android Programming Glossary: wl
PowerManager wakelock not waking device up from service Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire do work as device is awake wl.release edit1 This is.. My Tag wl.acquire do work as device is awake wl.release edit1 This is how i start the service from an Activity...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName.. PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null.. if connection null connection.disconnect finally wl.release return null The method above doInBackground runs always..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire ..screen will stay on during this section.. wl.release.. Tag wl.acquire ..screen will stay on during this section.. wl.release There's also a table on this page that describes the..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK keepAlive wl.acquire.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK keepAlive wl.acquire setFutureAppointments context.getApplicationContext.. futureappts new Date .getTime wl.release Anyone see anything I am doing blatantly wrong or am..
Alarm Manager Example Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK wl.acquire Put.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm Context context AlarmManager..
Android - How can I wake up the phone from a hard sleep to take a picture? pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP.. PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP bbbb wl.acquire Then the device wakes up and starts at the keyguard..
Wake locks android service recurring class PlaySound extends Service PowerManager.WakeLock wl PowerManager pm private SoundManager mSoundManager boolean wakeUpFlag.. result close protected void close try if wakeUpFlag wl.release System.out.println Released the wakelock if pm.isScreenOn.. Context.POWER_SERVICE if pm.isScreenOn wakeUpFlag true wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE..
AlarmManager and WakeLock PowerManager this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP.. PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE namaz_vakti_activity wl.acquire The main purpose of the code is start my main activity.. PowerManager this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK namaz_vakti_activity..
Wake the device up when app prompts user extends Handler private PowerManager pm private WakeLock wl @Override public void handleMessage Message msg pm PowerManager.. Context.POWER_SERVICE if pm.isScreenOn wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK TAG wl.acquire .. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK TAG wl.acquire FixedNode.this.setAlwaysDiscoverable wl.release Any..
Turn off screen on Android Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag When I.. int amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag.. PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release You will probably need this permission too..
How to lock the screen of an android device int amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag.. PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release This permission is needed uses permission.. PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release This permission is needed uses permission android name..
Alarm manager don't work after some time Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK YOUR TAG wl.acquire.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK YOUR TAG wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm Context context AlarmManager..
Android - Turn off display without triggering sleep/lock screen - Turn on with Touchscreen which should turn off the display PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag.. PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire however this method does not turn off the display. ..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? params I have been unable to turn off the screen using the wl.release method. Turn On Display Test My first guess as follows.. to use wakelocks with no success. PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK tag wl.acquire.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK tag wl.acquire Finally I have tried the following with no result. getWindow..
Android NDK linking opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o.. opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o.. jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o libzmq.a libstdc .a Wl whole archive # Option 3 Explicitly link ZeroMQ in dynamically..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support A out target product generic system lib L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc.. usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker.. nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS disable shared enable static extra ldflags Wl rpath link PLATFORM usr lib L PLATFORM usr lib nostdlib lc lm..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? library. You can provide it on the gcc link line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with Wl no whole archive.. line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with Wl no whole archive after specifying your library or ld will continue.. gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc o foo Wl whole archive usr lib libz.a Wl no whole archive foo.c ls s..
unicode support in android ndk 0 fno short enums nostdlib And for LDFLAGS lc Wl rpath link NDK_ROOT build platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib..
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone code is built with LOCAL_CFLAGS Wall g LOCAL_LDFLAGS Wl Map android gdb android ndk remote debugging android..
PowerManager wakelock not waking device up from service onHandleIntent Intent intent PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire do work as device is awake wl.release edit1 This is how i start.. getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire do work as device is awake wl.release edit1 This is how i start the service from an Activity. get a Calendar object.. PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire do work as device is awake wl.release edit1 This is how i start the service from an Activity. get a Calendar object with current time Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog during download PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output.. Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream output null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl.. if input null input.close catch IOException ignored if connection null connection.disconnect finally wl.release return null The method above doInBackground runs always on a background thread. You shouldn't do any UI tasks..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? . Example from the docs PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire ..screen will stay on during this section.. wl.release.. Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire ..screen will stay on during this section.. wl.release There's also a table on this page that describes the different.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK My Tag wl.acquire ..screen will stay on during this section.. wl.release There's also a table on this page that describes the different kinds of wakelocks. Be aware that some caution needs..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily still does not work PowerManager pm PowerManager context .getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK keepAlive wl.acquire setFutureAppointments context.getApplicationContext AppointmentManager.setFutureAppointmentCheck.. Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK keepAlive wl.acquire setFutureAppointments context.getApplicationContext AppointmentManager.setFutureAppointmentCheck context .getApplicationContext.. context .getApplicationContext User.setLongSetting context.getApplicationContext futureappts new Date .getTime wl.release Anyone see anything I am doing blatantly wrong or am I going about this incorrectly thanks for any and all help...
Alarm Manager Example Intent intent PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm.. wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm Context context AlarmManager am AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE..
Android - How can I wake up the phone from a hard sleep to take a picture? PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP bbbb wl.acquire Then the device wakes.. Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP bbbb wl.acquire Then the device wakes up and starts at the keyguard screen. But the only way I can get past the keyguard screen..
Wake locks android service recurring I place the wakelock in the service. Code snippet below. public class PlaySound extends Service PowerManager.WakeLock wl PowerManager pm private SoundManager mSoundManager boolean wakeUpFlag false @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate.. Message msg result start System.out.println result result close protected void close try if wakeUpFlag wl.release System.out.println Released the wakelock if pm.isScreenOn System.out.println Screen is off back to sleep pm.goToSleep.. start try wakeUpFlag false pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE if pm.isScreenOn wakeUpFlag true wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE CollectData System.out.println Screen off..
AlarmManager and WakeLock at onResume method to prevent asleep mode to occur. pm PowerManager this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE namaz_vakti_activity.. PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE namaz_vakti_activity wl.acquire The main purpose of the code is start my main activity namaz_vakti_activitiy again at a specific time. If the device.. ... protected void onResume ... pm PowerManager this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK namaz_vakti_activity wl.acquire MPX MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.azan1 ... if..
Wake the device up when app prompts user added WAKE_LOCK permission in the manifest. class BtHandler extends Handler private PowerManager pm private WakeLock wl @Override public void handleMessage Message msg pm PowerManager FixedNode.this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE if.. void handleMessage Message msg pm PowerManager FixedNode.this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE if pm.isScreenOn wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK TAG wl.acquire FixedNode.this.setAlwaysDiscoverable wl.release Any ideas Edit.. Context.POWER_SERVICE if pm.isScreenOn wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK TAG wl.acquire FixedNode.this.setAlwaysDiscoverable wl.release Any ideas Edit Using AlarmManager to broadcast custom intent...
Turn off screen on Android lock this is what I have PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK My Tag When I read other posts on stackoverflow and else where they seem to.. getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE Choice 1 manager.goToSleep int amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release You will probably need this permission.. int amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release You will probably need this permission too uses permission android name android.permission.WAKE_LOCK..
How to lock the screen of an android device getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE Choice 1 manager.goToSleep int amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release This permission is needed uses permission.. int amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release This permission is needed uses permission android name android.permission.WAKE_LOCK UPDATE The screenbrightness.. amountOfTime Choice 2 PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire wl.release This permission is needed uses permission android name android.permission.WAKE_LOCK UPDATE The screenbrightness..
Alarm manager don't work after some time Intent intent PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK YOUR TAG wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK YOUR TAG wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm.. YOUR TAG wl.acquire Put here YOUR code. Toast.makeText context Alarm Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show For example wl.release public void SetAlarm Context context AlarmManager am AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE..
Android - Turn off display without triggering sleep/lock screen - Turn on with Touchscreen First Remove my FULL wakelock then aquire a partial wake lock which should turn off the display PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire however this method does not turn off the display... which should turn off the display PowerManager.WakeLock wl manager.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK Your Tag wl.acquire however this method does not turn off the display. android wakelock share improve this question Finally figured..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? params.screenBrightness 0 getWindow .setAttributes params I have been unable to turn off the screen using the wl.release method. Turn On Display Test My first guess as follows does not work. Nothing happens screen remains off. params.flags.. 1f getWindow .setAttributes params I also then tried to use wakelocks with no success. PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK tag wl.acquire Finally I have tried the following with no result. getWindow.. to use wakelocks with no success. PowerManager.WakeLock wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK tag wl.acquire Finally I have tried the following with no result. getWindow .addFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON..
Android NDK linking specific stuff # Option 1 Don't link the lib in at all opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o # Option 2 Link ZeroMQ in statically opt android.. Client_Wrapper.o # Option 2 Link ZeroMQ in statically opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o libzmq.a libstdc .a Wl whole archive # Option.. androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o libzmq.a libstdc .a Wl whole archive # Option 3 Explicitly link ZeroMQ in dynamically opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support export LDFLAGS L A out target product generic obj lib L A out target product generic system lib L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target.. obj lib L A out target product generic system lib L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno.. product generic system lib L SYSROOT usr lib Wl gc sections nostdlib lc lm ldl llog lgcc Wl no undefined z nocopyreloc Wl dynamic linker system bin linker L NDK out target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions Wno multichar mthumb..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices psabi fno short enums fno strict aliasing finline limit 300 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS disable shared enable static extra ldflags Wl rpath link PLATFORM usr lib L PLATFORM usr lib nostdlib lc lm ldl llog disable everything enable demuxer mov enable demuxer..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? linker will cause it to pull in all object files from a static library. You can provide it on the gcc link line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with Wl no whole archive after specifying your library or ld will continue the behavior.. from a static library. You can provide it on the gcc link line with Wl whole archive . You need to follow it with Wl no whole archive after specifying your library or ld will continue the behavior for any other static libraries it encounters.. using libz on the desktop echo int main return 0 foo.c gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc o foo Wl whole archive usr lib libz.a Wl no whole archive foo.c ls s foo 104 foo You have to use usr lib libz.a instead of lz here..
unicode support in android ndk include O3 fno short wchar DU_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE 0 DU_GNUC_UTF16_STRING 0 fno short enums nostdlib And for LDFLAGS lc Wl rpath link NDK_ROOT build platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib L NDK_ROOT build platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib And..
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone debuggable is set to true in the manifest and all of the native code is built with LOCAL_CFLAGS Wall g LOCAL_LDFLAGS Wl Map android gdb android ndk remote debugging android ndk r5 share improve this question run as Package ''..