android Programming Glossary: text.length
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? SpannableStringBuilder text sb.setSpan new UnderlineSpan 0 text.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE underlineSpanEditText.setText..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask p String text Rect b new Rect p.getTextBounds text 0 text.length b int bwidth b.width 2 int bheight b.height 2 Bitmap bm Bitmap.createBitmap..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor int len text.length while i len if text.charAt i delimiter return i else i.. CharSequence text Log.d DEBUG_TAG terminateToken int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter i if i 0 text.charAt..
Auto-fit TextView for Android String text getText .toString int key text null 0 text.length int size mTextCachedSizes.get key if size 0 return size size..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java throw new NoPassGivenException Please give Password if text.length 0 text null throw new NoTextGivenException Please give text.. throw new NoPassGivenException Please give Password if text.length 0 text null throw new NoTextGivenException Please give text..
Android and MJPEG p String text Rect b new Rect p.getTextBounds text 0 text.length b int bwidth b.width 2 int bheight b.height 2 Bitmap bm Bitmap.createBitmap..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer mSectionText sections sectionIndex .toString mDrawOverlay text.length 1 text.charAt 0 ' ' sectionIndex sections.length else mDrawOverlay..
How to get string width on Android? textPaint textView.getPaint textPaint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds int height bounds.height int width bounds.width share..
Android: How to use the Html.TagHandler? Editable text Class kind Object objs text.getSpans 0 text.length kind if objs.length 0 return null else for int i objs.length..
Calculate text size according to width of text area String text Some random text paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds text_height bounds.height text_width bounds.width Edit.. String text Some random text paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds text_check_h bounds.height text_check_w bounds.width..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds does not have dimensions or there is no text if text null text.length 0 height 0 width 0 mTextSize 0 return Get the text view's..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte.. MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte..
How to SHA1 hash a string in Android? SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex sha1hash Also share..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet intent stringBuilder.setSpan customSpannable 0 text.length Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE textView.setText stringBuilder..
How to support Arabic text in Android? MakeReverse String text String Result char Ctext new char text.length Ctext text.toCharArray for int i text.length 1 i 0 i Result.. new char text.length Ctext text.toCharArray for int i text.length 1 i 0 i Result Ctext i return Result public static final String..
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? SpannableStringBuilder sb new SpannableStringBuilder text sb.setSpan new UnderlineSpan 0 text.length Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE underlineSpanEditText.setText sb EditText htmlUnderlineEditText EditText findViewById..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask width dispHeight height private Bitmap makeFpsOverlay Paint p String text Rect b new Rect p.getTextBounds text 0 text.length b int bwidth b.width 2 int bheight b.height 2 Bitmap bm Bitmap.createBitmap bwidth bheight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader text.charAt i delimiter i return i public int findTokenEnd CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor int len text.length while i len if text.charAt i delimiter return i else i return len public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence.. i else i return len public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text Log.d DEBUG_TAG terminateToken int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter i if i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter return text else CharSequence contactName createContactBubble..
Auto-fit TextView for Android return binarySearch start end sizeTester availableSpace String text getText .toString int key text null 0 text.length int size mTextCachedSizes.get key if size 0 return size size binarySearch start end sizeTester availableSpace mTextCachedSizes.put..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java NoTextGivenException if password.length 0 password null throw new NoPassGivenException Please give Password if text.length 0 text null throw new NoTextGivenException Please give text try SecretKeySpec skeySpec getKey password byte clearText text.getBytes.. NoTextGivenException if password.length 0 password null throw new NoPassGivenException Please give Password if text.length 0 text null throw new NoTextGivenException Please give text try SecretKey key getKey password IMPORTANT TO GET SAME RESULTS..
Android and MJPEG width dispHeight height private Bitmap makeFpsOverlay Paint p String text Rect b new Rect p.getTextBounds text 0 text.length b int bwidth b.width 2 int bheight b.height 2 Bitmap bm Bitmap.createBitmap bwidth bheight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer 0 sectionIndex 1 if sectionIndex 0 String text mSectionText sections sectionIndex .toString mDrawOverlay text.length 1 text.charAt 0 ' ' sectionIndex sections.length else mDrawOverlay false private void cancelFling Cancel the list fling..
How to get string width on Android?
Android: How to use the Html.TagHandler? len Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private Object getLast Editable text Class kind Object objs text.getSpans 0 text.length kind if objs.length 0 return null else for int i objs.length i 0 i if text.getSpanFlags objs i 1 Spannable.SPAN_MARK_MARK..
Calculate text size according to width of text area here paint.setTextSize 25 have this the same as your text size String text Some random text paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds text_height bounds.height text_width bounds.width Edit after comment Use the above in reverse int text_height 50.. incr_text_size have this the same as your text size String text Some random text paint.getTextBounds text 0 text.length bounds text_check_h bounds.height text_check_w bounds.width incr_text_size if text_height text_check_h text_width text_check_w..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds height CharSequence text getText Do not resize if the view does not have dimensions or there is no text if text null text.length 0 height 0 width 0 mTextSize 0 return Get the text view's paint object TextPaint textPaint getPaint Store the current..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder int len data.length.. UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder int len data.length..
How to SHA1 hash a string in Android? UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex sha1hash Also share what your expected sha1 should be. Maybe ObjectC is doing..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet intent.setData Uri.parse customSpannable.getUrl startActivity intent stringBuilder.setSpan customSpannable 0 text.length Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE textView.setText stringBuilder BufferType.SPANNABLE textView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance..
How to support Arabic text in Android? i return true i return false private static final String MakeReverse String text String Result char Ctext new char text.length Ctext text.toCharArray for int i text.length 1 i 0 i Result Ctext i return Result public static final String ConvertBackToRealFarsi.. final String MakeReverse String text String Result char Ctext new char text.length Ctext text.toCharArray for int i text.length 1 i 0 i Result Ctext i return Result public static final String ConvertBackToRealFarsi String In if isFarsiConversionNeeded..