

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:19

android Programming Glossary: theme.xml

Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock


use the ABS version 4.1.0 since I do not currently want to make ancillary changes in my app. I also use this in my theme.xml style name MyTheme parent @style Theme.Sherlock.ForceOverflow item name android windowBackground @color background item..

Try to use Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE but got Exception:You cannot combine custom titles with other title feature..


How to reference style attributes from a drawable?


case as we want to use them for drawables attr name my_drawable format reference resources Add your drawable to your theme.xml. style name MyTheme parent @android style Theme.NoTitleBar item name my_drawable @drawable my_drawable item style Reference..

Android color selector doesn't work with custom attributes


colors attr format reference color name foreground attr format reference color name background resources And then in theme.xml style name MyTheme parent android Theme.Black item name android windowNoTitle true item item name foreground #0000FF item..

Different Theme for different Android SDK versions


from Program different layouts for different versions in android that I can have a folder values v14 which will have a theme.xml to override the theme declaration. However it won't compile if I reference Theme.Holo. I believe this is because I have..

Change basic theme color of android application


In your manifest in application tag define as android theme @style mytheme Now in res values you can define a file say theme.xml with content as resources style name mytheme parent @android style Theme item name android _DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR_1 #XXXXXX..