android Programming Glossary: theme.holo
Android checkbox style boxes in my application. My application style is set to Theme.Holo which is dark and I would like the check boxes on my list view.. would like the check boxes on my list view to be of style Theme.Holo.Light. I am not trying to create a custom style. The code below.. dark. style name CustomActivityTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android checkboxStyle @style customCheckBoxStyle item..
Nexus 7 Support for Android Application Manifest Assembly logo @drawable ic_launcher android theme @android style Theme.Holo activity android name MainActivity android configChanges keyboardHidden..
ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides answer here style name Theme.MyFancyTheme parent android Theme.Holo item name android homeAsUpIndicator @drawable my_fancy_up_indicator..
How can I change the style of action bar API 15 or activity style name Theme.MyStyle parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android actionBarStyle @style MyActionBar item other..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar android name videoplayer android theme @android style Theme.Holo android launchMode singleTop android configChanges keyboardHidden..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? the bottom border style name MyTheme parent android Theme.Holo item name android actionBarStyle @style MyActionBar item style..
C2DM Broadcast Receiver icon @drawable pcdlauncher android theme @android style Theme.Holo activity android name .honeycombpcd3.FullScheduleActivity android..
How can I change the touch effect color of the ActionBar in Android 3.0 and higher should be a state list drawable. Here's the declaration in Theme.Holo style name Theme.Holo bunch of things item name android selectableItemBackground.. drawable. Here's the declaration in Theme.Holo style name Theme.Holo bunch of things item name android selectableItemBackground @android..
Different Theme for different Android SDK versions theme declaration. However it won't compile if I reference Theme.Holo. I believe this is because I have the following in my AndroidManifest.xml.. utf 8 resources style name MainTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android typeface normal item item name android textSize.. resource found that matches the given name '@android style Theme.Holo' android android layout android theme share improve this..
How to customize the back button on ActionBar like this style name Theme.MyFancyTheme parent android Theme.Holo item name android homeAsUpIndicator @drawable my_fancy_up_indicator..
Use different icons with different Android SDK versions if you're dark style name ThemeSelector parent android Theme.Holo ... style Then add icons to that style. For instance here's.. style name AppTheme.Dark parent @android style Theme.Holo ... item name menuIconCamera @drawable ic_menu_camera_holo_dark..
Changing overflow icon in the action bar with a style. style name Your.Theme parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android actionOverflowButtonStyle @style OverFlow..
Use Android 4.0 styled toggle-button 4.0 styled togglebutton. For this I selected the Theme Theme.Holo.Light . When I take the togglebutton from there its that square.. Switch widget and make sure your application's theme is Theme.Holo or Theme.Holo.Light However if you want to target api level.. and make sure your application's theme is Theme.Holo or Theme.Holo.Light However if you want to target api level under 2.3 you..
Android checkbox style I am new to android and I'm trying to set a style to all check boxes in my application. My application style is set to Theme.Holo which is dark and I would like the check boxes on my list view to be of style Theme.Holo.Light. I am not trying to create.. application style is set to Theme.Holo which is dark and I would like the check boxes on my list view to be of style Theme.Holo.Light. I am not trying to create a custom style. The code below doesn't seem to work nothing happens at all. I need to do.. check box and check box text is white which i would like dark. style name CustomActivityTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android checkboxStyle @style customCheckBoxStyle item style style name customCheckBoxStyle parent @android style..
Nexus 7 Support for Android Application Manifest Assembly android label @string app_name android largeHeap true android logo @drawable ic_launcher android theme @android style Theme.Holo activity android name MainActivity android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation android icon @drawable ic_launcher android..
ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides drawable for the home as up indicator. See here taken from answer here style name Theme.MyFancyTheme parent android Theme.Holo item name android homeAsUpIndicator @drawable my_fancy_up_indicator item or you could try @null style share improve this..
How can I change the style of action bar API 15 utf 8 resources the theme applied to the application or activity style name Theme.MyStyle parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android actionBarStyle @style MyActionBar item other activity and action bar styles here style style for the action..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar I'd rather leverage the ActionBar if possible. Manifest activity android name videoplayer android theme @android style Theme.Holo android launchMode singleTop android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation Activity Setup action bar ActionBar actionBar..
Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar? and set the android background to something that doesn't include the bottom border style name MyTheme parent android Theme.Holo item name android actionBarStyle @style MyActionBar item style style name MyActionBar parent android Widget.Holo.ActionBar..
C2DM Broadcast Receiver name .PCD3Application android label @string app_name android icon @drawable pcdlauncher android theme @android style Theme.Holo activity android name .honeycombpcd3.FullScheduleActivity android label @string app_namefull intent filter action android..
How can I change the touch effect color of the ActionBar in Android 3.0 and higher for action item background drawing. This should be a state list drawable. Here's the declaration in Theme.Holo style name Theme.Holo bunch of things item name android selectableItemBackground @android drawable item_background_holo_dark.. action item background drawing. This should be a state list drawable. Here's the declaration in Theme.Holo style name Theme.Holo bunch of things item name android selectableItemBackground @android drawable item_background_holo_dark item bunch of things..
Different Theme for different Android SDK versions values v14 which will have a theme.xml to override the theme declaration. However it won't compile if I reference Theme.Holo. I believe this is because I have the following in my AndroidManifest.xml uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 uses sdk android.. res values v11 themes.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name MainTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android typeface normal item item name android textSize 15sp item style resources This is in accordance with the.. saying that error Error retrieving parent for item No resource found that matches the given name '@android style Theme.Holo' android android layout android theme share improve this question What you are doing with your values v14 folder is..
How to customize the back button on ActionBar override it with your own custom version it would be something like this style name Theme.MyFancyTheme parent android Theme.Holo item name android homeAsUpIndicator @drawable my_fancy_up_indicator item style If you are supporting pre 3.0 with your application..
Use different icons with different Android SDK versions Then in a res values v11 folder select your theme probably Holo if you're dark style name ThemeSelector parent android Theme.Holo ... style Then add icons to that style. For instance here's a snippet from the styles.xml file from the HoneycombGallery.. from the styles.xml file from the HoneycombGallery sample application. style name AppTheme.Dark parent @android style Theme.Holo ... item name menuIconCamera @drawable ic_menu_camera_holo_dark item item name menuIconToggle @drawable ic_menu_toggle_holo_dark..
Changing overflow icon in the action bar android 4.0 share improve this question You can with a style. style name Your.Theme parent @android style Theme.Holo item name android actionOverflowButtonStyle @style OverFlow item style style name OverFlow parent @android style Widget.Holo.ActionButton.Overflow..
Use Android 4.0 styled toggle-button I'm trying to do I'm trying to use in my Layout the Android 4.0 styled togglebutton. For this I selected the Theme Theme.Holo.Light . When I take the togglebutton from there its that square with the green line if the button is enabled. But I'd like.. question If your app targeting api level 14 or higher. Use Switch widget and make sure your application's theme is Theme.Holo or Theme.Holo.Light However if you want to target api level under 2.3 you have to make custom layout. I think It's quite.. your app targeting api level 14 or higher. Use Switch widget and make sure your application's theme is Theme.Holo or Theme.Holo.Light However if you want to target api level under 2.3 you have to make custom layout. I think It's quite messy to explain..