

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:00

android Programming Glossary: textfilter

Turn off autosuggest for EditText?


file so I did a little more research until I found it out myself. Add this line into your EditText. android inputType textFilter Here is a Tip. Use this line if you want to be able to use the enter key. android inputType textFilter textMultiLine share..

EditText, inputType values (xml)


textShortMessage textLongMessage textPersonName textPostalAddress textPassword textVisiblePassword textWebEditText textFilter textPhonetic textWebEmailAddress textWebPassword number numberSigned numberDecimal numberPassword phone datetime date time..

How to disable displaying “suggestions” on the Soft Keyboard


Using an EditText to filter a SimpleCursorAdapter-backed ListView


fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint Type a name... android maxLines 1 android inputType textFilter textCapWords android id @ id search_box ListView android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..

how to disable spell correction programmatically in android
