android Programming Glossary: tests
Android selector & text color share improve this question I got by doing several tests until one worked so res color button_dark_text.xml xml version..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] supported because no one has volunteered to run regression tests regularly for them. It is not possible for a Boost developer.. So developers depend on the test results of regression tests run by volunteers. For example see http development.. For example see http development tests trunk developer summary.html If no one volunteers to run the..
Running Google Maps v2 on Android Emulator
HTML5 <video> element on Android Have a look at the demo on this page http broken tests video This works AFAIK in all video enabled desktop browsers..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory doesn't compile because it's missing libraries. ant run tests Buildfile build.xml setup Project Target Google APIs setup Vendor.. to the second problem which I'm currently stuck on. The tests compile fine but they won't run cp .. MyApp libs gson r538.jar.. 10 23 Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests ant run testsBuildfile build.xml setup Project Target Google APIs setup Vendor..
Memory leak in WebView this question I conclude from above comments and further tests that the problem is a bug in the SDK when creating a WebView..
WebView and HTML5 <video> the WebChromeClient. url new String http broken tests video mWebView WebView findViewById mWebView.setWebChromeClient..
Android multiple databases open me how can i make this work Thank you L.E. after more tests I made a Static object of databasehelper open a service from..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] for building light weight and preferably fast running tests android unit testing tdd android testing share improve this..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? server Doh Well written ContentProviders will have some tests to see if the changes came from the network or from the user..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? The main purpose is to reboot the phone during my tests I work on a video chat application and sometimes I need to reboot..
Android WIFI How To Detect When WIFI Connection has been established HTTP exists. What should I listen for and what additional tests do I need to make to know that a valid connection exists. Thanks..
Android: failed to allocate memory I present to you the results of my findings. NOTE These tests were run on my computer your computer may be different. Running..
Android: How to declare global variables? to modify Difficult to test can't fake mock in unit tests Difficult to parallelize in the case of mutable state requires..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred response facebook1.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response try this it may help you. edited answer.. facebook1 .request me photos parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals..
Post to facebook after login fails Android feed parameters POST new UserRequestListener null Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals.. sur Facebook FacebookSuccessMessage.button_text OK Log.d Tests got response response if response null Intent i new Intent..
How to use EMMA code coverage in android for the SDK Yet. It's only supported for Apps and Tests that are part of the source tree. Which seems weird because..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? CONNECTED Host Port return hostInfo end connectToTelnet Tests for a currently active connection. Three cases must be distinguished...
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) only use the RunOnUiThread method in my Instrumentation Tests. Since the test code does not execute in the UIThread you need..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box message on wall. public void postOnWall String msg Log.d Tests Testing graph API wall post try String response mFacebook.request.. response mFacebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals..
android maven build gives trouble processing “javax/xml/namespace/QName.class”: Not compiling test sources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Tests are skipped. 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO D my android sdk my..
Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x Raw Contacts in Android 2.x I am working on Unit Tests for my Android app and am doing a lot with Contacts. I have..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? minutes or sensor change turn it back on. Turn Off Display Tests I am able to turn off the screen using params.flags LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON..
Android selector & text color it change to textAppearanceLargeInverse TIA. android selector share improve this question I got by doing several tests until one worked so res color button_dark_text.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] boost community Yes. These platforms are not officially supported because no one has volunteered to run regression tests regularly for them. It is not possible for a Boost developer to test on all platforms. So developers depend on the test.. is not possible for a Boost developer to test on all platforms. So developers depend on the test results of regression tests run by volunteers. For example see http development tests trunk developer summary.html If no one volunteers.. depend on the test results of regression tests run by volunteers. For example see http development tests trunk developer summary.html If no one volunteers to run the tests for a particular platform that platform is not officially..
Running Google Maps v2 on Android Emulator
HTML5 <video> element on Android the 'Web Optimized' button checked usually does the trick. Have a look at the demo on this page http broken tests video This works AFAIK in all video enabled desktop browsers iPhone and Android. Here's the markup video id video autobuffer..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory create but I have two problems. The first problem The project doesn't compile because it's missing libraries. ant run tests Buildfile build.xml setup Project Target Google APIs setup Vendor Google Inc. setup Platform Version 1.6 setup API level.. directory and everything seems to compile fine. But that leads to the second problem which I'm currently stuck on. The tests compile fine but they won't run cp .. MyApp libs gson r538.jar libs cp .. MyApp libs roboguice 1.1 SNAPSHOT.jar libs 0 10.. libs cp .. MyApp libs roboguice 1.1 SNAPSHOT.jar libs 0 10 23 Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests ant run testsBuildfile build.xml setup Project Target Google APIs setup Vendor Google Inc. setup Platform Version 1.6 setup API level..
Memory leak in WebView a webview embedded android android webview share improve this question I conclude from above comments and further tests that the problem is a bug in the SDK when creating a WebView via XML layout the activity is passed as the context for the..
WebView and HTML5 <video> WebView set the JavaScript Plug ins the WebViewClient and the WebChromeClient. url new String http broken tests video mWebView WebView findViewById mWebView.setWebChromeClient chromeClient mWebView.setWebViewClient wvClient..
Android multiple databases open opened in both objects why is this happening Can somebody sugest me how can i make this work Thank you L.E. after more tests I made a Static object of databasehelper open a service from which I take the database object from activity and in the same..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] is far from trivial at the moment. Any tips tricks war stories for building light weight and preferably fast running tests android unit testing tdd android testing share improve this question You should try Robotium Go to and..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? and android will go Oh database changes better put them on the server Doh Well written ContentProviders will have some tests to see if the changes came from the network or from the user and will set the boolean syncToNetwork flag false if so to..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? for the user as stated here and it's not really for an application. The main purpose is to reboot the phone during my tests I work on a video chat application and sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes south I observed that rebooting a..
Android WIFI How To Detect When WIFI Connection has been established made. I need to validate that a valid network connection for HTTP exists. What should I listen for and what additional tests do I need to make to know that a valid connection exists. Thanks android wifi share improve this question You can register..
Android: failed to allocate memory on this answer and I have done more research on this issue. I present to you the results of my findings. NOTE These tests were run on my computer your computer may be different. Running an Android 2.2 armeabi emulator with Property 'Device ram..
Android: How to declare global variables? to subclass High coupling across the application difficult to modify Difficult to test can't fake mock in unit tests Difficult to parallelize in the case of mutable state requires extensive locking and add my own Unclear and unmanageable..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred access_token st facebook1.request me String response facebook1.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response try this it may help you. edited answer download code from here clickme change APP_ID in that code... 0 parameters.putString access_token st try String response facebook1 .request me photos parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals false response .equalsIgnoreCase error message..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly description topic share try facebook.request me String response facebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals false showToast Blank response. else showToast..
Post to facebook after login fails Android parameters new UserRequestListener mAsyncRunner.request me feed parameters POST new UserRequestListener null Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals false Log.v Error Blank response catch Exception.. FacebookSuccessMessage.mesg Post © sur Facebook FacebookSuccessMessage.button_text OK Log.d Tests got response response if response null Intent i new Intent getApplicationContext FacebookSuccessMessage.class startActivity..
How to use EMMA code coverage in android share improve this question Apparently EMMA isn't supported for the SDK Yet. It's only supported for Apps and Tests that are part of the source tree. Which seems weird because they don't mention this in the dev guide where they tell you..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? notify the user that we are connected showNotification CONNECTED Host Port return hostInfo end connectToTelnet Tests for a currently active connection. Three cases must be distinguished. 1. A connection attempt has not been made. Return..
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) threads and updating the UI from them click here I personally only use the RunOnUiThread method in my Instrumentation Tests. Since the test code does not execute in the UIThread you need to use this method to run code that modifies the UI. So I..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box i applied following code and could successfully posted my message on wall. public void postOnWall String msg Log.d Tests Testing graph API wall post try String response mFacebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString.. msg parameters.putString description test test test response mFacebook.request me feed parameters POST Log.d Tests got response response if response null response.equals response.equals false Log.v Error Blank response catch Exception..
android maven build gives trouble processing “javax/xml/namespace/QName.class”: android test app src test resources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Not compiling test sources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Tests are skipped. 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO D my android sdk my android sdk windows platform tools dx.bat dex output D my workspace..
Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x Raw Contacts in Android 2.x I am working on Unit Tests for my Android app and am doing a lot with Contacts. I have to insert contacts into the Android Content Providers and delete..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? I am trying to turn off the device then after a few minutes or sensor change turn it back on. Turn Off Display Tests I am able to turn off the screen using params.flags LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON params.screenBrightness 0 getWindow..