android Programming Glossary: taskaffinity
USB device access pop-up supression? noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver android process UsbEventReceiverActivityProcess.. excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver android process UsbEventReceiverActivityProcess..
Android - How to display a dialog over a native screen? singleInstance android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog use launcheMode singleInstance.. style Theme.Dialog use launcheMode singleInstance and taskAffinity if your popup is detached from your main application. Otherwise..
View the Task's activity stack false task TaskRecord 44d07218 #4 A android.task.contacts taskAffinity android.task.contacts realActivity .ViewContactActivity.. true task TaskRecord 44d07218 #4 A android.task.contacts taskAffinity android.task.contacts realActivity .DialtactsActivity.. true task TaskRecord 44c4ee90 #2 A taskAffinity realActivity .Launcher..
How do I get multiple icons to launch different activities in one application? its task affinity. This is done with the attribute android taskAffinity . By default all activities share the same task affinity that.. On your settings activity you can specify android taskAffinity your.own.package.SettingsTask to have the settings activity..
Activity started from notification opened on top of the activity stack improve this question You probably want to set android taskAffinity and android launchMode singleTask in your manifest file for.. in your manifest file for your dialog activity. Setting taskAffinity will cause that Activity to launch in a separate task with its..
Altering the result of getRecentTasks enabled false android icon @drawable clearicon android taskAffinity activity android name
Notification to restore a task rather than a specific activity? by default it is if you haven't explicitly set android taskAffinity . When the user selects this notification if your application..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android com.antonc.phone_schedule.DummyBrightnessActivity android taskAffinity com.antonc.phone_schedule.Dummy android excludeFromRecents true.. activity A little explanation about what's what. android taskAffinity must be different than your package name It makes DummyBrightnessActivity..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT This works because the BringToFront activity has the same taskAffinity as your activity_A and starting it will make the system bring..
Two launcher activities android label @string work_order android taskAffinity com.package.task_for_work_order_activity intent filter action.. android label @string inventory android taskAffinity com.package.task_for_inventory_activity intent filter action..
USB device access pop-up supression? permission popup android theme @style Theme.Transparent android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver android process UsbEventReceiverActivityProcess android exported false intent.. theme @style Theme.Transparent android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver android process UsbEventReceiverActivityProcess android exported false intent filter action android name..
Android - How to display a dialog over a native screen? file activity android name PopupActivity android launchMode singleInstance android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog use launcheMode singleInstance and taskAffinity if your popup is detached from.. true android taskAffinity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog use launcheMode singleInstance and taskAffinity if your popup is detached from your main application. Otherwise user may click the back button and return to the previous..
View the Task's activity stack cmp .ViewContactActivity frontOfTask false task TaskRecord 44d07218 #4 A android.task.contacts taskAffinity android.task.contacts realActivity .ViewContactActivity base system app Contacts.apk system app Contacts.apk.. bnds 125 640 235 758 frontOfTask true task TaskRecord 44d07218 #4 A android.task.contacts taskAffinity android.task.contacts realActivity .DialtactsActivity base system app Contacts.apk system app Contacts.apk.. flg 0x10000000 cmp .Launcher frontOfTask true task TaskRecord 44c4ee90 #2 A taskAffinity realActivity .Launcher base system app Launcher.apk system app Launcher.apk data..
How do I get multiple icons to launch different activities in one application? launch in another task. You can do this by specifying its task affinity. This is done with the attribute android taskAffinity . By default all activities share the same task affinity that defaults to main package specified in the manifest. On your.. affinity that defaults to main package specified in the manifest. On your settings activity you can specify android taskAffinity your.own.package.SettingsTask to have the settings activity launch in its own task. Extra documentation. share improve..
Activity started from notification opened on top of the activity stack contentIntent android activity notifications share improve this question You probably want to set android taskAffinity and android launchMode singleTask in your manifest file for your dialog activity. Setting taskAffinity will cause that Activity.. to set android taskAffinity and android launchMode singleTask in your manifest file for your dialog activity. Setting taskAffinity will cause that Activity to launch in a separate task with its own stack. The singleTask may or may not be completely appropriate..
Altering the result of getRecentTasks Theme.Black.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen android label . android enabled false android icon @drawable clearicon android taskAffinity activity android name android theme @android style Theme.Black.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen..
Notification to restore a task rather than a specific activity? the task affinity of the other activities in your application by default it is if you haven't explicitly set android taskAffinity . When the user selects this notification if your application is running then the NotificationActivity will be started on..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android probably the most important part activity android name com.antonc.phone_schedule.DummyBrightnessActivity android taskAffinity com.antonc.phone_schedule.Dummy android excludeFromRecents true android theme @style EmptyActivity activity A little explanation.. excludeFromRecents true android theme @style EmptyActivity activity A little explanation about what's what. android taskAffinity must be different than your package name It makes DummyBrightnessActivity be started not in your main stack of activities..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK context.startActivity i This works because the BringToFront activity has the same taskAffinity as your activity_A and starting it will make the system bring the existing task to the foreground. The BringToFront activity..
Two launcher activities app_name work order activity activity android name .app.WorkOrderActivity android label @string work_order android taskAffinity com.package.task_for_work_order_activity intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android.. activity inventory activity activity android name .app.InventoryActivity android label @string inventory android taskAffinity com.package.task_for_inventory_activity intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name..