android Programming Glossary: state_connecting
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service doing nothing public static final int STATE_LISTEN 1 now listening for incoming connections public static final int STATE_CONNECTING 2 now initiating an outgoing connection public static final int STATE_CONNECTED 3 now connected to a remote device.. void connectToDevice String macAddress BluetoothDevice device mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice macAddress if mState STATE_CONNECTING if mConnectThread null mConnectThread.cancel mConnectThread null Cancel any thread currently running a connection if.. mConnectedThread.cancel mConnectedThread null mConnectThread new ConnectThread device mConnectThread.start setState STATE_CONNECTING private void setState int state PrinterService.mState state if mHandler null mHandler.obtainMessage AbstractActivity.MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android 1 D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService 1729 setState STATE_LISTEN STATE_CONNECTING E BluetoothChat 1729 ON RESUME I BluetoothChat 1729 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE STATE_CONNECTING I BluetoothChatService 1729 BEGIN.. 1729 setState STATE_LISTEN STATE_CONNECTING E BluetoothChat 1729 ON RESUME I BluetoothChat 1729 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE STATE_CONNECTING I BluetoothChatService 1729 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery.. 1729 CONNECTION FAIL TOSTRING Service discovery failed D BluetoothChatService 1729 setState STATE_CONNECTING STATE_LISTEN D BluetoothChatService 1729 start D BluetoothChatService 1729 setState STATE_LISTEN STATE_LISTEN I BluetoothChat..