android Programming Glossary: tearing
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? in the UI thread . That's the point where I really started tearing my hair out over this because that doesn't make any sense at..
touch through translucent app if you set the visibility to GONE this is equivalent to tearing of the current page to view the next page. Touch scenarios Assume..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? image and it often doesn't. This file sometimes contains tearing at best and a garbage image at worst . Interestingly some of..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml and will prevent developers using your component from tearing their hair out because yours is inconsistent with everything..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception false _camera.release Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Finished tearing down camera because surface was destroyed. @Override public..
using ContentProviderClient vs ContentResolver to access content provider there may be some costs involved in setting up and tearing down a connection to that specific provider It can't be reused..
AsyncTask keeps waiting? for a bit because it'd be a waste to keep creating and tearing down those threads too often. After a while if you create more..
Error when building apk - “Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/Ad” dex files define Lcom google ads Ad&rdquo I've been tearing my hair out over this one for the past 3 hours I've been trying..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? process remote It runs fine but it still seems to run in the UI thread . That's the point where I really started tearing my hair out over this because that doesn't make any sense at all to me. No matter what I do the UI always hangs during the..
touch through translucent app to show the next view. Remember you are only hiding the view if you set the visibility to GONE this is equivalent to tearing of the current page to view the next page. Touch scenarios Assume your first page is a wax page translucent page similar..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? should have access to a copy of the full composited screen image and it often doesn't. This file sometimes contains tearing at best and a garbage image at worst . Interestingly some of the tools for rooted phones do use this method which I think..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml This will make your component as flexible as possible and will prevent developers using your component from tearing their hair out because yours is inconsistent with everything else 1. Provide getters and setters for each of the attributes..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception surface was destroyed... _camera.stopPreview _previewIsRunning false _camera.release Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Finished tearing down camera because surface was destroyed. @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig Log.d LOG_TAG..
using ContentProviderClient vs ContentResolver to access content provider to call with a different contentAuthority as well. Additionally there may be some costs involved in setting up and tearing down a connection to that specific provider It can't be reused across calls. I'm not sure of the overhead involved there..
AsyncTask keeps waiting? uses a ThreadPoolExecutor . Those threads might not go away for a bit because it'd be a waste to keep creating and tearing down those threads too often. After a while if you create more AsyncTasks you'll find that it'll stop creating new threads..
Error when building apk - “Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/Ad” when building apk &ldquo Multiple dex files define Lcom google ads Ad&rdquo I've been tearing my hair out over this one for the past 3 hours I've been trying to fix it but have been unable to. I've created an android..