android Programming Glossary: textcolor
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android textColor @color white android textSize 24dp android layout_marginTop..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + android textSize 22sp android textStyle bold android textColor @android color primary_text_dark RelativeLayout android layout_width.. android text Men and Women android textSize 12sp android textColor @android color primary_text_dark ImageView android id @ id.. android text 18 24 years android textSize 12sp android textColor @android color primary_text_dark ImageView android id @ id..
Set title background color fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android textColor @color titletextcolor res values themes.xml We want to keep..
How to change theme for AlertDialog parent @android style AlertDialog item name android textColor #00FF00 item item name android typeface monospace item item..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML name MyCustomView attr name android text attr name android textColor attr name extraInformation format string declare styleable.. Log.i test a.getColor R.styleable.MyCustomView_android_textColor Color.BLACK Log.i test a.getString R.styleable.MyCustomView_extraInformation.. . int attrsWanted new int android.R.attr.text R.attr.textColor Please note that you should not use anything in android.R.styleable..
Change title bar text in Android fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android textColor @color titletextcolor LinearLayout public class..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout 0dp android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text host android textStyle normal TextView.. android paddingTop 0dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text port android textStyle normal EditText.. android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text username android textStyle normal EditText..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view android id @ id empCheckBox style @style Check android textColor #000000 android textSize 12dp android layout_weight 1 TextView..
Custom Adapter for List View android layout_height wrap_content TextView android textColor #FFFFFF android id @ id id android layout_width fill_parent.. android layout_width fill_parent TextView android textColor #FFFFFF android id @ id categoryId android layout_width fill_parent.. layout_width fill_parent android layout_weight 1 android textColor #FFFFFF android gravity right android id @ id description..
Is it possible to change the textcolor on an Android SearchView? it possible to change the textcolor on an Android SearchView The SearchView element doesn't have..
Android text view color doesn't change when disabled happening is that since you're overriding the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating.. the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating a ColorStateList for it and setting the..
Android button with different background colors show you that i use android background instead of android textcolor this code crashes. it says Binary XML file line #4 tag requires..
Text color of a closed spinner How do I get access to that TextView so I can change the textcolor EDIT I need to change this programatically on the fly not in.. array_typ typ.setAdapter adaptertyp android spinner textcolor share improve this question I understand that the closed.. How do I get access to that TextView so I can change the textcolor Ideally you don't you give it the right color in the first place..
How to change spinner text size? spinner example Generaly we can't edit the textsize or textcolor through simple adapter in firstxml file we declare the spinner.. like textview images etc. in textview we gives the textcolor and textsize then we create customadapterfile in java and we.. example for custom view where you set the textsize textcolor and images also and many thing In this a contact list is made..
Change clickable TextView's color on focus and click? LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT title.setTextColor R.color.textcolor title.setText titleLine title.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD.. void onClick View v Irrelevant code And this is my textcolor.xml file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android.. item android color #000000 default selector When I use the textcolor file by typing title.setTextColor R.color.textcolor the textcolor..
Can textview have letters in different colors? [duplicate] color in the same textview... android colors textview textcolor share improve this question Ah I found it use below code..
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? id @ id contactWeb1 android textview override linkify textcolor share improve this question It turned out to be a simple..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? #ffffff android textSize 22dp java android string textcolor share improve this question Yes its possible. For this you..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color know how to fix this android coding style datepicker textcolor share improve this question DONE IT Did it in a Theme in..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application 10dip TextView android id @ id menu_label android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android textColor @color white android textSize 24dp android layout_marginTop 10dip android layout_marginBottom 10dip LinearLayout How to..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + 20dp android layout_marginTop 3dp android text Islamabad android textSize 22sp android textStyle bold android textColor @android color primary_text_dark RelativeLayout android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android.. wrap_content android layout_centerVertical true android text Men and Women android textSize 12sp android textColor @android color primary_text_dark ImageView android id @ id separator android layout_width 2dp android layout_height.. @ id separator android layout_centerVertical true android text 18 24 years android textSize 12sp android textColor @android color primary_text_dark ImageView android id @ id separator_1 android layout_width 2dp android layout_height..
Set title background color myTitle android text This is my new title android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android textColor @color titletextcolor res values themes.xml We want to keep the default android theme and just need to change the background..
How to change theme for AlertDialog version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name AlertDialogCustom parent @android style AlertDialog item name android textColor #00FF00 item item name android typeface monospace item item name android textSize 10sp item style resources share improve..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name MyCustomView attr name android text attr name android textColor attr name extraInformation format string declare styleable resources Notice the use of an unqualified name in the declare.. a Log.i test a.getString R.styleable.MyCustomView_android_text Log.i test a.getColor R.styleable.MyCustomView_android_textColor Color.BLACK Log.i test a.getString R.styleable.MyCustomView_extraInformation Don't forget this a.recycle R.styleable.MyCustomView.. in android.R.attr while attributes for this project are in R.attr . int attrsWanted new int android.R.attr.text R.attr.textColor Please note that you should not use anything in android.R.styleable as per this thread it may change in the future. It is..
Change title bar text in Android myTitle android text This is my new title android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android textColor @color titletextcolor LinearLayout public class TitleBar extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout android layout_below @ id home android paddingTop 0dp android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text host android textStyle normal TextView android id @ id port_label android layout_width wrap_content.. layout_below @ id home android layout_toRightOf @ id host_input android paddingTop 0dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text port android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id host_input android inputType textEmailAddress.. android layout_below @ id host_input android paddingTop 15dp android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text username android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id username_input android inputType textEmailAddress..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view android stretchColumns 1 2 3 TableRow CheckBox android text android id @ id empCheckBox style @style Check android textColor #000000 android textSize 12dp android layout_weight 1 TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height..
Custom Adapter for List View android layout_width fill_parent android id @ id TableRow01 android layout_height wrap_content TextView android textColor #FFFFFF android id @ id id android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text id android.. height 40sp TableRow TableRow android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent TextView android textColor #FFFFFF android id @ id categoryId android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text.. 20sp TextView android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android layout_weight 1 android textColor #FFFFFF android gravity right android id @ id description android text description android height 20sp TableRow TableLayout..
Is it possible to change the textcolor on an Android SearchView? it possible to change the textcolor on an Android SearchView The SearchView element doesn't have any properties for changing the text color. The default text..
Android text view color doesn't change when disabled android textview share improve this question I think what's happening is that since you're overriding the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating a ColorStateList for it and setting the textColor attribute.. I think what's happening is that since you're overriding the default textcolor it isn't inheriting the other textcolor styles. Try creating a ColorStateList for it and setting the textColor attribute to it instead of to a color. In a color..
Android button with different background colors android background @color button_text is only there to show you that i use android background instead of android textcolor this code crashes. it says Binary XML file line #4 tag requires 'drawable' attribute or child tag defining drawable. But..
Text color of a closed spinner guessing it has a TextView there somewhere to show the text. How do I get access to that TextView so I can change the textcolor EDIT I need to change this programatically on the fly not in the XML. TextView v TextView getView mySpinner v.setTextColor.. new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.simple_spinner_item array_typ typ.setAdapter adaptertyp android spinner textcolor share improve this question I understand that the closed spinner is actually a View I think. Yes. Specifically it is.. would depend on what you told your SpinnerAdapter to create. How do I get access to that TextView so I can change the textcolor Ideally you don't you give it the right color in the first place via whatever you told your SpinnerAdapter to create. If..
How to change spinner text size? screen shot with source code http android spinner example Generaly we can't edit the textsize or textcolor through simple adapter in firstxml file we declare the spinner and firstjava file we find through spinnername.findviewbyid.. firstly we create secondxml file in which we gives our requirements like textview images etc. in textview we gives the textcolor and textsize then we create customadapterfile in java and we just inflate that xml file through layout inflater in our custom.. that adapter in spinner.Your custom viewing spinner is created. example for custom view where you set the textsize textcolor and images also and many thing In this a contact list is made and using custom adapter we inflate below xml file in contactadapter..
Change clickable TextView's color on focus and click? title.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT title.setTextColor R.color.textcolor title.setText titleLine title.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD title.setClickable true title.setId idLine title.setFocusable.. new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v Irrelevant code And this is my textcolor.xml file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_pressed.. android state_focused true android color #000000 focused item android color #000000 default selector When I use the textcolor file by typing title.setTextColor R.color.textcolor the textcolor just becomes grey regardless if I press it or so. Which..
Can textview have letters in different colors? [duplicate] is there any other recommended way of displaying different text color in the same textview... android colors textview textcolor share improve this question Ah I found it use below code myTextView.setText Html.fromHtml html text having 1 in red..
Android Linkify links textColor ignored, css style overrides possible? android paddingBottom 6dip android textColor #ffffff android id @ id contactWeb1 android textview override linkify textcolor share improve this question It turned out to be a simple solution However you won't be able to do the visited not visited..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? text This text is white. This text is blue. android textColor #ffffff android textSize 22dp java android string textcolor share improve this question Yes its possible. For this you need to use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color for the datepicker as the background here is light grey. Anyone know how to fix this android coding style datepicker textcolor share improve this question DONE IT Did it in a Theme in the application styles.xml basically set a style on all EditText..