

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:21

android Programming Glossary: thesis

Unable to link native library in OpenCV Android sample


my free time but with no luck. I really need this for my thesis so any help will be appreciated. Update I have tested this sample..

(need advice) Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App


server database from my Android App I am starting my thesis which is an app for android. This app is based on a web platform..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


or would you include the code snippets. Big Help with my thesis. Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated. android..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


ideas or include the code snippets . Big Help with my thesis. Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated. UPDATE.. this controller but in my opinion it's too loaded for a thesis project . So the steps to reproduce here are chunk big files..

Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation)


J. Woodman An introduction to inertial navigation his PhD thesis Pedestrian Localisation for Indoor Environments share improve..

how can i select and kill multiple application


kill multiple application I'm a newbie in android and my thesis is just like the Battery Doctor Saver in android. My number.. for your immediate response to my question . package plm.thesis.taskkiller public class TaskKillerActivity extends ListActivity.. .registerReceiver receiver new IntentFilter plm.thesis.taskkiller.REFRESH_RECEIVER @Override protected void onDestroy..

Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off


is turned off I'm developing an application for my final thesis on computer science and I need to collect and log accelerometer.. I wrote the following question Hello I am developing my thesis in computer science and currently I am fetching data from accelerometer..

Unable to link native library in OpenCV Android sample


Linux I've been tried to fix this problem for 4 nights it's my free time but with no luck. I really need this for my thesis so any help will be appreciated. Update I have tested this sample on Windows 7 64 but result is the same. It seems that..

(need advice) Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App


need advice Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App I am starting my thesis which is an app for android. This app is based on a web platform I had created. The part where I need advice is which is..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


application available. Could you share the concepts ideas or would you include the code snippets. Big Help with my thesis. Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated. android geolocation imagemap android wifi share improve this question..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


image to mark the current location. Would you share the concepts ideas or include the code snippets . Big Help with my thesis. Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated. UPDATE Actual Example with Actual Expected Output Test Case parcel.. for Android commercial map tiles everything is awesome with this controller but in my opinion it's too loaded for a thesis project . So the steps to reproduce here are chunk big files into smaller parts find the exact coordinates of the edges..

Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation)


how can i select and kill multiple application


can i select and kill multiple application I'm a newbie in android and my thesis is just like the Battery Doctor Saver in android. My number 1 problem is to select multiple application and kill it at once... kill one application at a time. So here is my code thank you for your immediate response to my question . package plm.thesis.taskkiller public class TaskKillerActivity extends ListActivity private static final String TAG TaskKillerActivity TaskListAdapter.. receiver new RefreshReceiver getApplicationContext .registerReceiver receiver new IntentFilter plm.thesis.taskkiller.REFRESH_RECEIVER @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy getApplicationContext .unregisterReceiver..

Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off


accelerometer not working when screen is turned off I'm developing an application for my final thesis on computer science and I need to collect and log accelerometer data. I need to acquire it for a whole day long so there.. like me that are experiencing these issues with Android. I wrote the following question Hello I am developing my thesis in computer science and currently I am fetching data from accelerometer hardware. As of now I found out that the accelerometers..