

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:02

android Programming Glossary: startcolor

Standard Android Button with a different color


item android state_pressed true shape gradient android startColor @color yellow1 android endColor @color yellow2 android angle.. shape gradient android endColor @color orange4 android startColor @color orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp.. shape gradient android endColor @color blue2 android startColor @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp..

How do I create a ListView with rounded corners in Android?


apk res android android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #SomeGradientBeginColor android endColor #SomeGradientEndColor..

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android


shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75.. clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75.. clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android endColor @color progress_end..

Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog


gradient android type sweep android useLevel false android startColor #300000ff android centerColor #500000ff android endColor #ff0000ff.. android id @android id background shape gradient android startColor #000001 android centerColor #0b131e android centerY 0.75 .. id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android..

Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded


http schemas.android.com apk res android gradient android startColor #3A3C39 android endColor #181818 android angle 270 corners..

Multi-gradient shapes


android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android endColor #FF477b36 android type linear shape.. android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android endColor #FF477b36 android type linear ..

Android change Horizonal Progress bar color


shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75.. clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75.. clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #33FF33 android endColor #008000 android angle 270 shape clip..

Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget


top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android endColor #666666.. top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android endColor #666666.. bottom 0dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #8F8F8F android centerColor #656565 android endColor #3F3F3F..

Standard Android Button with a different color


xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android state_pressed true shape gradient android startColor @color yellow1 android endColor @color yellow2 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05.. bottom 10dp shape item item android state_focused true shape gradient android endColor @color orange4 android startColor @color orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp .. 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item shape gradient android endColor @color blue2 android startColor @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding..

How do I create a ListView with rounded corners in Android?


encoding UTF 8 shape xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #SomeGradientBeginColor android endColor #SomeGradientEndColor android angle 270 corners android bottomRightRadius 7dp android..

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android


apk res android item android id @android id background shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item.. shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip.. 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android endColor @color progress_end android angle 270 shape clip item layer list share improve..

Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog


false size android width 50dip android height 50dip gradient android type sweep android useLevel false android startColor #300000ff android centerColor #500000ff android endColor #ff0000ff shape then created an animation mp3.xml like this xml.. xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android item android id @android id background shape gradient android startColor #000001 android centerColor #0b131e android centerY 0.75 android endColor #0d1522 android angle 270 shape item item.. #0d1522 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape clip item item android..

Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded


xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android gradient android startColor #3A3C39 android endColor #181818 android angle 270 corners android radius 0dp shape So I apply it to my ListView with android..

Multi-gradient shapes


apk res android android shape rectangle corners android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android endColor #FF477b36 android type linear shape half_overlay.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape xmlns.. apk res android android shape rectangle corners android radius 3dp gradient android angle 0 android startColor #FF63a34a android endColor #FF477b36 android type linear shape item item android top 50dp shape android shape rectangle..

Android change Horizonal Progress bar color


apk res android item android id @android id background shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android angle 270 shape item.. shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android angle 270 shape clip.. 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #33FF33 android endColor #008000 android angle 270 shape clip item layer list You can change up the colors as needed this..

Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget


color @color default_back_color shape item item android top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android endColor #666666 android angle 90 corners android bottomRightRadius 0dp android.. color @color default_back_color shape item item android top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android endColor #666666 android angle 90 corners android bottomRightRadius 0dp android.. android top 4dp android left 1dp android right 1dp android bottom 0dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #8F8F8F android centerColor #656565 android endColor #3F3F3F android angle 90 corners android bottomRightRadius 0dp android..