android Programming Glossary: team
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? better than Android. However Sencha Touch dev team is trying their best to improve this hopefully it would be better..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) seem like there is a 100 consensus within the Android team on how this behavior should be implemented yet. I wouldn't be..
What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in? [closed] question LATEST NEWS As of Google I O 2013 the Android team has moved to IntelliJ Idea with the new Android Studio IDE http..
How to resolve the error “No resource found that matches the given name” when adding library v7 AppCompat in Eclipse? you are like me you dont´t followed the advice of Android team that suggests you always compile your source using the latest..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off checkout How hard do you think it is to ask the android team to add support for turning the screen off or defining whether..
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON doesn't work as a receiver intent filter need to get control on those events . The core Android team would like it if your answer was no . share improve this answer..
Parsing ksoap2 response client with SOAP web service. Great job was done by ksoap team but the problem is there is no any good example how to use it..
How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device? 5e4910f0d9eb898a where Dianne Hackborn from the Android team has replied. However you can detect it indirectly by checking..
Android phone orientation overview including compass .. method. Does anyone know why the Android team deprecated Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION Is it an efficiency thing..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash a kind of Super Power Point or a keynote the commercial team will present the product to their customers using all the Android..
Why are most UI frameworks single threaded? as a normal multi threaded Java library. But as the Java team looked at the experience with AWT and with the deadlocks and.. the overall industry experience and we accepted the Swing team's recommendation that Swing should support only very limited..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object Java serialization mechanism It turns out that the Android team came to the conclusion that the serialization in Java is far.. Android ™s interprocess communication requirements. So the team built the Parcelable solution. The Parcelable approach requires..
Android: failed to allocate memory 14 24 14 Emulator Please contact the application's support team for more information. 2011 02 22 14 24 26 Emulator Failed to..
Failed to allocate memory: 8 an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. and the Emulator doesn't want to start...
Android WebView VS Phone Browser explanation for this Thanks. EDIT Everything that @ondoteam has suggested was enabled and set at the time being. I no longer.. that absolutely is true 5 reality checks every team needs before working on Android webkit ...which does cause trouble..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] datetime 2011 11 11 10 41 46 2 id 1 title Two basketball team players earn all state honors datetime 2011 11 11 10 40 57 ..
GUI Design Tools to mock up iPhone & Android applications [closed] paper so that I can start socializing the designs among my team and I'm wondering what the best online GUI mock up tool is that's..
Overlapping Views in Android to work it was a theme file from another programmer on the team. Just changed this item name android background #FF000000 item..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for me I'm on Indigo perhaps..
configuration changed (orientation change) and destroying Activities - is this the way its supposed to work? The first question I really want to know from Android Team why I would appreciate an explanation on how the reasoning went..
Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI
audio and video recording errors in android for Eminosoft Developerworks Article Android developent Team import import
Android webview cannot render youtube video embedded via iframe iframe to embed their youtube videos. Android Youtube Team please take a look at this problem. android webview youtube..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off this response Dear Martin We received the answer from Dev. Team. They said that you can ™t get accelerometer event while your.. And then I received this answer In my knowledge from Dev. Team That isn ™t bug. That is a limitless of this phone because of..
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? built on Javascript like Sencha Touch iOS performance is significantly better than Android. However Sencha Touch dev team is trying their best to improve this hopefully it would be better in next releases. You could see this article about iOS..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) right in that this isn't very consistent behavior but it doesn't seem like there is a 100 consensus within the Android team on how this behavior should be implemented yet. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future the apps are updated so that the..
What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in? [closed] Eclipse android eclipse intellij idea share improve this question LATEST NEWS As of Google I O 2013 the Android team has moved to IntelliJ Idea with the new Android Studio IDE http sdk installing studio.html Great to..
How to resolve the error “No resource found that matches the given name” when adding library v7 AppCompat in Eclipse? get any of the errors I mentioned it´s all done. However if you are like me you dont´t followed the advice of Android team that suggests you always compile your source using the latest SDK you get the error. The error ocurrs because my Project..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off my project svn http p mylockforandroid source checkout How hard do you think it is to ask the android team to add support for turning the screen off or defining whether the screen should wake via Lock mediator replacement similarly..
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON doesn't work as a receiver intent filter
Parsing ksoap2 response response I use a ksoap2 lib for communicating from android client with SOAP web service. Great job was done by ksoap team but the problem is there is no any good example how to use it correct in different aspects. For instance I get in soap response..
How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device? group android platform browse_thread thread 1728f26f2334c060 5e4910f0d9eb898a where Dianne Hackborn from the Android team has replied. However you can detect it indirectly by checking if the window size changed in #onMeasure. See Android Is software..
Android phone orientation overview including compass see below which is then passed into the SensorManager.getOrientation .. method. Does anyone know why the Android team deprecated Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION Is it an efficiency thing That is what is implied in one of the comments to a similar..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash mean http 3g0s1p030j243y0p3m2F For my application I want a kind of Super Power Point or a keynote the commercial team will present the product to their customers using all the Android goodness gestures etc... on an Android tablet. As Honeycomb..
Why are most UI frameworks single threaded? the other From the horse's mouth AWT was initially exposed as a normal multi threaded Java library. But as the Java team looked at the experience with AWT and with the deadlocks and races that people had encountered we began to realize that.. Swing in 1997 when we reviewed the state of play in AWT and the overall industry experience and we accepted the Swing team's recommendation that Swing should support only very limited multi threading. Read the whole article it explains the decision..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object the question why is Android not using the built in Java serialization mechanism It turns out that the Android team came to the conclusion that the serialization in Java is far too slow to satisfy Android ™s interprocess communication requirements... that the serialization in Java is far too slow to satisfy Android ™s interprocess communication requirements. So the team built the Parcelable solution. The Parcelable approach requires that you explicitly serialize the members of your class..
Android: failed to allocate memory the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 2011 02 22 14 24 14 Emulator Please contact the application's support team for more information. 2011 02 22 14 24 26 Emulator Failed to allocate memory 8 I understand that lowering the number will..
Failed to allocate memory: 8 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. and the Emulator doesn't want to start. This is for the first time when I see it and google has no..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser in the Android SDK . Am I right Or there is another reasons explanation for this Thanks. EDIT Everything that @ondoteam has suggested was enabled and set at the time being. I no longer have the references to that websites which anyway were.. your speculation about stock browser differences between manufacturers that absolutely is true 5 reality checks every team needs before working on Android webkit ...which does cause trouble and mysterious difficult to diagnose solve problems...
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] name oxford url http 1 id 2 title Baseball datetime 2011 11 11 10 41 46 2 id 1 title Two basketball team players earn all state honors datetime 2011 11 11 10 40 57 Please provide any guidance or code snippet. android json ..
GUI Design Tools to mock up iPhone & Android applications [closed] in my head . As a next step I need to put them all down on paper so that I can start socializing the designs among my team and I'm wondering what the best online GUI mock up tool is that's currently available I have a lot of experience using Visio..
Overlapping Views in Android src @drawable navigmask RelativeLayout edit I got it to work it was a theme file from another programmer on the team. Just changed this item name android background #FF000000 item to this item name android background #00000000 item java..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for me I'm on Indigo perhaps on Juno it works . The solution is to install the 21.1 preview..
configuration changed (orientation change) and destroying Activities - is this the way its supposed to work? handles configuration changes by destroying the active Activity. The first question I really want to know from Android Team why I would appreciate an explanation on how the reasoning went cause I dont get it In any case the fact that it acts in..
Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI
audio and video recording errors in android below package @copy Rights sample code for Eminosoft Developerworks Article Android developent Team import import import import
Android webview cannot render youtube video embedded via iframe problem because more websites are now using the newest format iframe to embed their youtube videos. Android Youtube Team please take a look at this problem. android webview youtube share improve this question Android browsers are utterly..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off appreciate very much any help Martin For what I received this response Dear Martin We received the answer from Dev. Team. They said that you can ™t get accelerometer event while your phone screen is off. Because HAL layer didn ™t implement sysFS.. point This would help me enormously with my ongoing work ... And then I received this answer In my knowledge from Dev. Team That isn ™t bug. That is a limitless of this phone because of H W architecture. We need to redesign the HAL architecture..