android Programming Glossary: text.getbytes
Writing to a Mifare tag with Android NFC? if auth String text Hello World byte value text.getBytes byte toWrite new byte MifareClassic.BLOCK_SIZE for int i 0..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java keySpec ivSpec byte results cipher.doFinal text.getBytes UTF 8 String result DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary results.. try SecretKeySpec skeySpec getKey password byte clearText text.getBytes UTF8 IMPORTANT TO GET SAME RESULTS ON iOS and ANDROID final..
Encryption compatable between Android and C# MESSAGEDIGEST_ALGORITHM return digest.digest text.getBytes catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e Log.e TAG No such algorithm..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String.. MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String..
How to SHA1 hash a string in Android? MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex..
Writing NFC tags using a Nexus S String text Hello World String lang en byte textBytes text.getBytes byte langBytes lang.getBytes US ASCII int langLength langBytes.length..
Base 64 encode and decode example code choice Transmitting end Encode the string to bytes e.g. text.getBytes encodingName Encode the bytes to base64 using the Base64 class.. encodingName EDIT So something like Sending side byte data text.getBytes UTF 8 String base64 Base64.encodeToString data Base64.DEFAULT..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private..
Writing to a Mifare tag with Android NFC? auth false auth mfc.authenticateSectorWithKeyA 0 MifareClassic.KEY_DEFAULT if auth String text Hello World byte value text.getBytes byte toWrite new byte MifareClassic.BLOCK_SIZE for int i 0 i MifareClassic.BLOCK_SIZE i if i value.length toWrite i value..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java IV System.out.println ivSpec cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE keySpec ivSpec byte results cipher.doFinal text.getBytes UTF 8 String result DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary results return result The string I wanted to encrypt is kayvan with.. 0 text null throw new NoTextGivenException Please give text try SecretKeySpec skeySpec getKey password byte clearText text.getBytes UTF8 IMPORTANT TO GET SAME RESULTS ON iOS and ANDROID final byte iv new byte 16 Arrays.fill iv byte 0x00 IvParameterSpec..
Encryption compatable between Android and C# String text MessageDigest digest try digest MessageDigest.getInstance MESSAGEDIGEST_ALGORITHM return digest.digest text.getBytes catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e Log.e TAG No such algorithm MESSAGEDIGEST_ALGORITHM e return null I used http
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder.. throws NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder..
How to SHA1 hash a string in Android? NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 1 md.update text.getBytes iso 8859 1 0 text.length byte sha1hash md.digest return convertToHex sha1hash Also share what your expected sha1 should..
Writing NFC tags using a Nexus S NdefRecord createRecord throws UnsupportedEncodingException String text Hello World String lang en byte textBytes text.getBytes byte langBytes lang.getBytes US ASCII int langLength langBytes.length int textLength textBytes.length byte payload new byte..
Base 64 encode and decode example code question First Choose an encoding UTF 8 is generally a good choice Transmitting end Encode the string to bytes e.g. text.getBytes encodingName Encode the bytes to base64 using the Base64 class Transmit the base64 Receiving end Receive the base64 Decode.. class Decode the bytes to a string e.g. new String bytes encodingName EDIT So something like Sending side byte data text.getBytes UTF 8 String base64 Base64.encodeToString data Base64.DEFAULT Receiving side byte data Base64.decode base64 Base64.DEFAULT..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST NoSuchAlgorithmException UnsupportedEncodingException MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance MD5 md.update text.getBytes utf 8 0 text.length return convertToHex md.digest private String convertToHex byte data StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder..