android Programming Glossary: task.execute
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead now pass the argument in the textview to the task task.execute textView.getText .toString public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence.. now pass the argument in the textview to the task task.execute textView.getText .toString public void beforeTextChanged..
Google Drive SDK Exception else accountName s getDriveFiles progressDlg.dismiss task.execute account Fetches the token from a particular Google account..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package
What is better: @SuppressLint or @TargetApi? if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB task.executeOnExecutor AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR params else task.execute.. AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR params else task.execute params Having @TargetApi 11 means that if Lint detects that..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method null thumbUrl.equals new ImageLoadTask .execute thumbUrl task.execute thumbUrl ASYNC TASK TO AVOID CHOKING UP UI THREAD private class..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly RequestAsyncTask task new RequestAsyncTask request task.execute catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block Toast.makeText..
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? SiteManager.this _address _username _password _port task.execute boolean status ftpConnect _address _username _password _port.. Connection Failed status Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show task.execute If you call myMethod from onPostExecute the code inside it will..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException if token null authorizeCallback token return token task.execute public void authorizeCallback String token Log.w LOG_TAG Token..
Forcing the Soft Keyboard open
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager MyResult result dialog.dismiss onCompletion result task.execute ... dialog.setOnCancelListener new OnCancelListener @Override..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback new StreamToMediaPlayerTask client if task.processRequest task.execute catch SocketTimeoutException e Do nothing catch IOException..
AsyncTask block UI thread and show progressbar with delay task new BitmapDownloaderTask progressbar task.execute url return task.get class BitmapDownloaderTask extends AsyncTask..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute http private class DownloadWebPageTask extends.. result DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute new String http This is what I my code is and..
Return data from AsyncTask class DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute new String http myUrlString java android..
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android void addTask AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer task try task.execute currentThumbnail while tasks.isEmpty task tasks.remove task.execute.. currentThumbnail while tasks.isEmpty task tasks.remove task.execute currentThumbnail catch RejectedExecutionException r Log.i TAG..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead count if count 3 1 adapter.clear GetPlaces task new GetPlaces now pass the argument in the textview to the task task.execute textView.getText .toString public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after TODO Auto generated.. if count 3 1 adapter.clear GetPlaces task new GetPlaces now pass the argument in the textview to the task task.execute textView.getText .toString public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after TODO Auto generated..
Google Drive SDK Exception String s if s null Wait for the extra intent else accountName s getDriveFiles progressDlg.dismiss task.execute account Fetches the token from a particular Google account chosen by the user. DO NOT RUN THIS DIRECTLY. It must be run..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package
What is better: @SuppressLint or @TargetApi? public T void executeAsyncTask AsyncTask T task T... params if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB task.executeOnExecutor AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR params else task.execute params Having @TargetApi 11 means that if Lint detects.. Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB task.executeOnExecutor AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR params else task.execute params Having @TargetApi 11 means that if Lint detects that I am using something newer than my android minSdkVersion but..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method TO THE ADAPTER this.carAdapter carAdapter if thumbUrl null thumbUrl.equals new ImageLoadTask .execute thumbUrl task.execute thumbUrl ASYNC TASK TO AVOID CHOKING UP UI THREAD private class ImageLoadTask extends AsyncTask String String Bitmap @Override..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly new Request session user feed postParams HttpMethod.POST callback RequestAsyncTask task new RequestAsyncTask request task.execute catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block Toast.makeText ShareOnFacebook.this .getApplicationContext Facebook..
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? .toString AsyncConnectTask task new AsyncConnectTask SiteManager.this _address _username _password _port task.execute boolean status ftpConnect _address _username _password _port ftpDisconnect if status true Toast.makeText SiteManager.this.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Failed status Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show task.execute If you call myMethod from onPostExecute the code inside it will run on the UI Thread. Otherwise you need to post a Runnable..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException false Log.w LOG_TAG Finished with task token is token if token null authorizeCallback token return token task.execute public void authorizeCallback String token Log.w LOG_TAG Token obtained token snipped do some more stuff involving connecting..
Forcing the Soft Keyboard open
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager Long operation goes here @Override protected void onPostExecute MyResult result dialog.dismiss onCompletion result task.execute ... dialog.setOnCancelListener new OnCancelListener @Override public void onCancel DialogInterface arg0 task.cancel false..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback Log.d TAG client connected StreamToMediaPlayerTask task new StreamToMediaPlayerTask client if task.processRequest task.execute catch SocketTimeoutException e Do nothing catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error connecting to client e Log.d TAG Proxy..
AsyncTask block UI thread and show progressbar with delay throws InterruptedException ExecutionException BitmapDownloaderTask task new BitmapDownloaderTask progressbar task.execute url return task.get class BitmapDownloaderTask extends AsyncTask String Void Bitmap public BitmapDownloaderTask ProgressBar..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? Bundle savedInstanceState readwebapage public void readWebpage DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute http private class DownloadWebPageTask extends AsyncTask String Void String @Override protected String doInBackground.. tvData TextView findViewById tvData.setText result DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute new String http This is what I my code is and it works perfectly fine but the big problem I drains my battery..
Return data from AsyncTask class guessing public void getJSON String myUrlString String contentType DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute new String http myUrlString java android android asynctask share improve this question The key for..
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android public int remainingSize return tasks.size @Override public void addTask AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer task try task.execute currentThumbnail while tasks.isEmpty task tasks.remove task.execute currentThumbnail catch RejectedExecutionException r.. addTask AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer task try task.execute currentThumbnail while tasks.isEmpty task tasks.remove task.execute currentThumbnail catch RejectedExecutionException r Log.i TAG Caught RejectedExecutionException Exception Adding task to..