android Programming Glossary: targetpackage
how to pass an argument to a android junit test (Parameterized tests) name android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner android targetPackage android functionalTest true application android.. android name android targetPackage android functionalTest true and in your Instrumentation..
PreferenceActivity and theme not applying intent android action android.intent.action.VIEW android targetPackage com.example android targetClass com.example.PreferenceActivity2..
ActivityNotFoundException when different package's targetClass in PreferenceScreen intent android action android.intent.action.MAIN android targetPackage android targetClass TheActivity PreferenceScreen.. account settings. No matter how I tried to tweak the targetPackage and targetClass attributes it would throw an exception except.. you can specify the class in your intent intent android targetPackage android targetClass
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity intent android action android.intent.action.MAIN android targetPackage android targetClass CustomPrefScreen PreferenceScreen..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? the package name. public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage List ApplicationInfo packages PackageManager pm pm getPackageManager.. packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String.. true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage PackageManager pm getPackageManager try PackageInfo info pm.getPackageInfo..
Android: Start Activity from preferences.xml intent android action android.intent.action.VIEW android targetPackage my.notifier.ui android targetClass my.notifier.ui.EditCoursesNamesActivity..
how to pass an argument to a android junit test (Parameterized tests) 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 instrumentation android name android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner android targetPackage android functionalTest true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name.. to AndroidManifest.xml in your case instrumentation android name android targetPackage android functionalTest true and in your Instrumentation i.e ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 tests you..
PreferenceActivity and theme not applying android key key1 android title 1 Item android summary intent android action android.intent.action.VIEW android targetPackage com.example android targetClass com.example.PreferenceActivity2 PreferenceScreen I didn't have to apply the theme to anything..
ActivityNotFoundException when different package's targetClass in PreferenceScreen PreferenceScreen android key key android title @string title intent android action android.intent.action.MAIN android targetPackage android targetClass TheActivity PreferenceScreen I tried android targetClass preference screen from a library project for the AccountManager account settings. No matter how I tried to tweak the targetPackage and targetClass attributes it would throw an exception except since it's an account it crashes the phone . I think we'll.. AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .MyPreferences Then you can specify the class in your intent intent android targetPackage android targetClass By the way the syntax is extremely fussy at least for account..
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity android summary my summary android title my title intent android action android.intent.action.MAIN android targetPackage android targetClass CustomPrefScreen PreferenceScreen PreferenceScreen mainfest file xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? improve this question Call any of the below method with the package name. public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage List ApplicationInfo packages PackageManager pm pm getPackageManager packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 for ApplicationInfo.. packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage PackageManager pm getPackageManager try.. if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage PackageManager pm getPackageManager try PackageInfo info pm.getPackageInfo targetPackage PackageManager.GET_META_DATA catch..
Android: Start Activity from preferences.xml android summary @string textRenameDisplayedCoursesNames intent android action android.intent.action.VIEW android targetPackage my.notifier.ui android targetClass my.notifier.ui.EditCoursesNamesActivity PreferenceScreen ..... PreferenceCategory .......