android Programming Glossary: theme.translucent
Activity should be transparent, but has black background screenOrientation portrait android theme @android style Theme.Translucent activity When I start this activity from my root activity the.. the background stays black. I tried to use @android style Theme.Translucent instead but this Theme inherits the orientation from the calling.. improve this question Try the built in @android style Theme.Translucent instead of your custom one according to this blog post . I haven't..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service . More important to ensure transparency @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag for this activity in AndroidManifest.xml.. added to the manifest xml is android theme @android style Theme.Translucent In onCreate actual display of AlertDialog occurs Press on AlertDialog..
how can i display a listview on the top of another activity in Android Heres a sample in your manifest specify android style Theme.Translucent Your Custom ListActivity activity android name .CustomListVIew.. android name .CustomListVIew android theme @android style Theme.Translucent now if you want to blur the background before calling setContentView..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? have transparent screen. To achieve that @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag for this activity in AndroidManifest.xml...
How to make Activity, not covering full screen manifect against that acivity android theme @android style Theme.Translucent so that you can se th background things. add the view to a linearlayout..
Proguard tells me 'Please correct the above warnings first.'. How to address references of external jars? android label @string app_name android theme @style Theme.Translucent android screenOrientation portrait android launchMode singleTask..
Bug : Theme.Translucent & FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT Theme.Translucent FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT I have an activity with the.. with the translucent Theme android theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar Also the problem is reproduceable with just this.. android name .FirstAct android theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar android launchMode singleInstance android label..
Activity should be transparent, but has black background android name .Controlls android label Controlls android screenOrientation portrait android theme @android style Theme.Translucent activity When I start this activity from my root activity the layout gets drawn correctly but the background stays black... from my root activity the layout gets drawn correctly but the background stays black. I tried to use @android style Theme.Translucent instead but this Theme inherits the orientation from the calling activity landscape and thats not what I want. Edit The.. or even better to 'sensor' android android layout share improve this question Try the built in @android style Theme.Translucent instead of your custom one according to this blog post . I haven't tried to do this myself so I don't know if the technique..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service activity does not have line super.setContentView in onCreate . More important to ensure transparency @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag for this activity in AndroidManifest.xml GUI. So new line added to the manifest xml is android.. for this activity in AndroidManifest.xml GUI. So new line added to the manifest xml is android theme @android style Theme.Translucent In onCreate actual display of AlertDialog occurs Press on AlertDialog buttons causes Dialog and Activity closing and sending..
how can i display a listview on the top of another activity in Android according to me you can set theme Translucent to achieve that. Heres a sample in your manifest specify android style Theme.Translucent Your Custom ListActivity activity android name .CustomListVIew android theme @android style Theme.Translucent now if you.. style Theme.Translucent Your Custom ListActivity activity android name .CustomListVIew android theme @android style Theme.Translucent now if you want to blur the background before calling setContentView from you Custom ListView public class CustomListActivity..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? that no content view is defined. It is because your app will have transparent screen. To achieve that @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag for this activity in AndroidManifest.xml. public class NotifySMSReceived extends Activity private..
How to make Activity, not covering full screen theme as transluscent. add the following line in your manifect against that acivity android theme @android style Theme.Translucent so that you can se th background things. add the view to a linearlayout with android alignParentBottom true Thanks Sunil..
Proguard tells me 'Please correct the above warnings first.'. How to address references of external jars? label @string app_name activity android name .start.StartActivity android label @string app_name android theme @style Theme.Translucent android screenOrientation portrait android launchMode singleTask intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Bug : Theme.Translucent & FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT Theme.Translucent FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT I have an activity with the translucent Theme android theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.. FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT I have an activity with the translucent Theme android theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar Also the problem is reproduceable with just this Theme style name MyTheme parent @android style Theme item name.. icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .FirstAct android theme @android style Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar android launchMode singleInstance android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..