android Programming Glossary: startrecording
How do I stop GC_CONCURRENT running so frequently? 10100 cscCountry is not German INS 04 09 12 25 17.429 E startRecording 10100 start Recording 04 09 12 25 17.445 I AudioCapturer 10100..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi private void startRecording recorder new AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE.. RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true recordingThread new Thread new Runnable @Override.. AppLog.logString Start Recording enableButtons true startRecording break case AppLog.logString Start Recording..
audio and video recording errors in android Activity public MediaRecorder mrec null private Button startRecording null private Button stopRecording null private static final.. mMediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Log.i TAG Video starting startRecording Button findViewById stopRecording Button.. stopRecording Button findViewById startRecording.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick..
AudioRecord object not initializing of 1 which means ready to use. The debugger says that startRecording is being called on an uninitialized object. It is also saying.. channel encoding byte buffer new byte bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true try while isRecording result ERROR AndroidRuntime 12817 java.lang.IllegalStateException startRecording called on an uninitialized AudioRecord. 01 30 15 23 16.739 ERROR..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android periodic updates from the location providers public void startRecording gpsTimer.cancel gpsTimer new Timer long checkInterval getGPSCheckMilliSecsFromPrefs..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? media_recorder private String file_path null public void startRecording path file_path path media_recorder new MediaRecorder media_recorder.setAudioSource..
Android AudioRecord example int BytesPerElement 2 2 bytes in 16bit format private void startRecording recorder new AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE.. BufferElements2Rec BytesPerElement recorder.startRecording isRecording true recordingThread new Thread new Runnable public.. v switch v.getId case enableButtons true startRecording break case enableButtons false stopRecording..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG startRecording start a separate recording thread from.. LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG startRecording start a separate recording thread from here . . . startRecThread.. AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING recorder.startRecording Log.e LOG_TAG running recorder.getRecordingState while recorder.getRecordingState..
How do I stop GC_CONCURRENT running so frequently? constructor 04 09 12 25 13.757 I ApplicationPackageManager 10100 cscCountry is not German INS 04 09 12 25 17.429 E startRecording 10100 start Recording 04 09 12 25 17.445 I AudioCapturer 10100 Audio Recorder created 04 09 12 25 17.546 I Audio Player..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? tempFile.delete return file.getAbsolutePath AUDIO_RECORDER_TEMP_FILE @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi private void startRecording recorder new AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSize.. MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true recordingThread new Thread new Runnable @Override public void run writeAudioDataToFile AudioRecorder.. public void onClick View v switch v.getId case AppLog.logString Start Recording enableButtons true startRecording break case AppLog.logString Start Recording enableButtons false stopRecording break java android..
audio and video recording errors in android import android.widget.Button public class video extends Activity public MediaRecorder mrec null private Button startRecording null private Button stopRecording null private static final String TAG SoundRecordingDemo File audiofile File video private.. setContentView R.layout.main mrec new MediaRecorder mMediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Log.i TAG Video starting startRecording Button findViewById stopRecording Button findViewById startRecording.setOnClickListener.. starting startRecording Button findViewById stopRecording Button findViewById startRecording.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v try mMediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Context appContext..
AudioRecord object not initializing made it a global. I've logged the state and that returns a value of 1 which means ready to use. The debugger says that startRecording is being called on an uninitialized object. It is also saying that it could not get the audio source. Why am I getting these.. int bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize sampleRate channel encoding byte buffer new byte bufferSize recorder.startRecording isRecording true try while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer.. 7 exiting due to uncaught exception 01 30 15 23 16.739 ERROR AndroidRuntime 12817 java.lang.IllegalStateException startRecording called on an uninitialized AudioRecord. 01 30 15 23 16.739 ERROR AndroidRuntime 12817 at
Good way of getting the user's location in Android return location Edit here is the part that requests the periodic updates from the location providers public void startRecording gpsTimer.cancel gpsTimer new Timer long checkInterval getGPSCheckMilliSecsFromPrefs long minDistance getMinDistanceFromPrefs..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? i give up on mediarecorder . code private MediaRecorder media_recorder private String file_path null public void startRecording path file_path path media_recorder new MediaRecorder media_recorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC media_recorder.setOutputFormat..
Android AudioRecord example 1024 want to play 2048 2K since 2 bytes we use only 1024 int BytesPerElement 2 2 bytes in 16bit format private void startRecording recorder new AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING BufferElements2Rec.. RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING BufferElements2Rec BytesPerElement recorder.startRecording isRecording true recordingThread new Thread new Runnable public void run writeAudioDataToFile AudioRecorder Thread recordingThread.start.. btnClick new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v switch v.getId case enableButtons true startRecording break case enableButtons false stopRecording break @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling Log.e LOG_TAG start Playing private void stopPlaying LOG_TAG stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG startRecording start a separate recording thread from here . . . startRecThread new Thread @Override public void.. Playing private void stopPlaying LOG_TAG stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG startRecording start a separate recording thread from here . . . startRecThread new Thread @Override public void run TODO Auto generated.. LOG_TAG Thread.currentThread .getName if recorder.getRecordingState AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING recorder.startRecording Log.e LOG_TAG running recorder.getRecordingState while recorder.getRecordingState AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING ..