android Programming Glossary: startpreview
really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice improve this question Are you calling setPreviewDisplay startPreview and setPreviewCallback this from the app Without that you will..
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android optimalSize.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview startPreview @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder.. camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview startPreview @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder try..
Using android.view.SurfaceView with a camera on part of the screen in your stack trace that you are missing explaining why startPreview failed. Look for a Caused by or other line mid way through the..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception LOG_LINE _jpegCallback.onPictureTaken called. _camera.startPreview _previewIsRunning true @Override public void surfaceChanged.. Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE About to start preview... _camera.startPreview _previewIsRunning true Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Started preview... question I also had the similar issue. later i found startPreview is very important. _camera.startPreview is very important before..
android camera surfaceview orientation SurfaceView and overrides surfaceChanged just calls startPreview surfaceCreated opens camera edits params sets surfaceHolder..
android: camera onPause/onResume issue Then my galaxy S vibrates and the screen stays black since startPreview is not re triggered after jpegCallback. The stack trace is far.. requestLayout camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder cameraActivity.log..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails Camera will not work. startPreview fails I'm getting these errors from LogCat 10 30 00 31 51.494.. 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 java.lang.RuntimeException startPreview failed 10 30 00 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 at android.hardware.Camera.startPreview.. 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 at android.hardware.Camera.startPreview Native Method 10 30 00 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 at com.matthewmitchell.nightcam.CameraSurfaceView.surfaceCreated..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? I am doing the standard FLASH_MODE_TORCH flash mode torch startPreview chain. Kind of disappointing that this seemingly standard API.. mCamera.setParameters params mCamera.startPreview ... Turn off LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode..
really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice layout android activity android camera surfaceview share improve this question Are you calling setPreviewDisplay startPreview and setPreviewCallback this from the app Without that you will not get any calls to onPreviewFrame . In fact if you are..
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android width height parameters.setPreviewSize optimalSize.width optimalSize.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview startPreview @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder try if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD.. parameters.setPreviewSize optimalSize.width optimalSize.height camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview startPreview @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder try if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD Camera.CameraInfo..
Using android.view.SurfaceView with a camera on part of the screen suffice. In terms of your exception there may be more detail in your stack trace that you are missing explaining why startPreview failed. Look for a Caused by or other line mid way through the stack trace. If you can't identify it edit your question..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception public void onPictureTaken byte data Camera camera Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE _jpegCallback.onPictureTaken called. _camera.startPreview _previewIsRunning true @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if _previewIsRunning.. Exception ex ex.printStackTrace Log.e LOG_TAG ex.toString Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE About to start preview... _camera.startPreview _previewIsRunning true Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Started preview. @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder.. Thank you. android exception camera share improve this question I also had the similar issue. later i found startPreview is very important. _camera.startPreview is very important before the takePicutre checkout the point 5 and 6 in this link...
android camera surfaceview orientation camera surfaceview orientation Ok so I have a class that extends SurfaceView and overrides surfaceChanged just calls startPreview surfaceCreated opens camera edits params sets surfaceHolder surfaceDestroyed calls stopPreview release camera this all work..
android: camera onPause/onResume issue is still executed see code but jpeg callback isn't anymore Then my galaxy S vibrates and the screen stays black since startPreview is not re triggered after jpegCallback. The stack trace is far from usefull for me. Strange thing is that this only happens.. getOptimalPreviewSize .width getOptimalPreviewSize .height requestLayout camera.setParameters parameters camera.startPreview public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder cameraActivity.log surfaceDestroyed if null camera.stopPreview..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails Camera will not work. startPreview fails I'm getting these errors from LogCat 10 30 00 31 51.494 D CameraHal 1205 CameraHal setOverlay 1 00000000 00000000.. 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 FATAL EXCEPTION main 10 30 00 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 java.lang.RuntimeException startPreview failed 10 30 00 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 at android.hardware.Camera.startPreview Native Method 10 30 00 31 52.588.. java.lang.RuntimeException startPreview failed 10 30 00 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 at android.hardware.Camera.startPreview Native Method 10 30 00 31 52.588 E AndroidRuntime 5040 at com.matthewmitchell.nightcam.CameraSurfaceView.surfaceCreated..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? for the Galaxy Nexus How do I find a reference to program it I am doing the standard FLASH_MODE_TORCH flash mode torch startPreview chain. Kind of disappointing that this seemingly standard API doesn't appear to be so universal after all. android led.. params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters params mCamera.startPreview ... Turn off LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF mCamera.setParameters..