android Programming Glossary: textwidth
How to adjust text font size to fit textview specified width. private void refitText String text int textWidth if textWidth 0 return int targetWidth textWidth this.getPaddingLeft.. private void refitText String text int textWidth if textWidth 0 return int targetWidth textWidth this.getPaddingLeft this.getPaddingRight.. text int textWidth if textWidth 0 return int targetWidth textWidth this.getPaddingLeft this.getPaddingRight float hi 100 float..
How to find android TextView number of characters per line? boolean isTooLarge TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth.. float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters fit will..
How to check if a TextView String has been trimmed (marquee)? textView private boolean isMarqueed String text int textWidth TextView tv Paint testPaint new Paint testPaint.set tv.getPaint.. Paint testPaint.set tv.getPaint boolean isMarquee true if textWidth 0 int availableWidth int textWidth tv.getPaddingLeft tv.getPaddingRight.. isMarquee true if textWidth 0 int availableWidth int textWidth tv.getPaddingLeft tv.getPaddingRight testPaint.measureText text..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview text fits in the text box assuming the text box is the specified width. private void refitText String text int textWidth if textWidth 0 return int targetWidth textWidth this.getPaddingLeft this.getPaddingRight float hi 100 float lo 2 final.. in the text box assuming the text box is the specified width. private void refitText String text int textWidth if textWidth 0 return int targetWidth textWidth this.getPaddingLeft this.getPaddingRight float hi 100 float lo 2 final float threshold.. box is the specified width. private void refitText String text int textWidth if textWidth 0 return int targetWidth textWidth this.getPaddingLeft this.getPaddingRight float hi 100 float lo 2 final float threshold 0.5f How close we have to be mTestPaint.set..
How to find android TextView number of characters per line? width textview share improve this question Try this private boolean isTooLarge TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters fit will be impossible.. this private boolean isTooLarge TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters fit will be impossible due to the variable width of the characters...
How to check if a TextView String has been trimmed (marquee)? textView.getWidth textView isMarqueed I am fine textView.getWidth textView private boolean isMarqueed String text int textWidth TextView tv Paint testPaint new Paint testPaint.set tv.getPaint boolean isMarquee true if textWidth 0 int availableWidth.. String text int textWidth TextView tv Paint testPaint new Paint testPaint.set tv.getPaint boolean isMarquee true if textWidth 0 int availableWidth int textWidth tv.getPaddingLeft tv.getPaddingRight testPaint.measureText text System.out.println ...available.. tv Paint testPaint new Paint testPaint.set tv.getPaint boolean isMarquee true if textWidth 0 int availableWidth int textWidth tv.getPaddingLeft tv.getPaddingRight testPaint.measureText text System.out.println ...available width... availableWidth..