

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:14

android Programming Glossary: thecontext

Calling AlarmManager in Service


is simply private final long ONE_MINUTE 60 1000 1 Context theContext getBaseContext AlarmManager theService AlarmManager theContext.. getBaseContext AlarmManager theService AlarmManager theContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent.. Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent theContext LocalWordSubClass.class PendingIntent thePending PendingIntent.getBroadcast..

Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager


Handler public SoundManager public void initSounds Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 20 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC.. public void initSounds Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 20 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 0 mSoundPoolMap..

Adding GestureOverlayView to my SurfaceView class, how to add to view hierarchy?


OnGesturePerformedListener public Panel Context context theContext context mLibrary GestureLibraries.fromRawResource context R.raw.myspells.. GestureOverlayView gestures new GestureOverlayView theContext gestures.setOrientation gestures.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL gestures.setEventsInterceptionEnabled.. if prediction.score 1.0 Show the spell Toast.makeText theContext prediction.name Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show The onGesturePerformed..

Why does AlertDialog.Builder(Context context) only accepts Activity as a parameter?


its context into your class as an argument myClass Context theContext ... ... Each activity service etc. then makes calls like so..

Playing sounds simultaneously Android


private Context mContext public SoundManager Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 4 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC.. mContext public SoundManager Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 4 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 0 mSoundPoolMap..

Calling AlarmManager in Service


service . The code in the first service to call the second is simply private final long ONE_MINUTE 60 1000 1 Context theContext getBaseContext AlarmManager theService AlarmManager theContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent.. simply private final long ONE_MINUTE 60 1000 1 Context theContext getBaseContext AlarmManager theService AlarmManager theContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent theContext LocalWordSubClass.class PendingIntent thePending.. AlarmManager theService AlarmManager theContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent theContext LocalWordSubClass.class PendingIntent thePending PendingIntent.getBroadcast theContext 0 i PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT..

Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager


new Vector Integer private Handler mHandler new Handler public SoundManager public void initSounds Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 20 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 0 mSoundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer mAudioManager.. Integer private Handler mHandler new Handler public SoundManager public void initSounds Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 20 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 0 mSoundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer mAudioManager AudioManager..

Adding GestureOverlayView to my SurfaceView class, how to add to view hierarchy?


Panel extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback OnGesturePerformedListener public Panel Context context theContext context mLibrary GestureLibraries.fromRawResource context R.raw.myspells GestureOverlayView gestures new GestureOverlayView.. mLibrary GestureLibraries.fromRawResource context R.raw.myspells GestureOverlayView gestures new GestureOverlayView theContext gestures.setOrientation gestures.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL gestures.setEventsInterceptionEnabled true gestures.setGestureStrokeType.. predictions.get 0 We want at least some confidence in the result if prediction.score 1.0 Show the spell Toast.makeText theContext prediction.name Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show The onGesturePerformed is never called. Their example has the GestureOverlay in..

Why does AlertDialog.Builder(Context context) only accepts Activity as a parameter?


each probably with its own context so the caller must pass its context into your class as an argument myClass Context theContext ... ... Each activity service etc. then makes calls like so myClass this ... Look familiar Do be careful that if you are..

Playing sounds simultaneously Android


Integer Integer mSoundPoolMap private AudioManager mAudioManager private Context mContext public SoundManager Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 4 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 0 mSoundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer mAudioManager.. private AudioManager mAudioManager private Context mContext public SoundManager Context theContext mContext theContext mSoundPool new SoundPool 4 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 0 mSoundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer mAudioManager AudioManager..