android Programming Glossary: texts
SQLIteDatabase.query method common that people have it in their names or use it in texts filenames passwords etc. So always use the args version. It..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? button depends on the TEXT inside the button. If the both texts are equaly long lets say TEXT its ok the table half is in the..
Displaying emoticons in Android textual representation Do I have to search for emoticon texts and if one found remove the TextView from the layout relativeLayout..
Android Share Via Dialog I've seen the share via dialogs that are in apps like TFLN texts from last night . Looks like this I am looking to share text...
How to implement touch listener on image?
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile find any function names from .js files not even string texts used within the application. Nearest information I found is..
How to add a line break in an Android TextView? suggested n but that does nothing. Here is how I set my texts. TextView txtSubTitle TextView findViewById
Android: how to select texts from webview how to select texts from webview i want allow user to select some texts from webview.. texts from webview i want allow user to select some texts from webview and it need to be send as a text message. pls find..
How to wrap lengthy text in a spinner spinners are populated with data. My problem is the data texts that are populated into the spinners are too lengthy to fit.. controls on another row. It's a must for me to show the texts in the spinner. Hence using ellipses is not an option. If it's..
How to use view flipper with three layouts? flipper holds three different simple views with different texts. The radio buttons are then hooked up to a listener in the java..
android: how to delete a row from a ListView with a delete button in the row states for the ListView The first state consists of only texts in the rows the second state has a delete button in every row...
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text you need to figure out where to put images and texts in relation to each other. They're not ViewGroups like LinearLayout..
Sending text messages programmatically in android more numbers to send the text to sometimes not all of the texts actually get sent. It happens very randomly. I assume it is.. and tells the server via an http post the number of texts that were sent. Here is my snippet of internet code... for int.. internet connection happens immediately after sending the texts. So if I go into debug mode and manually step through the process..
Android: Simple GridView that displays text in the grids extends BaseAdapter private Context context private String texts aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff eee hhh iii public MyAdapter Context.. 85 85 else tv TextView convertView tv.setText texts position return tv it all seems valid to me but running this..
Android Broadcast Receiver for Sent SMS messages? for content sms sent which doesn't even give me all sent texts because applications can choose not to put it there. android..
SQLIteDatabase.query method if the ' is not intended to do bad things it is still quite common that people have it in their names or use it in texts filenames passwords etc. So always use the args version. It is okay to build int and other primitives directly into whereClause..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? And now what I dont get the WIDTH of one row and also of the button depends on the TEXT inside the button. If the both texts are equaly long lets say TEXT its ok the table half is in the middle of the screen. But if they have different size lets..
Displaying emoticons in Android to display images dynamically based on the occurrence of their textual representation Do I have to search for emoticon texts and if one found remove the TextView from the layout relativeLayout fits most and add a TextView with the beginning of the..
Android Share Via Dialog Share Via Dialog I've seen the share via dialogs that are in apps like TFLN texts from last night . Looks like this I am looking to share text. Can someone point me in the right direction Is this done with..
How to implement touch listener on image?
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile Support iPhone Simulator but I can't find any function names from .js files not even string texts used within the application. Nearest information I found is an answer here How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work but..
How to add a line break in an Android TextView? I am trying to add a line break in the TextView. I tried suggested n but that does nothing. Here is how I set my texts. TextView txtSubTitle TextView findViewById txtSubTitle.setText Html.fromHtml getResources .getString R.string.sample_string..
Android: how to select texts from webview how to select texts from webview i want allow user to select some texts from webview and it need to be send as a text message. pls find way.. how to select texts from webview i want allow user to select some texts from webview and it need to be send as a text message. pls find way to select text and copy to clipboard and extracting..
How to wrap lengthy text in a spinner controls within a table layout view on a separate row. The spinners are populated with data. My problem is the data texts that are populated into the spinners are too lengthy to fit the screen size. Therefore the spinners are forced to stretch.. spinners are forced to stretch unnecessarily stretching other controls on another row. It's a must for me to show the texts in the spinner. Hence using ellipses is not an option. If it's possible how can I wrap the lengthy text on the spinners..
How to use view flipper with three layouts? A ViewFlipper is placed below the radio buttons. This flipper holds three different simple views with different texts. The radio buttons are then hooked up to a listener in the java code that will change the view displayed by the ViewFlipper..
android: how to delete a row from a ListView with a delete button in the row a custom CursorAdapter by using my custom rows. I have two states for the ListView The first state consists of only texts in the rows the second state has a delete button in every row. The switch between two states is a button at the bottom of..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text ImageView. TextViews don't have any of the layout engine capabilities you need to figure out where to put images and texts in relation to each other. They're not ViewGroups like LinearLayout or RelativeLayout and thus have no internal layout specifying..
Sending text messages programmatically in android time. Here is where part of my issue lies. If I choose 3 or more numbers to send the text to sometimes not all of the texts actually get sent. It happens very randomly. I assume it is because there is a delay between sending each individual message.. the text messages get sent the app then connects to the internet and tells the server via an http post the number of texts that were sent. Here is my snippet of internet code... for int i 0 i postNames.length i nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair.. connection timeout. Once again like I said earlier the internet connection happens immediately after sending the texts. So if I go into debug mode and manually step through the process everything works fine. But if I just run the app on my..
Android: Simple GridView that displays text in the grids a dummy adapter like following public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter private Context context private String texts aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff eee hhh iii public MyAdapter Context context this.context context public int getCount return 9 public.. tv new TextView context tv.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams 85 85 else tv TextView convertView tv.setText texts position return tv it all seems valid to me but running this gives me nothing on the screen. and there's no error message...
Android Broadcast Receiver for Sent SMS messages? So far the only option I see is to poll the content provider for content sms sent which doesn't even give me all sent texts because applications can choose not to put it there. android sms broadcastreceiver share improve this question Unfortunately..