

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:43

android Programming Glossary: telephony.getclass

Fetch dial number while calling.


telephony TelephonyManager context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE try Class c Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Method m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephony telephonyService..

Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM


telephony TelephonyManager context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE try Class telephonyClass Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Class parameter new Class 1 parameter 0 int.class Method getSimID telephonyClass.getMethod predictedMethodName.. telephony TelephonyManager context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE try Class telephonyClass Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Class parameter new Class 1 parameter 0 int.class Method getSimStateGemini telephonyClass.getMethod predictedMethodName.. context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE Class telephonyClass try telephonyClass Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Method methods telephonyClass.getMethods for int idx 0 idx methods.length idx System.out.println n methods idx..

How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1?


context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE try Log.v TAG Get getTeleService... Class c Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Method m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke telephony..

Android - Auto answer the incoming call programatically?


String phoneNr bundle.getString incoming_number Log.v TAG phoneNr phoneNr String numb 4348873541 Class c Class.forName telephony.getClass .getName Method m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true if phoneNr.equals numb ITelephony telephonyService..