android Programming Glossary: textstring
Highlight Text in TextView or WebView storage by default Spannable storage in EditText is true. so TextView myTV TextView findViewById String textString StackOverFlow Rocks Spannable spanText Spannable.Factory.getInstance .newSpannable textString spanText.setSpan new BackgroundColorSpan.. String textString StackOverFlow Rocks Spannable spanText Spannable.Factory.getInstance .newSpannable textString spanText.setSpan new BackgroundColorSpan 0xFFFFFF00 14 19 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE myTV.setText spanText share..
Null Validation on EditText box in Alert Dialog - Android Ok new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int whichButton String textString trackName.getText .toString Converts the value of getText to a string. if textString null textString.trim .length 0 Context.. dialog int whichButton String textString trackName.getText .toString Converts the value of getText to a string. if textString null textString.trim .length 0 Context context getApplicationContext CharSequence error Please enter a track name textString.. String textString trackName.getText .toString Converts the value of getText to a string. if textString null textString.trim .length 0 Context context getApplicationContext CharSequence error Please enter a track name textString int duration..