android Programming Glossary: targets
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233.. new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments I have a custom build.xml script which has several targets for creating release builds. Each of them is used to build the..
How to disable orientation change in Android? orientation screenSize . However if your application targets API level 12 or lower then your activity always handles this..
WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 [duplicate] API level 16 and 17 but I have seen a WebKit browser that targets API level 9 without this problem. I have attempted to remedy..
android video, hear sound but no video I am using the Eclipse Java EE with android sdk and my app targets the 1.5 sdk Api Level 3 without google api. Could someone please..
Shared library missing in android. the AVD to use. Select one of the Google APIs Google Inc. targets making sure to choose a version whose API Level matches the..
Closing several android activities simultaneously can add to all your activities to launch an intent which targets your main menu with that flag set. From the documentation If..
Is there a multiplatform framework for developing iPhone / Android applications? [closed] Phonegap is a javascript css html based framework that targets the iPhone Android and the Blackberry. It on the iphone at least.. from a Flash world. It builds to native binaries and targets browsers as well Flash HTML5 . http MonoGame..
Strategies for Honeycomb & backward compatibility stuff but also work on devices running 2.3 or below My app targets 1.5 2.3 at the moment. android backwards compatibility android..
Resume application and stack from notification a pending intent on the notification is that it always targets a specific activity. I don't want this. I need to resume the..
onConfigurationChanged not getting called orientation screenSize . However if your application targets API level 12 or lower then your activity always handles this..
Intent to start a navigation activity also get map apps You can enumerate the possible implicit targets using PackageManage.queryIntentActivities share improve this..
Difference between target google APIs and target android device. From 'create new ADV' window I can see many targets. There are 2 targets for API level 10 such as 'android 2.3.3'.. new ADV' window I can see many targets. There are 2 targets for API level 10 such as 'android 2.3.3' and Google APIs Google.. 'android 2.3.3' and Google APIs Google Inc . Among those targets I'm uncertain which one I should choose. My question is what's..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] or Xcode. It supports both 2D and 3D graphics. Airplay targets iOS Android Bada Symbian webOS and Windows Mobile 6. They also..
Auto increment version code in Android app on article that you present use ant for this tasks targets . parse Manifest parse XML get old version form manifest and..
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality? Update Qualcomm's Vuforia SDK allows you to track multi targets which are objects with a set of planar tracking surfaces with..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android ons Google Inc. Google APIs by Google Inc. Android API X From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android Virtual.. APIs by Google Inc. Android API X From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android Virtual Device in Eclipse..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments wondering if it the following would be easy to implement Currently I have a custom build.xml script which has several targets for creating release builds. Each of them is used to build the application to run against a different server URL where the..
How to disable orientation change in Android? orientation value. That is you must declare android configChanges orientation screenSize . However if your application targets API level 12 or lower then your activity always handles this configuration change itself this configuration change does..
WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 [duplicate] times to happen ONLY on 4.2.2. It is happening targeting API level 16 and 17 but I have seen a WebKit browser that targets API level 9 without this problem. I have attempted to remedy this using the solution to a problem I found here on Stack..
android video, hear sound but no video a fiat commercial in 3gp format and still no joy. I am using the Eclipse Java EE with android sdk and my app targets the 1.5 sdk Api Level 3 without google api. Could someone please post a link to a video known to play in android or point..
Shared library missing in android. for the AVD and select the system image target that you want the AVD to use. Select one of the Google APIs Google Inc. targets making sure to choose a version whose API Level matches the android minSdkVersion attribute in your application's manifest..
Closing several android activities simultaneously else that might have been above it. So use that button you can add to all your activities to launch an intent which targets your main menu with that flag set. From the documentation If set and the activity being launched is already running in the..
Is there a multiplatform framework for developing iPhone / Android applications? [closed] android frameworks middleware share improve this question Phonegap is a javascript css html based framework that targets the iPhone Android and the Blackberry. It on the iphone at least can be bundled as a native app too. http OpenFL.. Flash HTML5 etc. and is an option to consider for those coming from a Flash world. It builds to native binaries and targets browsers as well Flash HTML5 . http MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework...
Strategies for Honeycomb & backward compatibility version of the app which will let me use all the snazzy new stuff but also work on devices running 2.3 or below My app targets 1.5 2.3 at the moment. android backwards compatibility android 3.0 share improve this question The same fragment APIs..
Resume application and stack from notification as it was before the user left it. The problem when setting a pending intent on the notification is that it always targets a specific activity. I don't want this. I need to resume the application just as the launcher does. So if the user is in..
onConfigurationChanged not getting called value. That is you must decalare android configChanges orientation screenSize . However if your application targets API level 12 or lower then your activity always handles this configuration change itself this configuration change does..
Intent to start a navigation activity
Difference between target google APIs and target android Eclipse. As you know all to run my app I should generate virtual device. From 'create new ADV' window I can see many targets. There are 2 targets for API level 10 such as 'android 2.3.3' and Google APIs Google Inc . Among those targets I'm uncertain.. all to run my app I should generate virtual device. From 'create new ADV' window I can see many targets. There are 2 targets for API level 10 such as 'android 2.3.3' and Google APIs Google Inc . Among those targets I'm uncertain which one I should.. many targets. There are 2 targets for API level 10 such as 'android 2.3.3' and Google APIs Google Inc . Among those targets I'm uncertain which one I should choose. My question is what's the difference between them. Thanks in advance Dan android..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] is a C framework that lets you develop in either Visual Studio or Xcode. It supports both 2D and 3D graphics. Airplay targets iOS Android Bada Symbian webOS and Windows Mobile 6. They also have an add on to build AirPlay apps for PSP. My C being..
Auto increment version code in Android app share improve this question So I see it like this Depending on article that you present use ant for this tasks targets . parse Manifest parse XML get old version form manifest and increase it get version from repo store new version in manifest..
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality? you some background you can use to evaluate your next steps. Update Qualcomm's Vuforia SDK allows you to track multi targets which are objects with a set of planar tracking surfaces with a fixed spatial relationship. If you made a cube different..