android Programming Glossary: textpassword
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field 37dp android gravity center_horizontal android inputType textPassword android longClickable false android layout_width 160dp android.. longClickable false android padding 2dp android inputType textPassword number android password true android background @drawable edittext_shadow..
Edittext set for password with phone number input? (android) ability to hide the string. I know that android inputType textPassword hides the string while android inputType phone brings up a dialpad.. but AFAIK is the only way because android inputType phone textPassword is ignored ... EditText android id @ id EditText01 android layout_height..
EditText, inputType values (xml) textLongMessage textPersonName textPostalAddress textPassword textVisiblePassword textWebEditText textFilter textPhonetic..
Android layout broken with 9-patch background android nextFocusDown @ id login_login android inputType textPassword EditText TableRow TableRow android gravity right Button android..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? android layout_height wrap_content android inputType textPassword EditText Button android text Sign In android id @ id login android..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout EditText android id @ id password_input android inputType textPassword android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way) 200dp android layout_height 50dp android inputType textPassword android layout_marginTop 40dp android layout_marginLeft 20dp..
Add drop shadow effects to EditText Field 4 android layout_marginLeft 10dp android layout_height 37dp android gravity center_horizontal android inputType textPassword android longClickable false android layout_width 160dp android shadowColor @color Black android shadowDx 1.2 android shadowDy.. layout_height 37dp android gravity center_horizontal android longClickable false android padding 2dp android inputType textPassword number android password true android background @drawable edittext_shadow android layout_weight 0.98 android layout_marginLeft..
Edittext set for password with phone number input? (android) How do I get a Edittext with both a phone input and the ability to hide the string. I know that android inputType textPassword hides the string while android inputType phone brings up a dialpad interface. How to combine the two android edittext .. share improve this question android password is deprecated but AFAIK is the only way because android inputType phone textPassword is ignored ... EditText android id @ id EditText01 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android..
EditText, inputType values (xml) textUri textEmailAddress textEmailSubject textShortMessage textLongMessage textPersonName textPostalAddress textPassword textVisiblePassword textWebEditText textFilter textPhonetic textWebEmailAddress textWebPassword number numberSigned numberDecimal..
Android layout broken with 9-patch background fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android nextFocusDown @ id login_login android inputType textPassword EditText TableRow TableRow android gravity right Button android text @string login_login android id @ id login_login..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? android id @ id password android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android inputType textPassword EditText Button android text Sign In android id @ id login android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout #a5d4e2 android text password android textStyle normal EditText android id @ id password_input android inputType textPassword android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android background @android drawable editbox_background..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way) EditText android id @ id passwordedittext android layout_width 200dp android layout_height 50dp android inputType textPassword android layout_marginTop 40dp android layout_marginLeft 20dp requestFocus and a submit button Button android id @ id submitbutton..