android Programming Glossary: startdate
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java values.getString i else if names.getString i .equals startDate String dateString values.getString i setStartDate stringToDateHelper..
Android difference between two dates in seconds outputFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss Date startDate outputFormat.parse cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex StartDate.. to get the number of seconds long diffInMs endDate.getTime startDate.getTime long diffInSec TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds diffInMis..
HTTP request for XML file YHJBA13CSKTMS6XHTM6M apiKey 6XQY729FDU1CR9FKXVZP startDate 2011 2 28 endDate 2011 3 1 eventName Tip 20Calculated HttpGet.. YHJBA13CSKTMS6XHTM6M apiKey 6XQY729FDU1CR9FKXVZP startDate 2011 2 28 endDate 2011 3 1 eventName Tip 20Calculated URL url..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is String message.obj Log.i EOH response ArrayList String startDates new ArrayList String ArrayList String ns new ArrayList String.. String endDate String endTimes String id String startDate String startTimes String rate String alreadyApplied .. countyObj.getString endTimes id countyObj.getString id startDate countyObj.getString startDate startTimes countyObj.getString..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java i else if names.getString i .equals offerCode setOfferCode values.getString i else if names.getString i .equals startDate String dateString values.getString i setStartDate stringToDateHelper dateString else if names.getString i .equals title..
Android difference between two dates in seconds FROM Tracks Where Id ' ' trackId ' ' null SimpleDateFormat outputFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss Date startDate outputFormat.parse cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex StartDate Date endDate outputFormat.parse cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex..
HTTP request for XML file String URL http eventMetrics Event apiAccessCode YHJBA13CSKTMS6XHTM6M apiKey 6XQY729FDU1CR9FKXVZP startDate 2011 2 28 endDate 2011 3 1 eventName Tip 20Calculated HttpGet get new HttpGet URL get.addHeader Accept application xml get.addHeader.. like String uri http eventMetrics Event apiAccessCode YHJBA13CSKTMS6XHTM6M apiKey 6XQY729FDU1CR9FKXVZP startDate 2011 2 28 endDate 2011 3 1 eventName Tip 20Calculated URL url new URL uri HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is break case HttpConnection.DID_SUCCEED String response String message.obj Log.i EOH response ArrayList String startDates new ArrayList String ArrayList String ns new ArrayList String ArrayList String rates new ArrayList String HashMap String.. .nextValue for int i 0 i object.length i String area String endDate String endTimes String id String startDate String startTimes String rate String alreadyApplied String n JSONObject countyObj object.getJSONObject String.valueOf.. area endDate countyObj.getString endDate endTimes countyObj.getString endTimes id countyObj.getString id startDate countyObj.getString startDate startTimes countyObj.getString startTimes rate countyObj.getString rates .split 0 alreadyApplied..