android Programming Glossary: theres
Android - Run a thread repeatingly within a timer use 'Timer'. Here's what I try to achieve At preferences theres a setting checkbox which to enable disable the repeating job...
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? is the only example I could find in the Android docs and theres just about nothing that describes its use. It also seems to..
Import KML in Maps API V2 share improve this question For now Ill just assume that theres no public library that does this for us so I'm going to use..
get contact info from android contact picker it force closes Maybe theres another way to get their number android contacts contactscontract..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? i had the same issue now i check at the start of my app if theres a new version in my configuration xml. I compare the actual..
Multi-gradient shapes Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2 but theres a bottom half that gradients from color 3 to color 4. I know..
Add button to a layout programmatically H.handleMessage 2033 theres abviously more lines to do with this error in logcat not sure..
WebP for Android and show them in a listview with an imageview. I know theres a libwebp api and I have integrated it into my Android project..
Android - Server Socket have Client Socket Application for my other application so theres no problem with the client application. 2 My second question..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? docs and Service broadcast doc i tried to google it but theres no code available to start with the documents say that i should..
Android - Run a thread repeatingly within a timer for hours now and someone says use 'Handlers' someone says use 'Timer'. Here's what I try to achieve At preferences theres a setting checkbox which to enable disable the repeating job. As that checkbox is checked the timer should start to work..
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? anyone seen a good example of using this functionality This is the only example I could find in the Android docs and theres just about nothing that describes its use. It also seems to ignore whatever is defined in the layout for
Import KML in Maps API V2 this from scratch. java android google maps overlay kml share improve this question For now Ill just assume that theres no public library that does this for us so I'm going to use Google's code to add polylines and polygons to my map after..
get contact info from android contact picker String number c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER it force closes Maybe theres another way to get their number android contacts contactscontract google contacts share improve this question Phone..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? sources . android updates share improve this question i had the same issue now i check at the start of my app if theres a new version in my configuration xml. I compare the actual version with the tag app_version 1.1 app_version of my configuration.xml..
Multi-gradient shapes I'd like to create a shape that's like the following image Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2 but theres a bottom half that gradients from color 3 to color 4. I know how to make a shape with a single gradient but I'm not sure..
Add button to a layout programmatically 125 ERROR AndroidRuntime 293 at H.handleMessage 2033 theres abviously more lines to do with this error in logcat not sure if you want it EDIT#2 So i tried bhups method @Override public..
WebP for Android to use WebP for Android Im trying to get a list of webp images and show them in a listview with an imageview. I know theres a libwebp api and I have integrated it into my Android project using the NDK but how do I excatly use the api to take my..
Android - Server Socket PC's client socket application to test my server socket I have Client Socket Application for my other application so theres no problem with the client application. 2 My second question is to test my server app on the android device do I have to..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? how to use locate LocalBroadcastManager as described in google docs and Service broadcast doc i tried to google it but theres no code available to start with the documents say that i should use it if i want to do broadcast internally with in my app's..