamically by its contents in other words standard fill_parent layout behaviour for the width and wrap_content..
Android/Java - Date Difference in days number of days how do I find difference in days In other words I want to find the difference between CURRENT DATE yyyy mm dd..
how to customize listview row android setContentView R.layout.main List String words populateList List String l removeDoubles words Collections.sort.. List String words populateList List String l removeDoubles words Collections.sort l ListView lv ListView findViewById setContentView R.layout.main List String words populateList List String l removeDoubles words Collections.sort..
Lock the android device programatically lock the device. When message is received with some code words to lock then it locks the phone. Please guide me. I have found..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin bottom right and left sides. An image says more than 1000 words extracted from Margin Vs Padding CSS Properties share improve..
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method 1 and somedata 200 in item2 TTT 1 and somedata 99 In other words TTT is a datum that is shared by all the instances of the type...
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter methods of ArrayAdapter Can somebody in plain words explain me the usage of getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType.. hand you via convertView in your getView method . In other words in the above example your even rows will only get recycled views..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the.. divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing.. the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence' would exceed..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread eg Main thread isn't thread safe in most of time in other words DANGEROUS. That is why you should use Handler and AsyncTask..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? can't handle that the user will not be happy... In other words using android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation is not..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? says Apps will not normally need to handle this since the foreground activity will be paused as well. In other words if you respond to all the lifecycle events for your Activity appropriately there's no need to use this unless you really.. want to do something specific related to shutdown. The ACTION_SHUTDOWN Intent was introduced in API Level 4 in other words it'll only be sent on phones running Android 1.6 or later . You'll trap the Broadcast with a BroadcastReceiver . It will..
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically ... android id @ id label1 TextView ... android id @ id label2 android layout_below @id label1 RelativeLayout In other words how do I make the second TextView appear below the first one but I want to do it in code RelativeLayout layout new RelativeLayout..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity when the Activity has been started by the user I don't want to start the Activity from the Service. In other words if you start the Activity and the Service is running you will see some status messages in the Activity UI when something..
Difference between Service, Async Task & Thread? read the documentation description about them I won't repeat them instead I will try to give answer with my own words hope they will help you. Service is like an Activity but has no interface. Probably if you want to fetch the weather for..
Making data persistent in android some application specific settings which should be available to me next time when my application starts up. In other words i want the data to be available across the sessions of an application cycle. Can this be achieved without using database..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? different callbacks to other methods. What I don't understand is how I declare what these methods are . In other words I understand the idea of a callback a piece of code that gets called after a certain event has happened but I don't know..
Android - Using Custom Font
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? that will occupy the full screen width but whose height is determined dynamically by its contents in other words standard fill_parent layout behaviour for the width and wrap_content for the height. That's exactly how I've specified it..
Android/Java - Date Difference in days yyyy mm dd so I want to find the difference between date in number of days how do I find difference in days In other words I want to find the difference between CURRENT DATE yyyy mm dd formatted date java android date share improve this question..
how to customize listview row android void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main List String words populateList List String l removeDoubles words Collections.sort l ListView lv ListView findViewById ArrayAdapter.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main List String words populateList List String l removeDoubles words Collections.sort l ListView lv ListView findViewById ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String getApplicationContext.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main List String words populateList List String l removeDoubles words Collections.sort l ListView lv ListView findViewById MyAdapter..
Lock the android device programatically keyguardmanager and DeviceAdminManager. My app is to remote lock the device. When message is received with some code words to lock then it locks the phone. Please guide me. I have found many Api_demo program as solution but I can't extract lock..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method new Test Test.TTT 1 What are the values Well in item1 TTT 1 and somedata 200 in item2 TTT 1 and somedata 99 In other words TTT is a datum that is shared by all the instances of the type. So it make no sense to say class Test string somedata 99..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter Can somebody in plain words explain me the usage of getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter android share improve this question.. The framework uses your view type to decide which views to hand you via convertView in your getView method . In other words in the above example your even rows will only get recycled views with pictures on the left side to reuse and odd rows will..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android I'm trying to create an activity that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As.. some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence'.. 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence' would exceed the available horizontal space on the display I would like..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread thread by other ways but there are many disadvantages for eg Main thread isn't thread safe in most of time in other words DANGEROUS. That is why you should use Handler and AsyncTask . They do most of the work for you you just need to know what..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? it does if there was some other configuration change. If you can't handle that the user will not be happy... In other words using android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation is not a solution for your worries. The right way is to code your..