android Programming Glossary: textfield
Android EditText ImeOptions “Done” track finish typing the done button on the keyboard when user click on the textfield. editText.setImeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE When user..
Android: How to get the time from a TimePicker when it is typed in when the user typed in the time directly into the textfield. It could be sufficient to access to the current textfield value.. textfield. It could be sufficient to access to the current textfield value so I'd be able to persist it in onDialogClosed. But timePicker.getCurrentHour..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) understand because i am starting on android. I have a textfield on my app and a button. I only want that when user press the.. send a email with the text Hello to the direction on the textfield. there is a easy way to do it android email share improve..
android TextView : Change Text Color on click TextView Change Text Color on click I have a textfield that behaves like a local link clicking on it fetches an image..
Android timer? How? timer How Can someone get a simple example of updating textfield every second or so Thanks. i want to make flying ball and need.. to the main thread from our timertask and updates the textfield final Handler h new Handler new Callback @Override public boolean..
Android--Webview, Input boxes doubled? The phone seems to lose track of the real position of the textfield. Basically it seems to be confused between the absolute positioning..
Flash APIs for Android Platform application. Is there anything I can do without using a textfield or any such editable controls which will pop up the keyboard... to have some sort of object that is interactive that is a textfield or something similar to call up the on screen keyboard. This..
Android - Add textview to layout when button is pressed text view with whatever text they type. android textview textfield share improve this question This code contains what you..
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field This is my code adding shadow to Input Text but not to TextField EditText android id @ id txtpin android maxLength 4 android.. item layer list Now we can set this shadow view to our TextField using Background property like this res layout main.xml EditText..
Get date from datepicker using dialogfragment int day do some stuff for example write on log and update TextField on activity Log.w DatePicker Date year EditText findViewById..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] other layouts. For example you might use an empty TextField of width 0 and height 0 and centerInParent 'True' just to anchor.. to the middle of the screen. Also you might have an empty TextField or LinearLayout so that you can give a layout_weight 1 to it..
Countdown Timer required on Android share improve this question To count down You'll use a TextField and update its content using CountDownTimer or check Rahul's..
Filter tags in LogCat (in Android Eclipse Plug-In) tags in LogCat in Android Eclipse Plug In There is a TextField Filter below the LogCat output. However it seems to filter only..
Android TextField : set focus + soft input programmatically TextField set focus soft input programmatically In my view I have a search..
Android EditText ImeOptions “Done” track finish typing where I am setting the following property so that I can display the done button on the keyboard when user click on the textfield. editText.setImeOptions EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE When user clicks the done button on the screen keyboard finish typing..
Android: How to get the time from a TimePicker when it is typed in great. But I don't know how to save the state of the timepicker when the user typed in the time directly into the textfield. It could be sufficient to access to the current textfield value so I'd be able to persist it in onDialogClosed. But timePicker.getCurrentHour.. when the user typed in the time directly into the textfield. It could be sufficient to access to the current textfield value so I'd be able to persist it in onDialogClosed. But timePicker.getCurrentHour won't do it. Please help... public class..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) on google and here and i only find hard ways that i can't understand because i am starting on android. I have a textfield on my app and a button. I only want that when user press the button my app have to send a email with the text Hello to the.. I only want that when user press the button my app have to send a email with the text Hello to the direction on the textfield. there is a easy way to do it android email share improve this question If you don't want to be linked to the native..
android TextView : Change Text Color on click TextView Change Text Color on click I have a textfield that behaves like a local link clicking on it fetches an image from database and shows it. It doesn't ping to server all..
Android timer? How? timer How Can someone get a simple example of updating textfield every second or so Thanks. i want to make flying ball and need to calculate ball`s coordinates every second thats why i.. TextView text text2 text3 long starttime 0 this posts a message to the main thread from our timertask and updates the textfield final Handler h new Handler new Callback @Override public boolean handleMessage Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis..
Android--Webview, Input boxes doubled? question This is likely to be linked to CSS transitions. The phone seems to lose track of the real position of the textfield. Basically it seems to be confused between the absolute positioning and the translate3d that iscroll is doing. An easy way..
Flash APIs for Android Platform need to do is to invoke the soft keyboard from within my flash application. Is there anything I can do without using a textfield or any such editable controls which will pop up the keyboard. Thanks android actionscript 3 flash player android softkeyboard.. share improve this question So basically you need to have some sort of object that is interactive that is a textfield or something similar to call up the on screen keyboard. This is probably because flash needs to set the focus for typing..
Android - Add textview to layout when button is pressed because I would like them to be able to add more than one text view with whatever text they type. android textview textfield share improve this question This code contains what you want. The view show an EditText and a Button after you click..
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field many SO discussions but all are for TextView not EditText. This is my code adding shadow to Input Text but not to TextField EditText android id @ id txtpin android maxLength 4 android layout_marginLeft 10dp android layout_height 37dp android gravity.. android shape rectangle solid android color #FFFFFF shape item layer list Now we can set this shadow view to our TextField using Background property like this res layout main.xml EditText android layout_width wrap_content android id @ id txtpin..
Get date from datepicker using dialogfragment public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int month int day do some stuff for example write on log and update TextField on activity Log.w DatePicker Date year EditText findViewById .setText Date year android datepicker share..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] You will often use empty items in your layouts just for positioning other layouts. For example you might use an empty TextField of width 0 and height 0 and centerInParent 'True' just to anchor things relative to the middle of the screen. Also you might.. 0 and centerInParent 'True' just to anchor things relative to the middle of the screen. Also you might have an empty TextField or LinearLayout so that you can give a layout_weight 1 to it and have it take up more screen space. Set a layout background..
Countdown Timer required on Android and update it in a textview in android. Any clue android share improve this question To count down You'll use a TextField and update its content using CountDownTimer or check Rahul's answer in this same question. To count up In your Activity..
Filter tags in LogCat (in Android Eclipse Plug-In) tags in LogCat in Android Eclipse Plug In There is a TextField Filter below the LogCat output. However it seems to filter only the Message column. Id like to filter Tags also. Because..
Android TextField : set focus + soft input programmatically TextField set focus soft input programmatically In my view I have a search EditText and I would like to trigger programmatically..