android Programming Glossary: testintent
How do I determine if Android can handle PDF PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application.. Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities.. pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 file.isFile..
How to get a list of installed media players PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List.. Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities.. audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent 0 I have seen this code which works and opens an audio file..
Reliably detect PDF support on Android device packageManager application.getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application.. Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities.. application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY .size 0 return true else return..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application.. Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities.. pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 file.isFile..
How do I determine if Android can handle PDF you go do this File file new File sdcard download somepdf.pdf PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent.. download somepdf.pdf PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size.. new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 file.isFile Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
How to get a list of installed media players installed. Have also tried it with media and get nothing. PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent 0 I have.. media and get nothing. PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent 0 I have seen this code which works and opens an.. testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent 0 I have seen this code which works and opens an audio file with the default player however I don't want to open a file..
Reliably detect PDF support on Android device that goes like this public boolean canDisplayPdf PackageManager packageManager application.getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY.. PackageManager packageManager application.getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY .size 0 return.. testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY .size 0 return true else return false And that has been working great so far. I know..
how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists used for reading pdf file. File file new File sdcard sample.pdf PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent.. File sdcard sample.pdf PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size.. new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 file.isFile Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW..