android Programming Glossary: startpoint
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] point of this segment. @return a GeoPoint public GeoPoint startPoint return start Creates a segment which is a copy of this one...
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON mapView.getProjection if shadow false points null Point startPoint null endPoint null Path path new Path We are creating the path.. gPointA pointA if i 0 This is the start point startPoint pointA path.moveTo pointA.x pointA.y else if i points.size 1.. 5 paint.setAlpha 90 if getDrawStartEnd if startPoint null drawOval canvas paint startPoint if endPoint null drawOval..
Move markers in google map v2 android Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final LatLng startLatLng.. final LatLng startLatLng proj.fromScreenLocation startPoint final long duration 500 final Interpolator interpolator new..
How to make route drawing more efficient? public class PathOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint startPoint private GeoPoint finishPoint private ArrayList GeoPoint pathPoints.. float dx private float dy public PathOverlay GeoPoint startPoint GeoPoint finishPoint ArrayList GeoPoint pathPoints int color.. finishPoint ArrayList GeoPoint pathPoints int color this.startPoint startPoint this.finishPoint finishPoint this.pathPoints pathPoints..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] final GeoPoint point start point Get the starting point of this segment. @return a GeoPoint public GeoPoint startPoint return start Creates a segment which is a copy of this one. @return a Segment that is a copy of this one. public Segment..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false points null Point startPoint null endPoint null Path path new Path We are creating the path for int i 0 i points.size i GeoPoint gPointA points.get i.. GeoPoint gPointA points.get i Point pointA new Point projection.toPixels gPointA pointA if i 0 This is the start point startPoint pointA path.moveTo pointA.x pointA.y else if i points.size 1 This is the end point endPoint pointA path.lineTo pointA.x.. pathColor paint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha 90 if getDrawStartEnd if startPoint null drawOval canvas paint startPoint if endPoint null drawOval canvas paint endPoint if path.isEmpty canvas.drawPath..
Move markers in google map v2 android handler new Handler final long start SystemClock.uptimeMillis Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final LatLng startLatLng proj.fromScreenLocation startPoint final long duration.. Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final LatLng startLatLng proj.fromScreenLocation startPoint final long duration 500 final Interpolator interpolator new LinearInterpolator new Runnable @Override public..
How to make route drawing more efficient? is caching path to bitmap but have no idea how to do it. public class PathOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint startPoint private GeoPoint finishPoint private ArrayList GeoPoint pathPoints private Paint paint private Path path private Point pathStartPoint.. private Point pathStartPoint private Point pathEndPoint private float dx private float dy public PathOverlay GeoPoint startPoint GeoPoint finishPoint ArrayList GeoPoint pathPoints int color this.startPoint startPoint this.finishPoint finishPoint this.pathPoints.. float dy public PathOverlay GeoPoint startPoint GeoPoint finishPoint ArrayList GeoPoint pathPoints int color this.startPoint startPoint this.finishPoint finishPoint this.pathPoints pathPoints this.paint new Paint this.paint.setAntiAlias true this.paint.setDither..