android Programming Glossary: targetratio
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double.. ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Android 2.2 SDK - setParameters failed for Camera API on Nexus One int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double.. ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.2 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double.. ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if supportedSizes null return null Size optimalSize.. ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Android onActivityResult not called / triggered width int height final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double width height if sizes null return null Size optimalSize.. ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double.. ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 final double MAX_DOWNSIZE 1.5 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Camera.Size optimalSize.. show the larger preview sizes continue if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight.. null final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double height width Try to find a size match which suits the..
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h for Size size.. Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height..
Android 2.2 SDK - setParameters failed for Camera API on Nexus One mCamera null private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h for Size size.. Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? initCamera private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.2 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h Try to find.. Log.d TAG Checking size size.width w size.height h double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception static Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size supportedSizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if supportedSizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h Try.. match aspect ratio and size for Size size supportedSizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Android onActivityResult not called / triggered private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int width int height final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double width height if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight height.. int targetHeight height for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize this code private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h Try to find.. an size match aspect ratio and size for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails List Camera.Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 final double MAX_DOWNSIZE 1.5 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Camera.Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight h Try.. reason on some phones there is not enough heap available to show the larger preview sizes continue if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight.. List Size sizes int width int height Size optimalSize null final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double height width Try to find a size match which suits the whole screen minus the menu on the left. for Size size sizes..