android Programming Glossary: theme.custom
How to: Define theme (style) item for custom widget style Widget.ImageButton item name customAttr some value item style Declare a custom theme in themes.xml style name Theme.Custom parent @android style Theme item name customImageButtonStyle @style Widget.ImageButton.Custom item style Use this attribute.. below this.customAttr array.getString R.styleable.CustomImageButton_customAttr array.recycle Now you have to apply Theme.Custom to all activities that use CustomImageButton in AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .MyActivity android theme @style.. activities that use CustomImageButton in AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .MyActivity android theme @style Theme.Custom That's all. Now CustomImageButton tries to load default attribute values from customImageButtonStyle attribute of current..
Custom PreferenceCategory Headings paddingTop 6px item item name android paddingBottom 6px item item name android paddingLeft 12px item style style name Theme.Custom parent @android style Theme item name android listSeparatorTextViewStyle @style PreferenceListHeader item style Then in..
Change CalendarView style share improve this question In my project I defined the attribute android calendarViewStyle in my theme. style name Theme.Custom parent @android Theme item name android calendarViewStyle @style Widget.CalendarView.Custom item style style name Widget.CalendarView.Custom..