android Programming Glossary: theme.sherlock
Actionbarsherlock - change actionbar line colour to implement them twice. I would also extend a varient of Theme.Sherlock rather than holo as I believe holo is not available on older..
How to set title color in ActionBarSherlock? bar implementation to function your application must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light or Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or.. to function your application must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light or Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or your custom theme.. must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light or Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or your custom theme must use one of the..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? style name Theme.AstraTheme_Purple parent @style Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.AstraTheme_Purple.ActionBar.. share improve this question style name AppTheme parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionButtonStyle @style MyActionButtonStyle item..
ActionBar Divider Styling between those ActionItem s style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.Styled.ActionBar item.. you are looking for is style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarDivider @drawable small_detail_divider item.. should be set with style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarSplitStyle @style Widget.Styled.ActionBarSplit..
How do you create a transparent demo screen for an Android app? If you're using ActionBarSherlock change parent to @style Theme.Sherlock . This will give you a transparent activity so you will be able..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] android label @string app_name android theme @style Theme.Sherlock activity android name .MainActivity android label @string title_activity_main..
indeterminateProgressBar in ActionBar styling - padding issue apk res android ... style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarStyle @style Example.ActionBar item item..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue Update I also tried style name Theme.Dark parent @style Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar item name actionBarDivider @null item item.. remove the divider like this style name AppTheme parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarDivider @null item item name android actionBarDivider..
Android: getSupportActionBar() always returns null in ActionBarSherlock library
Setting ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app exception complaining that I haven't the app theme to Theme.Sherlock or similar java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to start activity.. java.lang.IllegalStateException You must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or a.. You must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or a derivative. at..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs of the actionbar settings style name SkoletubeTheme parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarSize @dimen st__action_bar_default_height..
Actionbarsherlock - change actionbar line colour
How to set title color in ActionBarSherlock? website Parent Themes In order for the custom action bar implementation to function your application must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light or Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or your custom theme must use one of the aforementioned as its.. Parent Themes In order for the custom action bar implementation to function your application must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light or Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or your custom theme must use one of the aforementioned as its parent. Mirrored.. for the custom action bar implementation to function your application must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light or Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or your custom theme must use one of the aforementioned as its parent. Mirrored Attributes Due to limitations..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? away compare to the screenshot of Soundhound below my themes.xml style name Theme.AstraTheme_Purple parent @style Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.AstraTheme_Purple.ActionBar item item name android actionBarStyle @style Widget.AstraTheme_Purple.ActionBar.. android icons padding android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question style name AppTheme parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionButtonStyle @style MyActionButtonStyle item item name android actionButtonStyle @style MyActionButtonStyle..
ActionBar Divider Styling . That did not help either. What should I do to add divider between those ActionItem s style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.Styled.ActionBar item item name absForceOverflow true item style style name Widget.Styled.ActionBar.. actionbarsherlock share improve this question the attribute you are looking for is style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarDivider @drawable small_detail_divider item .... item name android actionBarDivider @drawable small_detail_divider.. item ... style Just to give you some more info. The split ActionBar should be set with style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarSplitStyle @style Widget.Styled.ActionBarSplit item item name android actionBarSplitStyle @style Widget.Styled.ActionBarSplit..
How do you create a transparent demo screen for an Android app? item item name android backgroundDimEnabled false item style If you're using ActionBarSherlock change parent to @style Theme.Sherlock . This will give you a transparent activity so you will be able to see the activity below it. Now I'm guessing you want..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] required false application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style Theme.Sherlock activity android name .MainActivity android label @string title_activity_main intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
indeterminateProgressBar in ActionBar styling - padding issue values styles.xml resources xmlns android http apk res android ... style name Theme.Example parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarStyle @style Example.ActionBar item item name android actionBarStyle @style Example.ActionBar item style..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue 18 Any suggestions or thoughts about what may be the issue Update I also tried style name Theme.Dark parent @style Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar item name actionBarDivider @null item item name android actionBarDivider @null item style But this didn't..
Android: getSupportActionBar() always returns null in ActionBarSherlock library
Setting ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app fine in ICS but when I run it on Gingerbread I get the following exception complaining that I haven't the app theme to Theme.Sherlock or similar java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to start activity ComponentInfo com.arashpayan.prayerbook com.arashpayan.prayerbook.PrayerBook.. com.arashpayan.prayerbook com.arashpayan.prayerbook.PrayerBook java.lang.IllegalStateException You must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or a derivative. at com.arashpayan.prayerbook.PrayerBook java.lang.IllegalStateException You must use Theme.Sherlock Theme.Sherlock.Light Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar or a derivative. at
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs I have so far Created my own styles.xml where I change some of the actionbar settings style name SkoletubeTheme parent Theme.Sherlock item name actionBarSize @dimen st__action_bar_default_height item item name actionBarTabStyle @style Skoletube.TabView item..