android Programming Glossary: targetcolor
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception int sourceColor mBitmap.getPixel int x int y final int targetColor paint.getColor new TheTask mBitmap p1 sourceColor targetColor.. paint.getColor new TheTask mBitmap p1 sourceColor targetColor .execute invalidate return true public void clear path.reset.. Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm..
Fill the complete canvas but keep the bound fill area as it is like circle, rectangle on the screen new TheTask yourbitmap p1 sourceColor targetColor .execute use asyntask for efficiency class TheTask extends AsyncTask.. Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor ProgressDialog pd public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int.. int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd new ProgressDialog context pd.setMessage Filling.... @Override..
how to fill color in image in particular area? algoritham private void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add.. pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor continue Point w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y while w.x 0 bmp.getPixel.. w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y while w.x 0 bmp.getPixel w.x w.y targetColor bmp.setPixel w.x w.y replacementColor if w.y 0 bmp.getPixel..
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN p1.x int x p1.y int y final int sourceColor mBitmap.getPixel int x int y final int targetColor paint.getColor new TheTask mBitmap p1 sourceColor targetColor .execute invalidate return true public void clear path.reset.. int sourceColor mBitmap.getPixel int x int y final int targetColor paint.getColor new TheTask mBitmap p1 sourceColor targetColor .execute invalidate return true public void clear path.reset invalidate public int getCurrentPaintColor return paint.getColor.. return paint.getColor class TheTask extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd.setMessage..
Fill the complete canvas but keep the bound fill area as it is like circle, rectangle on the screen p1.y int y y co ordinate where the user touches on the screen new TheTask yourbitmap p1 sourceColor targetColor .execute use asyntask for efficiency class TheTask extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor.. use asyntask for efficiency class TheTask extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor ProgressDialog pd public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor.. ProgressDialog pd public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd new ProgressDialog context pd.setMessage Filling.... @Override protected void onPreExecute @Override protected..
how to fill color in image in particular area? improve this question I found the Solution with Flood fill algoritham private void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor.. int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor continue Point w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y while w.x 0 bmp.getPixel w.x w.y targetColor bmp.setPixel w.x w.y replacementColor.. n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor continue Point w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y while w.x 0 bmp.getPixel w.x w.y targetColor bmp.setPixel w.x w.y replacementColor if w.y 0 bmp.getPixel w.x w.y 1 targetColor q.add new Point w.x w.y 1 if w.y bmp.getHeight..