android Programming Glossary: thanks
Push Notifications in Android Platform the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this question Google's..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? In case anyone is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml..
Removing an activity from the history stack task on #3 but wanted to see if there was simpler method Thanks android share improve this question You can also implement..
Android: Override back button to act like home button putting my application's Activity into the stopped state. Thanks in advance for any pointers. Edit I know about services and..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations Would be grateful for any alternatives and or suggestions Thanks android blackberry java me geolocation driving directions ..
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM framelayout b setting the tabwidget's gravity to bottom Thanks llappall android tabwidget share improve this question Here's..
How to get a list of installed android applications and pick one to run but how do I use this to run a specific application Thanks android share improve this question Following is the code..
Open another application from your own (intent) use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually. Thanks for your help 05 06 11 22 24.945 INFO ActivityManager 76 Starting..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android serviceLauncher Log.v TEST Service loaded at start Thanks android service broadcastreceiver share improve this question..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android do it like APNDroid. Please someone give me some insight. Thanks android share improve this question The Dataconnection disable..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? aspects involved Synchronization Reusability Testing Thanks in advance. java android patterns share improve this question..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution..
Android post JSON using HTTP good Android book that deals with this please let me know. Thanks again for the help @terrance here is the code I described below..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java how to set the timeout in order to avoid waiting too long Thanks java android timeout httpresponse share improve this question..
Android: How to declare global variables? after the user already successfully authenticates Thanks android singleton global variables state share improve this..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View the textviews remain unchanged from the original data. Thanks for your time. Update I made a little test project and I've..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) is it more likely that I've made some errors in my coding Thanks for your help in advance. android physics accelerometer acceleration..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] Cursor testdata mDbHelper.getTestData mDbHelper.close EDIT Thanks to JDx For Jellybean 4.2 change DB_PATH data data context.getPackageName..
Android - basic gesture detection gesture recognition share improve this question Thanks to Code Shogun whose code I adapted to my situation. Let your..
AsyncTask Android example wrap_content android text Replace LinearLayout Thanks for the help. android android asynctask share improve this..
How to read pdf in my android application? [closed] file pdf in application can u suggest me any good api... thanks in advance... android pdf reader share improve this question..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio?
Permission to write to the SD card the permission on a folder file to be able to write to it thanks patrick java android share improve this question You're..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically Selection With support for images from file explorers thanks to user mad. public class BrowsePictureActivity extends Activity..
Detect application heap size in Android true manifest option available since Honeycomb but thanks to the comment by cmcromance below we have the following largeHeap..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo improve this question Here is the answer with many many thanks to a helpful Seesmic developer willing to share the fix In the..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? improve this question I figured it out with Tom's help thanks . The key was creating a dialog with the stream.publish API..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? some googling but i couldn't find any useful information thanks android eclipse heap dump memoryanalyzer share improve this..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android this question After three days I got it figured out thanks to some very helpful posts. I had to replace tmp device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord..
Retrieving Android API version programmatically 1.5 API3 when you use it or your application will crash thanks to Programmer Bruce for the precision . Corresponding android..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? and yes I realize she's an Android framework engineer thanks. We are bit by bit removing all singletons from our project..
'Application not Installed' Error on Android phone removing the existing .apk does not fix fault Many thanks android android emulator share improve this question I..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? into string to upload by JSON to my remote server. thanks android base64 share improve this question You can use..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] and Install Application programmatically on Android thanks guys i want to make autoupdate and autoinstall at once. it is.. intent That is correct now my autoupdate is working thanks for help and sorry for bother you. share improve this answer..
Android post JSON using HTTP down if Justin Grammens does not approve. But if not then thanks Justin for being cool about it. Update I just happend to get..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? one two punch and point how to do it the right way. Many thanks Code Main Activity public class DashboardActivity extends BasePagerActivity..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method is using 4 not 3 as of 1.0 2.x . The docs are hard to find thanks Apache because HttpClient is now part of HttpComponents and..
Android: How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner this from firing off before the user can touch the control THANKS public class CMSHome extends Activity private Spinner spinner..
Error inflating inner class view Context AttributeSet when I clearly have it. THANKS ALL public class CupcakeMessage extends Activity class CupcakeMessageView..
Adding/Removing the language entries in the “Settings” -> “Select Locale” from Android phone the mPackageGroups. Finally.. I came here for help Again THANKS in advance for reading my post. android settings locale share..
How to send a http request by JSON in Android? also come in JSON. So can anyone can HELP me please in it. THANKS. android json http share improve this question Try out..
In android Why my ProgressBar Freezes? get freezes does any one have idea why this is so...... THANKS in advance... private ProgressDialog pd private Handler handler..
Android Stop Background Music to know when the user leaves exits is done with the app THANKS FOR ALL OF THE COMMENTS POSTS AND HELP EVERYONE YAY EDIT This..
It is possible to authenticate a Google user ( the one logged in on an android device ) to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google?
Push Notifications in Android Platform limitations. SMS no guarantee on arrival time. Poll may drain the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this question Google's official answer is the Android Cloud to Device Messaging..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? this android styles textview share improve this question In case anyone is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b title b br small description small br small DateAdded..
Removing an activity from the history stack I think I can accomplish this with tasks ie. start a new task on #3 but wanted to see if there was simpler method Thanks android share improve this question You can also implement this from your AndroidManifest.xml file just adding android..
Android: Override back button to act like home button press then start an Activity of the home screen effectively putting my application's Activity into the stopped state. Thanks in advance for any pointers. Edit I know about services and am using one in the application to which this problem is related...
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations of our servers. Bret Taylor Product Manager Google Maps Would be grateful for any alternatives and or suggestions Thanks android blackberry java me geolocation driving directions share improve this question J2ME Map Route Provider
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM following but didn't work a setting the tabwidget below the framelayout b setting the tabwidget's gravity to bottom Thanks llappall android tabwidget share improve this question Here's the simplest most robust and scalable solution to get..
How to get a list of installed android applications and pick one to run I can use PackageManager to get all the installed applications but how do I use this to run a specific application Thanks android share improve this question Following is the code to get the list of activities applications installed on Android..
Open another application from your own (intent) but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually. Thanks for your help 05 06 11 22 24.945 INFO ActivityManager 76 Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN cat android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android new Intent context RunService.class context.startService serviceLauncher Log.v TEST Service loaded at start Thanks android service broadcastreceiver share improve this question The other answers look good but I thought I'd wrap everything..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android issue says it cannot be done. The kicker is they all say to do it like APNDroid. Please someone give me some insight. Thanks android share improve this question The Dataconnection disable and enabling APIS are hidden in the SDK and not exposed..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? DalvikVM otherwise EDIT I would like to have opinions on several aspects involved Synchronization Reusability Testing Thanks in advance. java android patterns share improve this question I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn and yes I realize..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds tl dr is there a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases and I've listed some alternatives in my..
Android post JSON using HTTP happening and why it is done that way. If anyone knows of a good Android book that deals with this please let me know. Thanks again for the help @terrance here is the code I described below public void shNameVerParams throws Exception String path..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java response httpClient.execute method Does anyone know how to set the timeout in order to avoid waiting too long Thanks java android timeout httpresponse share improve this question In my example two timeouts are set. The connection timeout..
Android: How to declare global variables? to set the variable global in order to avoid login form appearing after the user already successfully authenticates Thanks android singleton global variables state share improve this question I wrote this answer back in '09 when Android was..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View each time I want to use a new List of data. Nothing has helped the textviews remain unchanged from the original data. Thanks for your time. Update I made a little test project and I've almost been able to update the views. I'll paste the class below...
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) accelerometer readings are on a mobile phone HTC Desire S or is it more likely that I've made some errors in my coding Thanks for your help in advance. android physics accelerometer acceleration calibration share improve this question You get..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] urContext mDbHelper.createDatabase Cursor testdata mDbHelper.getTestData mDbHelper.close EDIT Thanks to JDx For Jellybean 4.2 change DB_PATH data data context.getPackageName databases to DB_PATH context.getApplicationInfo..
Android - basic gesture detection tell you the specifics of what I've tried. android listener gesture recognition share improve this question Thanks to Code Shogun whose code I adapted to my situation. Let your activity implement OnClickListener as usual public class SelectFilterActivity..
AsyncTask Android example id @ id output android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Replace LinearLayout Thanks for the help. android android asynctask share improve this question Ok you are trying to access the GUI via another..
How to read pdf in my android application? [closed] working....... Display pdf within app on android Open asset file pdf in application can u suggest me any good api... thanks in advance... android pdf reader share improve this question I've simply done that using PdfViewer.jar and making a..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio?
Permission to write to the SD card SD card but its throwing an IOException. How can I change the permission on a folder file to be able to write to it thanks patrick java android share improve this question You're right that the SD Card directory is sdcard but you shouldn't..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically explaining how to deal with picasa images. Single Picture Selection With support for images from file explorers thanks to user mad. public class BrowsePictureActivity extends Activity this is the action code we use in our intent this way we..
Detect application heap size in Android tested these two methods using the special android largeHeap true manifest option available since Honeycomb but thanks to the comment by cmcromance below we have the following largeHeap values maxMemory 268435456 I assume that is the returned..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo for any directions help android ssl android 2.2 share improve this question Here is the answer with many many thanks to a helpful Seesmic developer willing to share the fix In the custom socket factory the socket creation with createSocket..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? I'll keep looking into it. java android facebook share improve this question I figured it out with Tom's help thanks . The key was creating a dialog with the stream.publish API call using the Facebook Android SDK. Here are the steps Download..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some googling but i couldn't find any useful information thanks android eclipse heap dump memoryanalyzer share improve this question When you debug your app open DDMS in Eclipse...
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android problem that I am having. java android bluetooth share improve this question After three days I got it figured out thanks to some very helpful posts. I had to replace tmp device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID with Method m device.getClass..
Retrieving Android API version programmatically your application is not retro compatible with Cupcake android 1.5 API3 when you use it or your application will crash thanks to Programmer Bruce for the precision . Corresponding android documentation http reference android..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? improve this question I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn and yes I realize she's an Android framework engineer thanks. We are bit by bit removing all singletons from our project in favor of lightweight task scoped objects which can easiliy..
'Application not Installed' Error on Android but running fine in the emulators I have tried rebooting the phone removing the existing .apk does not fix fault Many thanks android android emulator share improve this question I had a similar issue and it was because I was trying to install..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? talking about to transform into String... and i need to transform into string to upload by JSON to my remote server. thanks android base64 share improve this question You can use the Base64 Android class String encodedImage Base64.encodeToString..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] i made this with help from Android download binary file problems and Install Application programmatically on Android thanks guys i want to make autoupdate and autoinstall at once. it is local so it's non market application. here is my code for..
Android post JSON using HTTP about... etc whatever pops in your head really. I will take down if Justin Grammens does not approve. But if not then thanks Justin for being cool about it. Update I just happend to get a comment about how to use the code and realized that there..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? 3 Pro book doesn't have much about it. So please give me one two punch and point how to do it the right way. Many thanks Code Main Activity public class DashboardActivity extends BasePagerActivity implements OnMessageListActionListener private..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method Here are the HttpClient 4 docs that is what Android is using 4 not 3 as of 1.0 2.x . The docs are hard to find thanks Apache because HttpClient is now part of HttpComponents and if you just look for HttpClient you will normally end up at..
Android: How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner hoping that would help but it doesn't. How can I stop this from firing off before the user can touch the control THANKS public class CMSHome extends Activity private Spinner spinner @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Error inflating inner class view that logcat states a no such method exception for CupcakeMessageView Context AttributeSet when I clearly have it. THANKS ALL public class CupcakeMessage extends Activity class CupcakeMessageView extends View private static final int TEXT_SIZE..
Adding/Removing the language entries in the “Settings” -> “Select Locale” from Android phone code at last and couldn't find where the locales are added to the mPackageGroups. Finally.. I came here for help Again THANKS in advance for reading my post. android settings locale share improve this question I think that a normal application..
How to send a http request by JSON in Android? make http requset by JSON and in return the response will also come in JSON. So can anyone can HELP me please in it. THANKS. android json http share improve this question Try out this code Button show_data JSONObject my_json_obj String path..
In android Why my ProgressBar Freezes? but at time of plotting that data on chart my progress bar get freezes does any one have idea why this is so...... THANKS in advance... private ProgressDialog pd private Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message..
Android Stop Background Music are started well here you go Hope this helps anyone looking to know when the user leaves exits is done with the app THANKS FOR ALL OF THE COMMENTS POSTS AND HELP EVERYONE YAY EDIT This part has to be in EVERY activity's onPause Context context..
It is possible to authenticate a Google user ( the one logged in on an android device ) to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google?