android Programming Glossary: worker
Service vs intent service IntentService is triggered using an Intent it spawns a new worker thread and the method onHandleIntent is called on this thread... of the application. The IntentService runs on a separate worker thread. Limitations Drawbacks The Service may block the Main.. consecutive intents will go into the message queue for the worker thread and will execute sequentially. share improve this answer..
Making a database backup to SDCard on Android database... automatically done on worker thread separate from UI thread protected Boolean doInBackground..
How to call a method after a delay impose. private static final ScheduledExecutorService worker Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor void someMethod Runnable.. Runnable task new Runnable public void run Do something worker.schedule task 5 TimeUnit.SECONDS share improve this answer..
onActivityResult() called prematurely the activity descendant of PreferenceActivity from my worker activity as follows @Override protected void onActivityResult..
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) it to the RunOnUiThread method. For more info on spawning worker threads and updating the UI from them click here I personally..
Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() share improve this question You're calling it from a worker thread. You need to call Toast.makeText and most other functions..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? but the rest will wait in a queue for a free worker thread. As soon as any of the first 5 finishes and thus releases.. As soon as any of the first 5 finishes and thus releases a worker thread a task from the queue will start execution. So in this.. the rest 10 will get into the queue but for the 16th a new worker thread will be created so it'll start execution immediatelly...
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately? Looper thread then send it a message immediately I have a worker thread that sits in the background processing messages. Something.. it matters I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble.. like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble is that this..
Android - copy existing project with a new name I need it also today and i got the answer from my co worker. you just copy your project into new one ctrl c ctrl v . you..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread obvious reason is communication between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider Context context super context Runs on a worker thread @Override public abstract Cursor loadInBackground Runs..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method Retrieving HTTP data.. automatically done on worker thread separate from UI thread protected Void doInBackground..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? this warning not tested class MyActivity extends Activity Worker mWorker static class Worker extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long.. not tested class MyActivity extends Activity Worker mWorker static class Worker extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long MyActivity.. MyActivity extends Activity Worker mWorker static class Worker extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long MyActivity mActivity Worker..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? void callbackCall The class that takes the callback class Worker MyCallback callback void onEvent callback.callbackCall Option..
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately? background processing messages. Something like this class Worker extends Thread public volatile Handler handler actually private.. not that it matters I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ..... I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble is that..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern that it is no good idea to handle the REST request in an Worker Thread of the Activity. Instead I should use the Service API...
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread to perform some task.A Caller Thread may not be the UI..
Service vs intent service Service is triggered calling to method onStartService . The IntentService is triggered using an Intent it spawns a new worker thread and the method onHandleIntent is called on this thread. Triggered From The Service may be triggered from any thread... The Service runs in background but it runs on the Main Thread of the application. The IntentService runs on a separate worker thread. Limitations Drawbacks The Service may block the Main Thread of the application. The IntentService cannot run tasks..
Making a database backup to SDCard on Android here protected void onPreExecute this.dialog.setMessage Exporting database... automatically done on worker thread separate from UI thread protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args File dbFile new File Environment.getDataDirectory..
How to call a method after a delay package. I'm not sure what limitations Android might impose. private static final ScheduledExecutorService worker Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor void someMethod Runnable task new Runnable public void run Do something worker.schedule..
onActivityResult() called prematurely called prematurely I start the activity descendant of PreferenceActivity from my worker activity as follows @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult..
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) the UI modifying code in a Runnable object and passing it to the RunOnUiThread method. For more info on spawning worker threads and updating the UI from them click here I personally only use the RunOnUiThread method in my Instrumentation Tests...
Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() 231 android toast ui thread share improve this question You're calling it from a worker thread. You need to call Toast.makeText and most other functions dealing with the UI from within the main thread. You could..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? your custom tasks in a row then first 5 will enter their doInBackground but the rest will wait in a queue for a free worker thread. As soon as any of the first 5 finishes and thus releases a worker thread a task from the queue will start execution... but the rest will wait in a queue for a free worker thread. As soon as any of the first 5 finishes and thus releases a worker thread a task from the queue will start execution. So in this case at most 5 tasks will run simultaneously. However if you.. tasks in a row then first 5 will enter their doInBackground the rest 10 will get into the queue but for the 16th a new worker thread will be created so it'll start execution immediatelly. So in this case at most 6 tasks will run simultaneously. There..
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately? to create a Looper thread then send it a message immediately I have a worker thread that sits in the background processing messages. Something like this class Worker extends Thread public volatile.. ... Looper.loop From the main thread UI thread not that it matters I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble is that this sets me up for a beautiful race condition.. From the main thread UI thread not that it matters I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble is that this sets me up for a beautiful race condition at the time worker.handler..
Android - copy existing project with a new name please. android eclipse project share improve this question I need it also today and i got the answer from my co worker. you just copy your project into new one ctrl c ctrl v . you change package name in your manifest After that you must rename..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread What Handler and AsyncTask really help you with The most obvious reason is communication between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread to perform some task.A Caller Thread may not be the UI Thread..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider AsyncTaskLoader Cursor private Cursor mCursor public SimpleCursorLoader Context context super context Runs on a worker thread @Override public abstract Cursor loadInBackground Runs on the UI thread @Override public void deliverResult Cursor..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method UI thread here protected void onPreExecute dialog.setMessage Retrieving HTTP data.. automatically done on worker thread separate from UI thread protected Void doInBackground String... urls response httpHelper.performGet urls 0 use the..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? share improve this question How about something like this warning not tested class MyActivity extends Activity Worker mWorker static class Worker extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long MyActivity mActivity Worker MyActivity activity mActivity.. improve this question How about something like this warning not tested class MyActivity extends Activity Worker mWorker static class Worker extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long MyActivity mActivity Worker MyActivity activity mActivity activity.. How about something like this warning not tested class MyActivity extends Activity Worker mWorker static class Worker extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long MyActivity mActivity Worker MyActivity activity mActivity activity @Override protected..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? a random example The callback interface interface MyCallback void callbackCall The class that takes the callback class Worker MyCallback callback void onEvent callback.callbackCall Option 1 class Callback implements MyCallback void callbackCall..
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately? message immediately I have a worker thread that sits in the background processing messages. Something like this class Worker extends Thread public volatile Handler handler actually private of course public void run Looper.prepare mHandler new Handler.. msg ... Looper.loop From the main thread UI thread not that it matters I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble is that this sets me up for a beautiful race condition.. From the main thread UI thread not that it matters I would like to do something like this Worker worker new Worker worker.start worker.handler.sendMessage ... The trouble is that this sets me up for a beautiful race condition at the time..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern REST client applications from Virgil Dobjanschi I learned that it is no good idea to handle the REST request in an Worker Thread of the Activity. Instead I should use the Service API. I like the idea of having a Singleton ServiceHelper which..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread most obvious reason is communication between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread to perform some task.A Caller Thread may not be the UI Thread always . And of course you can communicate between..