android Programming Glossary: technical
Producing eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES it. This link http archives resources faq technical rasterization.htm section 14.050 tells you how to setup a stencil..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue there should be an error message that will display a more technical description of what is causing the authentication to fail. For..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? but any solution will involve commercial as well as technical effort. Capturing the screen image of your own application For.. the many many man years of effort commercially and technically required to achieve this. Some of the OEMs have publicised..
Android Location Listener call very often by acquiring unused updates in the background. A more technical point If you are concerned about blocking the UI thread with..
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? will run every REGULAR_INTERVAL. I haven't looked into the technical details of this approach so much but I hope I will be able to..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock devices https a bug android technical documents I tested the workaround coming up with the following..
How does Android emulator performance compare to real device performance? up the UI and lead to a janky app. apparently janky is a technical term... BTW when it shows up online definitely watch Brad's..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] improve this question My answer here covers some of the technical limitations of cross platfrom tools but let me expand a bit..
drawable == drawable? it later. By attaching a simple identifier be it a technical integer identifier or a url defining the source of the bitmap..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector memory management. As such I'm interested in more detailed technical information on the various mechanisms. In specific e.g. which.. As before I'd rather find a source with more technical information to read upon this. Again what's the impact on the..
Android: AsyncTask recommendations: private class or public class? tied to the enclosing class. Occasionally there are technical reasons for using inner classes e.g. simulating closures . They..
Android — How does Google+ instant upload work? with the new Google application on the Android and I had a technical question that I couldn't seem to find online. How does the instant..
Android: correct way of jumping between fragments between fragments This is a design question rather than a technical one. General case I want an UI event in a Fragment to make Activity..
How to protect media content (video, audio) on Android from being saved/redistributed? or at least to get some real relevant information technical docs and details . I looked into DRM as one approach but security..
Portrait for phone, landscape for Tablet (Android-Layout) devices. Tablets Landscape Phones Portrait To put it more technical. I have a layout in res layout xlarge land for landscaping on..
Android: RunOnUiThread vs AsyncTask 'convenient for developers' etc. I am actually looking for technical diffrences behind the scene. For example Paul Nikonowicz's answer..
Producing eraser effects using libgdx and OpenGL ES rendered so you'll be able to see the background FBO behind it. This link http archives resources faq technical rasterization.htm section 14.050 tells you how to setup a stencil buffer You can set up OpenGL state as follows glEnable..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue if you check your logcat you'll see that after pressing Okay there should be an error message that will display a more technical description of what is causing the authentication to fail. For example if you use our Hackbook example and did not supply..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? I spent several years trying to do it. I eventually succeeded but any solution will involve commercial as well as technical effort. Capturing the screen image of your own application For completeness I want to include your own comment that you.. to get access to these signature level APIs. I cannot overemphasise the many many man years of effort commercially and technically required to achieve this. Some of the OEMs have publicised this work for example 4 . I do not work at RealVNC any more..
Android Location Listener call very often onResume to prevent the LocationManager from wasting resources by acquiring unused updates in the background. A more technical point If you are concerned about blocking the UI thread with the LocationManager then you can use the second requestLocationUpdates..
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? activity register a PendingIntent with AlarmManager which will run every REGULAR_INTERVAL. I haven't looked into the technical details of this approach so much but I hope I will be able to make this PendingIntent create and run an IntentService this..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock user posted a workaround that he claimed works on the motorola devices https a bug android technical documents I tested the workaround coming up with the following code from the tutorial and some manual revision there are..
How does Android emulator performance compare to real device performance? instead of the main application thread where it can tie up the UI and lead to a janky app. apparently janky is a technical term... BTW when it shows up online definitely watch Brad's presentation on YouTube. It may be a bit difficult to follow..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] windows phone 7 blackberry ios4 cross platform share improve this question My answer here covers some of the technical limitations of cross platfrom tools but let me expand a bit I think that cross platform tools have historically always been..
drawable == drawable? allow to attach any Object of your choice to a View and retrieve it later. By attaching a simple identifier be it a technical integer identifier or a url defining the source of the bitmap to your ImageView each time you change its content you will..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector mobile platforms one of the aspects under investigation is memory management. As such I'm interested in more detailed technical information on the various mechanisms. In specific e.g. which garbage collector type does Android use Google Groups Discussion.. runs on the second core. The system will arrange for this automatically. As before I'd rather find a source with more technical information to read upon this. Again what's the impact on the developer other than the obvious that increased performance..
Android: AsyncTask recommendations: private class or public class? objects that are meant to be private or somehow intimately tied to the enclosing class. Occasionally there are technical reasons for using inner classes e.g. simulating closures . They also cut down on namespace pollution. One disadvantage of..
Android — How does Google+ instant upload work? How does Google instant upload work I was playing around with the new Google application on the Android and I had a technical question that I couldn't seem to find online. How does the instant upload hook into the native camera application I can..
Android: correct way of jumping between fragments correct way of jumping between fragments This is a design question rather than a technical one. General case I want an UI event in a Fragment to make Activity wide changes. Specific case I have two fragments hosted..
How to protect media content (video, audio) on Android from being saved/redistributed? hard to get in touch with as a small company or freelance developer or at least to get some real relevant information technical docs and details . I looked into DRM as one approach but security by obscurity does not seem to be a very good way. Besides..
Portrait for phone, landscape for Tablet (Android-Layout) defeats the purpose of wanting two separate orientations for devices. Tablets Landscape Phones Portrait To put it more technical. I have a layout in res layout xlarge land for landscaping on the tablet and I have the original layout in res layout and..
Android: RunOnUiThread vs AsyncTask I am not looking for answers like 'easier to see the code' 'convenient for developers' etc. I am actually looking for technical diffrences behind the scene. For example Paul Nikonowicz's answer below would have been the answer I wanted to see. But..