android Programming Glossary: worldsize_2
Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android setScrollableAreaLimit BoundingBoxE6 boundingBox final int worldSize_2 TileSystem.MapSize MapViewConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL 2 Clear.. MapViewConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL null upperLeft.offset worldSize_2 worldSize_2 Get SE lower right final Point lowerRight TileSystem.LatLongToPixelXY.. null upperLeft.offset worldSize_2 worldSize_2 Get SE lower right final Point lowerRight TileSystem.LatLongToPixelXY..
Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android to or null to remove any scrolling limitations public void setScrollableAreaLimit BoundingBoxE6 boundingBox final int worldSize_2 TileSystem.MapSize MapViewConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL 2 Clear scrollable area limit if null passed. if boundingBox null.. boundingBox.getLatNorthE6 1E6 boundingBox.getLonWestE6 1E6 MapViewConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL null upperLeft.offset worldSize_2 worldSize_2 Get SE lower right final Point lowerRight TileSystem.LatLongToPixelXY boundingBox.getLatSouthE6 1E6 boundingBox.getLonEastE6.. 1E6 boundingBox.getLonWestE6 1E6 MapViewConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL null upperLeft.offset worldSize_2 worldSize_2 Get SE lower right final Point lowerRight TileSystem.LatLongToPixelXY boundingBox.getLatSouthE6 1E6 boundingBox.getLonEastE6..