android Programming Glossary: work..
Android Countdown Timer to Date long startTime System.currentTimeMillis do your work... long endTime System.currentTimeMillis diff endTime milliseconds..
not decrypting what I crypted Please someone shed some light on this I just want this to work... Replacing 'key2' for an IV to be later used in a AES CBC PKCS5Padding..
issue in sending sms using smsManager.sendTextManager on android android 4.3 share improve this question This should work... switch getResultCode if cancel pressed then result code is..
manually put files to android emulator sd card I'm just having trouble with getting my emulator SD card work... I created a new AVD device with a new SD card. So how to put..
How do you setLayoutParams() for an ImageView? seems to have this functionality. This code doesn't work... myImageView.setLayoutParams new ImageView.LayoutParams 30 30..
Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully Object doInBackground Object... x while condition work... if isCancelled break return null share improve this answer..
Text color of a closed spinner getView mySpinner v.setTextColor ..... This doesnt work... Thank you array_typ new String 5 array_typ 0 Pressure array_typ..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? to create multiple proximity alerts but I cant get it to work... I think that the broadcast receiver gets overwritten and thus..
how to disable fling in android gallery didn't work and tried this.setClickable false which didn't work... also my overridden onFling method has everything except the..
Filter output in logcat by tagname should be something like browser or webkit but it doesn't work... Here it is what I get android logcat android logcat share..
Android — taking a screen shot your root layout... Beside that it seems like it would work... android id @ id snake android..
Android contacts Display Name and Phone Number(s) in single database query? indexName String number people.getString indexNumber Do work... while people.moveToNext And here's the resulting error. E AndroidRuntime..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay This seems to work... though I cannot figure out yet how to update the text on the..
Android timer updating a textview (UI) elapsedTime this is the textview Above code must work... Note mHandler must be created in your main thread. share improve..
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views I dynamically create a View it works fine... This doesn't work... nullPointerException ListView lv ListView findViewById
Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator ObjectAnimator private void showScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum.. 5000 anim.start private void hideScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 1.0f Now try to animate the weightSum..
Method not found using DigestUtils in Android So I do not know why when working with Android it does not work... I put the libraty inside a new libs folder in my app and updated..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments i commetned everyhting out thats stripped and still doesnt work... public class MyFragment extends Fragment implements MyFragmentInterface..
Android Countdown Timer to Date try oldDate formatter.parse oldTime milliseconds oldDate.getTime long startTime System.currentTimeMillis do your work... long endTime System.currentTimeMillis diff endTime milliseconds Log.e day miliday diff long seconds long diff 1000..
not decrypting what I crypted And I'm getting an InvalidBlockSizeException now.... Please someone shed some light on this I just want this to work... Replacing 'key2' for an IV to be later used in a AES CBC PKCS5Padding is an option I'm considering right now. Essentially..
issue in sending sms using smsManager.sendTextManager on android Q. How to handle cancel ok button android unity3d android 4.2 android 4.3 share improve this question This should work... switch getResultCode if cancel pressed then result code is 5 case 5 System.out.println Message cancelled........ break..
manually put files to android emulator sd card put files to android emulator sd card I'm just having trouble with getting my emulator SD card work... I created a new AVD device with a new SD card. So how to put data onto it I found the correct file to be mountet on Deamon..
How do you setLayoutParams() for an ImageView? the various ViewGroups but not an ImageView . Yet the ImageView seems to have this functionality. This code doesn't work... myImageView.setLayoutParams new ImageView.LayoutParams 30 30 How do I do it android layout imageview share improve this..
Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully
Text color of a closed spinner this programatically on the fly not in the XML. TextView v TextView getView mySpinner v.setTextColor ..... This doesnt work... Thank you array_typ new String 5 array_typ 0 Pressure array_typ 1 Level array_typ 2 Overage array_typ 3 Under array_typ..
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts I am trying to create multiple proximity alerts but I cant get it to work... I think that the broadcast receiver gets overwritten and thus is handling only the last broadcast. So if I had two points..
how to disable fling in android gallery the onFling method. I've tried this.setEnabled false which didn't work and tried this.setClickable false which didn't work... also my overridden onFling method has everything except the return true commented out.... not sure what else to try Any..
Filter output in logcat by tagname a spam. I just want to read messages from browser which should be something like browser or webkit but it doesn't work... Here it is what I get android logcat android logcat share improve this question use this adb logcat s TAGNAME share..
Android — taking a screen shot crash Make sure you change the correctly with your root layout... Beside that it seems like it would work... android id @ id snake android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent..
Android contacts Display Name and Phone Number(s) in single database query? _id people.getString index_id String name people.getString indexName String number people.getString indexNumber Do work... while people.moveToNext And here's the resulting error. E AndroidRuntime 21549 Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? and instead just return return new DatePickerDialog getActivity mDateSetListener mYear mMonth mDay This seems to work... though I cannot figure out yet how to update the text on the fragment that calls this DialogFragment. I thought this would..
Android timer updating a textview (UI)
Android ListView addHeaderView() nullPointerException for predefined Views header or footer I get a null pointer exception. However if I dynamically create a View it works fine... This doesn't work... nullPointerException ListView lv ListView findViewById TextView header TextView findViewById
Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator Here's my code to showing and hiding Screen2 using the ObjectAnimator private void showScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat.. mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start private void hideScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 1.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat..
Method not found using DigestUtils in Android the same code in a Java class outside Android and it works So I do not know why when working with Android it does not work... I put the libraty inside a new libs folder in my app and updated the BuildPath to use it. If I try to use md5 instead of..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments this.fragments.size One of my Fragments stripped but i commetned everyhting out thats stripped and still doesnt work... public class MyFragment extends Fragment implements MyFragmentInterface OnScrollListener ... @Override public void onCreate..